Bottoms-Up! End of 2019!

Today isn’t the very last day of 2019. That happens tomorrow. However, after a winter break of one week, I’m returning to publishing here and will post Bottom’s-Up! today with a special New Year’s Eve post featured here tomorrow. It is sometimes difficult to compose a combined posting that incorporates both the Bottom’s-Up! theme along with New Year’s Eve. 

Continue reading Bottoms-Up! End of 2019!

Happy Holidays!

Whatever the reason that you’re celebrating this time of the year, I want to wish the very best to each and every one of you for a very safe and happy holiday! May the joy of the season be with you and your loved ones for this festive occasion and beyond! Aaron, my spouse, and I plan to indulge in this week of rest and relaxation!

Continue reading Happy Holidays!

Winter Isn’t For The Faint-Hearted!

The first day of Winter is this upcoming Sunday, December 22, 2019. Of course, the cold and frigid temperatures are applicable for all of us who reside inside the Northern Hemisphere. Those fortunate to live in the Southern Hemisphere are all too happy to welcome the warmer temperatures and their “beach season!”

Continue reading Winter Isn’t For The Faint-Hearted!

Poem:”To Eros”

This time of the year always brings attention to the concept and the meaning of love, both platonic and romantic. The poem, “To Eros,” is one of my spouse, Aaron’s, favorites and one that he sometimes recites from memory – although the meaning of the poem – to him, at least – changes often. It was one of the earliest homoerotic poems that he can remember encountering.

Continue reading Poem:”To Eros”

Friday the 13th!

Today is Friday the 13th day of this month! For a number of the early years of my life, my identical twin brother, Alex, and myself were terrified whenever the 13th fell on a Friday. For a long time we somehow assumed the dread of many others and believed that the worst fate always occurred when this happened. There were simply no reasons to believe anything different. Continue reading Friday the 13th!

Seasonal Assistance!

This past weekend, Aaron, my spouse, and I journeyed down to the Tidewater, Virginia, area to help my first cousin, Michael Poladopoulos, and his partner (who prefers not being named here) prepare and celebrate their yearly winter holiday charitable event. It consists of a bare gathering for the Marine Corps “Toys for Tots” campaign to collect new toys for children in need so that they may share in the season’s happiness.

Continue reading Seasonal Assistance!

Pearl Harbor Day, 2019

Today, December 7, is known as Pearl Harbor Day in the U.S. On this date, in 1941, the Japaneses attacked the Pacific Ocean fleet at the Pearl Harbor Naval base in the Hawaiian Islands. This early morning bombing mission, unprovoked and without any warning, led to this country entering into World War II. The photograph above shows the memorial above where the USS Arizona sank on that day.

Continue reading Pearl Harbor Day, 2019

Last Day at Work, 2019!

Today is my very final day at the office for this year! My last class for the day ends at 11:50, this morning, and I plan to leave my office shortly thereafter. Of course, it is too brisk and chilly outside to walk to my car bare and carrying my clothes. However, I have no errands to complete on my way home so I’ll be clothes free for the remainder of the day!

Continue reading Last Day at Work, 2019!

Prevention Pill for HIV

Having spent last week’s USA Thanksgiving holiday with Aaron, my spouses’ family, I was strongly urged by his older brother, David, to write an informative posting on the “prevention pill for HIV.” I encouraged David to create a draft for this entry here today which he diligently undertook. This posting on ReNude Pride is a product of our joint collaboration and in advance I express my appreciation to David Peterson for all of his assistance.

Continue reading Prevention Pill for HIV

World AIDS Day, 2019

Today, Sunday, December 1, 2019, is World AIDS Day all across our globe. It is the day when it is appropriate for all of us to wear a red ribbon – if a bare practitioner (naturist or nudist) such as my spouse, Aaron, and myself, paint a red ribbon – and proudly display to everyone you encounter that you recognize the importance and significance of the date. The quality of life living with HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) has improved but we do not have a cure – yet!

Continue reading World AIDS Day, 2019