July 4, 2018

As I sit here in front of my laptop I am trying, yes, sincerely trying, to find something uplifting and flag-waving to post about today’s USA holiday. Unfortunately, I’m just not able to find any type of inspirational reason to wave a flag. Since the last national election, I’ve found it easier to be be embarrassed and humiliated over living in this country than I’ve found ever in my entire life. Yes, I was born here, but to Greek parents. And my parents legally migrated here after World War II but upon my father’s retirement, returned to their homeland, Greece.

Aaron’s (my spouse) father was born Canadian and retains his Canadian nationality. Yes, his father was the grandson of an escaped slave, but he was born, raised and educated in Canada and proudly retains his Canadian passport and identity. Hell, his father even flies the Canadian flag from the second-story (level) balcony on their family home. My parents never had the boldness to display the Greek flag outside our home. They always had it mounted inside.


I know that I am not alone in feeling this way about the USA in these far-from-celebratory days. I’m aware that others fought and died so that I can have these none-too-happy feelings. I am grateful for their patriotism and sense of duty. I merely find my patriotic enthusiasm at a very low point right now. Judging from the sorry state of affairs in this country, I don’t see any hope of being optimistic about the future.

I look around me and see more of the same. Without any hope on the horizon and the sad fact that the shameless conduct of many of the political leadership class here apparently clueless to the mood across much of this land. This despondency has got to change.

Then I am reminded that this isn’t the first darkest hour that the USA has faced. It probably is far from the last, as well.

I wasn’t going to post anything today. I was just going to pretend it was a regular week and channel my energies into drafting a dynamic post for Friday, my next usual day to publish ReNude Pride. After all, if I’m not motivated, then I’m just not motivated and move on.

Then my dear, sweet, thoughtful husband came home Monday night from work and when I shared my feelings with him remarked: “You’ve never gone the easy route before. Why start now? Don’t let the current political leader dictate to you. Put him on notice and dictate to him.” 

Those words stung for all of a couple of hours. Then I moved beyond the pain and thought about the actual message: It’s too easy knowing that he’s an immature and spoiled megalomaniac. Blame him for his faults (and they are legion). But don’t try to shift the blame for your (meaning mine) shortcomings onto him.


So despite my dark mood in these dark times, there is a proverbial silver lining to these dark clouds of despondency. The powers that be may decide to delete his twitter account. There, now I feel so much better already! And it isn’t even daybreak on July 4th, yet!

And once the sun does rise today, Twin (my identical twin brother, Alex) and his boyfriend and Aaron (my spouse) and I are off to skinny-dip! I feel so much better already! There’s time for some patriotism on this holiday after all! A skinny-dip, that American summer past-time favorite, is just as good as waving the flag and much more enjoyable!

Happy July 4th!

Naked hugs!

Roger/ReNude Pride

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ReNude Pride’s Skinny-Dipping Logo!



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A same gender loving (gay) bare practitioner (nudist) who invites you to explore my blog. At times I may appear irreverent but I am in no way irrelevant!

7 thoughts on “July 4, 2018”

    1. Thank you, my Kenyan brother, for the reminder of the need to be patient so we can persevere. I’m one of those men who needs to be reminded of this repeatedly. Naked hugs!


  1. Roger, you’ve expressed many of my sentiments regarding the situation of our beloved country. While I am patriotic, I too had not felt like “celebrating” the independence of this country…at least not blog-wise nor by other means, on this day… July 4th, 2018. I felt the same way last year too. It sickens me to see spreading wider and wider, the dark cloud which has shadowed our nation in the last two years.
    Anyway, this “Independence Day” will be another regular day for me. I live alone and have no friends with whom to visit and have so much as a BBQ but hey, I’ll be okay. I was asked by my boss if I wanted to work an extra shift at the radio station this evening. I took that shift because I didn’t want to be home where I’d have to hear all that goddamn firework noise outside my window; noise which I never particularly liked anyway.
    May you and Aaron have a safe and happy day!
    Naked hugs and a gentle tug.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Rob, I actually hesitated before I even published this post as it seemed as though Aaron and I were the only ones who felt this way. The irony there is that I hold dual citizenship here (both USA and Greece) and Aaron considers himself Canadian even though he was born here. Thanks for validating our feelings. I can sympathize over the fireworks issue. Although I’m unable to be bothered by the noise, the smell of the explosions makes me sick to my stomach. Our dog, a Siberian husky, is deathly afraid of any loud noise so fortunately, Arlington, VA. allows NO fireworks due to our proximity to the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Skinny dipping is our “patriotic duty” today! As always, your input is always most welcome and appreciated my blogging brother and friend! Love, naked hugs and a gentle tug!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You’ve Expressed My Sentiments Whole Heartedly. I stopped celebratin 4th of July ages ago especially when margnizalized groups of people are being targeted for their gender identity, skin color, sexual orientation, religion, and ancestory. The current leader of the free world makes it no better. I feel that the US is the laughing stock of the world right now. God, ancestors, universe help us all. It’s just another day off for me.

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