
Using the comments section below this posting, please indicate which of the two images listed below that you personally prefer to represent ReNude Pride. I am seriously considering changing the logo that indicates both me as the blog author as well as the one that serves to identify this site. I have no particular problem with the one that I currently have, I am thinking something colorful would attract the attention of others.

Example A:


This is my current logo or gravatar that identifies both myself and this site, ReNude Pride. I selected this mainly because the buttocks were bare which represents clothes free. I also liked the artistic concept of the bare buttocks being enclosed inside a triangle composed of the six colors of the rainbow flag which signifies the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer (GLBTQ) community.

Example B:

Mixed Race Gay Couple --- Image by © Illustration Works/Corbis

This is a logo that a friend sent to me shortly before Aaron and I were married. It depicts a mixed race couple which is precisely what Aaron and I are. The background for this image of the same gender loving couple is, of course, the rainbow flag which represents the identical as implied above. The bromantic (male romantic) couple are both shirtless which could also signify bare or nude.

Please use the comments space below to indicate your preference for either Example A or for Example B. All that you need to indicate your choice is to list either example. Any additional comment as well as your preference will be attached below.

Naked hugs!

Roger/ReNude Pride


Published by


A same gender loving (gay) bare practitioner (nudist) who invites you to explore my blog. At times I may appear irreverent but I am in no way irrelevant!

28 thoughts on “Decisions!”

  1. The first one is a true logo, a symbolic representation of what the blog is about. The second is about you and Aaron, not the blog, in my opinion. You might color the butt symbol brown tan and white, or make a backgound of black, brown, and tan to make it more inclusive of you and Aaron.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Like DaWired’s stamen “You might color the butt symbol brown tan and white.” Keep your same blog logo but add the two colors — seems that would do the ‘trick’ for an update. Your blog is fantastic to follow as one nudist to another. And all our nudist naked brothers who follow. Keep yourselves nudist naked men !


  2. Rog, I’ve always loved the first logo (Example A). Now, having seen Example B, I love that one too!

    I like Example B, not so much because it happens to reflect you and husband Aaron as being an interracial or racially-mixed couple (and I’ve never particularly liked the terms “interracial” nor “racially-mixed”) but because the Example B logo can also help promote your/your blog’s content of men of various races (as does my own blog, ‘Masculine Perspectives’), as well as your support of interracial relationships (if or when there are featured images of male couples on ‘ReNude Pride’ that could either suggest or imply an interracial relationship of some kind). I say that because even in 2019, there are unfortunately, a number of people of various races/skin color – who, regardless of their sexual orientation and/or sociopolitical beliefs, still have some ignorant and/or stereotypical issues about race …particularly about interracial relationships of any kind.

    Finally, consider that some (if not many) of your current blog readers/followers and perhaps any of your new readers/followers of ‘ReNude Pride’, may not even know or perhaps not much care whether the Example B logo is particularly representative of you and Aaron. Please remember, Roger: ‘ReNude Pride’ is YOUR blog. Let it always reflect YOUR tastes and YOUR views and YOUR mindset. Speaking simply from my blogging experience, I would further advise on never trying to particularly nor exceptionally please or appease your readers and followers. Once you start doing that – or make attempts to try to do that, you could lose yourself as you may begin to wonder what works and what doesn’t work to keep your readers/followers interested. It’s a battle you can’t possibly win, g. Therefore, I say… stick with whatever is in YOUR heart and YOUR mind for YOUR blog. Many of us who choose to read and follow ‘ReNude Pride’ do so because we happened to like and enjoy the content and/or happen to either share or in some way, can relate to the content and/or to YOUR expressed views and mindset.

    Having said all that, Rog, I think you should go with Example B. However, regardless which example you end up choosing, you’ll always have me in your corner, giving you full support!

    Thanks for asking us what we think! Naked hugs and a gentle tug, my good, naked sexy friend!😎

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As always, Rob, your views are seriously appreciated and gratefully welcomed! Oddly enough, Aaron has shared with me that he really doesn’t care one way or the other as long as the focus on nudity isn’t ignored! Naked hugs, much love and a gentle tug back to you, man! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Example B.
    The artistic logo in A is for sure great, I get the symbols and their meaning, could be used in many contexts. It’s stylish, elegant, sophisticated.
    But as eyecatcher, getting the attention, I think B is better for your blog. It shows a joyful, shirtless mixed race couple and the rainbow in the background, very obvious symbols! It sends feelings of happines and welcomes readers.

    Liked by 1 person

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