Sex On The Beach!

In case anyone is expecting a steamy, graphic and definitely all-adult rated recounting of an intimate interlude between my husband, Aaron, and myself; look elsewhere. The title is also the name of a mixed alcoholic beverage. This post is the recipe for that intoxicating refreshment along with a tale of how my better-half (read: Aaron) seduced me the first time we met. Our second wedding anniversary is in a few weeks, and this is in honor of the both of us and our love.

Sorry to disappoint any of you who were hoping for a risque` revelation. Perhaps in my next life, I’ll provide more intimate details! Until then, just hold the image above in your minds and understand now that I am the innocent party in this situation.

Aaron and I met at a socially nude event during the early summer of 2010. Up until that moment that our paths crossed, we’d never laid eyes on one another, bare or clothed. I had arrived at the party, stripped off my clothing and was wandering along the sandy, beach-like area bordering the riverfront, looking at the men and checking to see if any of my friends had arrived. That was when I saw Aaron, standing off to himself and seriously eyeballing me!  His sunglasses were pulled down on his nose and he was staring at me – hard! I remember thinking to myself, “that is one very attractive man!” 

Having just surrendered all hope of finding any hope of a lasting relationship, I walked over to where he was and extended my hand in greeting. I was expecting a firm handshake in return but what I received was a warm embrace that was followed by a kiss on my lips and as he held me close, I felt a physical confirmation of what he wanted from me growing. I was like butter in a fully heated frying pan – and completely at his mercy.

It wasn’t long before he sauntered over to the bar to mix us each a drink. I had shared with him before he left that I preferred fruit juice only as it had been years since I’d had an alcoholic beverage. He returned with two of his “specialty mixes:” Sex On The Beach. He promised that he’d added nothing more than a “taste” of vodka. After gulping half of mine in one swallow, I immediately knew that I’d met my Waterloo.

Three Sex On The Beach drinks later, I gave up both my house and vehicle keys and had accepted my fate of facing a long and sleepless night. I was seriously hoping that Aaron wasn’t the perfect gentleman that he appeared to be.

He wasn’t. And no, we absolutely did not have sex on the beach that night. We did, however, have passion in my bedroom – together. Although I had no way of knowing at the time, we would replay our bedroom antics again the following morning, the following night and many times thereafter until the present.

We were married on August 15, 2015. On our honeymoon, we finally enjoyed actual, honest-to-goodness sex on the beach! 


Aaron’s Own “Sex On The Beach” Cocktail Recipe


  • 1 and 1/3 ounces of vodka
  • 1 and 1/3 ounces of cranberry juice
  • 2/3 of an ounce of peach schnapps
  • 1 and 1/3 ounce of orange juice (or pineapple-orange juice)

Pour all ingredients  into a highball glass over ice. Garnish with an orange slice. Do not make the same mistake as I did and try to drink it all at once! The image above is how the beverage should look.

Author’s Note: Aaron and I do not accept any liability for anyone abusing or neglecting to drink responsibly.

Naked hugs!

Roger/ReNude Pride


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A same gender loving (gay) bare practitioner (nudist) who invites you to explore my blog. At times I may appear irreverent but I am in no way irrelevant!

12 thoughts on “Sex On The Beach!”

  1. OMG I love staying bare and drinking a sex on the beach… Well heck I’m a bit of a lush. I absolutely love a great apple martini.

    Liked by 1 person

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