Bare Contemplation

Occasionally, I am accused by some of “overthinking” a particular topic or issue. What I believe others are trying to communicate with me is that at times, I allow myself to dwell on a subject that isn’t worth all the energy and time that I devote to it. Take ReNude Pride for instance. Yes, I do put a conscious effort in planning, developing and composing this site – after all, it is my site. I’m the man who signs (types) his name to every post and signs off every composition with wishing “naked hugs” to everyone who reads here.

This blog is my responsibility. No one asked me to do this and no one pays me for doing it. It’s a job that I took upon myself to do and to all who regularly or irregularly read (visit) here, it behooves me to perform this task to the very best of my ability. I’m not trying to please everyone and I know for a fact that not everyone agrees with me, believes as I believe or gives a damn whether I publish here or not.

Several acquaintances and/or coworkers of mine – and the occasional friend (I do make a distinction between “acquaintance” and “friend”* see footnote below) have often invited me to join them for a dinner or a cocktail and I’ve had to decline due to my duties to ReNude Pride. I’m honest when I tell them that I need to work on my blog. They all, as well as anyone else, have the opportunity to read here – which is precisely why I avoid using proper names unless I have the person’s permission. Sometime’s I am brutally honest and I don’t want to invite a nuisance libel suit. wordpressCONTEMPLATIONriversideProfileW

Most of these acquaintances are very uncomfortable when discussing nudity with me. It’s almost as though they are afraid that I’ll stand up and strip off all my clothing at that very same moment. Yet, time after time, they always ask me: “Aren’t you worried about someone at your job, or worse, one of your students discovering your blog and that you prefer to be naked?” 

The questions that I just posted here (above) are a direct quote from a conversation with an acquaintance couple (gay) two weeks ago. I’m using them as an example of the types of interrogation that I get from those people, same gender loving or otherwise, who don’t know me very well.

To anyone with the same question reading these words, my reply is always the same: No.” I am an adult and I teach adults (university). What I do in my private life, as long as it isn’t illegal or causing another person any harm, is my business. My cohorts in academia who need to know about my blog and it’s contents already are aware of what I do. Due to the unbridled gossip that is rampant on the university campus, I’m certain that professional colleagues who don’t even know me are aware of me being a bare practitioner. Therefore, I’m completely comfortable with the fact that probably all of my coworkers know me as a naturist/nudist.

As for my students in particular and the university student body as a whole, the same applies. As is true at most campuses everywhere, what’s gossip for the faculty is usually “old news” for the students. Several times over my years of working here, I’ve entertained questions from my students regarding social nudity. On the occasion of these discussions, I’ve been open and honest in acknowledging the fact that both my spouse and I are bare practitioners. There’s simply no way that I could deny the truth when the actual proof is on the internet and contained in ReNude Pride. To attempt otherwise would make me a hypocrite.


If there are certain character traits that are universally despised, one of those at the top of the list is probably hypocrisy. In academia, that label alone is sufficient to bring many careers to a dead standstill. Personally, I’d rather be seen as nude in front of the entire university community than to be a clothes-wearing hypocrite.

When our current university president arrived on campus in his position, I scheduled a private meeting with him and acknowledged to him that I was both same gender loving (gay) and a bare practitioner (naturist or nudist). He laughed at my revelation and responded: ” I know!” His predecessor in this office had left him a file that contained this information about me. He also had made the notation that I consciously kept my personal life and my professional life separate.

As for being a member of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer community (GLBTQ), there was no comment made or issue raised. This was during the later years of President Obama’s administration and marriage equality had been heralded throughout the USA by the U.S. Supreme Court. My university president was in no position to make any statement, on the record, for or against my being same gender loving. The mood in this country, at that time, was one of unity and inclusion. Whatever his personal views on that topic, he obviously knew better than to share them with me.


Now that my winter holidays are here, I’ve spent some time thinking about how I should respond to those coworkers or acquaintances of mine who are curious if I worry about my job should they discover that I’m gay or that I am a naturist/nudist or that I belong to both social groups. The simple reply, in the negative, seems to be just too curt or rude. In those situations, there’s usually an awkward pause following my dismissing of their concerns with just a “no.”

One solution that I’m considering is answering their question with my standard, “No.” I’ll then immediately ask them, “Why do people automatically assume that we who are GLBTQ bare practitioners feel any guilt or shame about being who we are?” In other words, I’ll shift the burden of responding back onto them. In doing this, it is now their turn to manage the pregnant pause and, hopefully, re-think their questions.

Society and culture have made remarkable progress over the past eighteen years. When this century was new, the GLBTQ community and the naturist or nudist community were still being challenged by the fact that many of their respective members were still living within their proverbial closets. That reality has changed now. Regardless of who they are, most people are now comfortable in simply being themselves.

I’m not implying that we live in a perfect world. There is still room for progress as old stereotypes and stigmas remain. Despite recent actions, humanity needs to improve its levels of acceptance and tolerance. Yet, as 2018 quickly draws to a close, there is indeed hope for better times ahead.

Naked hugs!

Roger/ReNude Pride


* An acquaintance is someone whom I’ve never seen bare and probably am better off without that visual image. A friend is someone who’s bare body is almost as familiar to me as is my own.

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A same gender loving (gay) bare practitioner (nudist) who invites you to explore my blog. At times I may appear irreverent but I am in no way irrelevant!

18 thoughts on “Bare Contemplation”

  1. Pingback: Nudie News
  2. I like your idea about flipping the pause back to the questioner. I’d keep it personal, though and just ask, “Why do you think…” versus asking them to answer for a larger group. I think that will make them think without making them feel like they’ve just been placed into a group…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good idea! I knew there was a reason I followed your blog two years ago! Now, where were you when I was composing this post? Oh, that’s right, out on a …”evening out” with Mr. Furry-Chest Bear! 😉 LOL! Love ya, man! Naked hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I agree with Galby68’s comment. And what a good article, Roger. I feel you! Not only are you an adult but an older, wiser, and more experienced adult. A person your age, has neither the patience nor the desire to tolerate the curiosity bullshit of other people, nor do you care to cater to their precious (and often ignorant) sensitivities. You don’t need to explain yourself, nor justify how and why you choose to live your private life. It’s really none of anyone’s business, must especially as long as you are not directly or indirectly bringing bad attention or media press to your employer, nor trying to expose yourself (show your private parts; get naked) nor make a [sexual] pass at any of your students; be they youth or adult, male or female, or even a fellow gay person, or one who is bisexual, or is straight.
    Still, I’d advise you to always watch your back and be very careful about being alone with any of your students for too long a period. In today’s [run amok] “me too” world – where the slightest, most completely innocent and definitely non-sexually-intended thing one says or does can be misinterpreted or worse, exaggerated by a disgruntled female (or male) student (particularly when it’s said or done by innocent men); or perhaps by someone who is a bigot at heart and mind and actually hates LGBTQ people and/or may believe some awful nudist/naturist stereotype that one who loves being naked/nude MUST then equal or mean that person is also non-heterosexual and/or a sexual predator or deviant, you can’t be too careful.
    Naked hugs, and a gentle tug. 😎

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Rob, as always, your thoughts are welcome here. I appreciate the cautions in dealing with students and coworkers. Two years ago when the the Hollywood Wierstein guy (or whatever his name is) was making headlines for his years of misadventures, I instituted a policy of “no closed office door” to my office. My students understand this. If there is a serious issue that needs privacy and discretion, we meet with my assistant department chair.

      Naked hugs and a gentle tug back at you, my bare brother! 🙂


      1. I am not interested in all sex especially in public and being filmed. I ran away from home at 13 and I met a dude who was a very muscler dominant alfa male. He picked me up in elpaso

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you. Sex has its place as long as it isn’t obsessive. What I have difficulty with is people who (erroneously) confuse nudity with sex. Naked hugs!


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