End of Month Reflections, February, 2017

It’s hard to believe that February is almost over. The last full month of the winter-time is swiftly drawing to a close. And with good riddance, as far as I’m concerned (weather-wise). I’m no fan of the frigid temperatures or blustery winds! I prefer heat and humidity over the cold, anytime! Therefore, in bidding farewell to the month of February, I can bear in mind that we’re now closer to the arrival of Spring! That thought alone adds an extra bounce of joy into every step that I take!

At the end of this, my second month authoring ReNude Pride, I am enjoying my return to blogging with WordPress as well as making new friends (both naturist/nudist and otherwise) and, most importantly, re-connecting with those that I’d lost contact. For me, one of the many benefits of blogging are the interactions with other bare bloggers and their experiences living clothes-free in a primarily textile world. I’m constantly awed by the similarities in some of our predicaments even though we are often living on completely different continents.

Just as excitement over fashion and style unites textile people, our preference for our clothes-freedom lifestyle unites us naturists/nudists. One example of this is from one of my new bare friends. Nudistinhiding is a blog written by ScottishChuck. During this month, he published on his site his experience on being socially nude for the first time ever. Click the following title, “First Nude Yoga Class,” to read about his initiation as a bare practitioner (nudist). Prior to this, he had shared his being anxious over being naked and in the company of others. Personally, I enjoy reading and learning about the naturist/nudist experiences of others, especially when it’s often their first time being communally bare (social nudity).

I’m also excited to announce that Kenn Campbell-Harris, the journalist and creator of the blog, Gay Black Nudist, (click title to view his blog) has graciously volunteered to be the first subject of a new series of interviews that I’ll publish on ReNude Pride. We’re in the process of editing his interview now and plans are to post the finished product here next month. At this time, the scheduled date for publication is Monday, March 27. Thank you, Kenn! I’ve already bestowed him with the honorific BPM (bare practitioner of the month)! I think most of you will enjoy reading of his experiences with nudity, being gay and blogging. Don’t forget to check out and to follow his blog!

I was baptized as an infant in the Greek Orthodox Church. I was raised in the Orthodox faith, along with all of my brothers (all total, I have seven siblings). Today, the penitential season of Lent begins which culminates in the Feast of Holy Easter (April 16). This year, Holy Easter and Western Easter fall on the same date.

Naked hugs!

Roger/ReNude Pride




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A same gender loving (gay) bare practitioner (nudist) who invites you to explore my blog. At times I may appear irreverent but I am in no way irrelevant!

5 thoughts on “End of Month Reflections, February, 2017”

  1. If you like hot and humid, then South Florida is for you. And may I add, Fort Lauderdale has quite gay nudist colony. I’m glad you are blogging and enjoying it. I’m enjoying catching up with your posts. I too came back to the blogosphere as I missed it. Given time, you do meet a lot of friendly writers and folk from all over you wouldn’t otherwise meet. Keep writing, I’m reading. Warm naked hugs.

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    1. Than you for taking the time to post your opinions here. I appreciate your kind thoughts about “ReNude Pride.” I’ve wondered about living in south Florida but the hurricane threat just intimidates me. Also, my husband is very much “Virginia-bound.” Naked hugs right back to you, friend! 🙂

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