Bottoms-Up! November, 2023!

Bottoms-up! and upper body tattoos!

Another year and yet another Autumn season rapidly reaches a closing ceremony as the end of November arrives! Please join with us in the bare practitioner custom and tradition of confidently and proudly exposing your buttocks!

Felipe Ferreira offers Bottoms-up! to fellow bare practitioner, Rhyheim Shabazz!

Our bare practitioner celebrity, Felipe Ferreira, offers and shares his buttocks in a Bottoms-up! salute to our bare practitioner community and culture’s own, Rhyheim Shabazz, in devotion, love and respect!

Spontaneity offering!

A last-minute spontaneous offering in tribute to all who willingly offer their buttocks to the rest of the world all in the interest of peace and harmony – and appreciation of fur!

Another proud and spontaneous offering!

The arrival of Autumn has left many unprepared to accept the fact that this month, November, has only 30 days and not 31!

Gio Dell gives his bubble-butt in a Bottoms-up! pose!

Proudly and simultaneously bald and hirsute, Venezuelan-born bare practitioner, Gio Dell, while in his outdoor pool, offers to us all his Bottoms-up! best and finest!

Motion and rhythm by this interracial duo!

With the colder weather temperatures dropping daily, some couples readily adapt to the indoor location in order to avoid exposing their tender buttocks to the extreme temperature!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for tomorrow, December 1, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “World AIDS Day, 2023!”

Bare Alert!

Proceed with caution!

Anyone who has ever visited a public clothing optional (with or without swimsuits in certain areas) beach is familiar with the carefully construed message that the sign above delivers: proceed with caution; you’ll probably encounter naked people beyond this point. In essence, a swimsuit is required on this side of this sign, but once you go beyond here, most people will most definitely be clothes free!

Now, imagine that you are in a retail shopping district, a commercial shopping center or a sidewalk that gives access to any number of of stores. You encounter a similar sign only instead of bathers or swimmers the labels are customers/shoppers. Do you continue or do you turn around and “beat a hasty retreat?”

Shopping in style!

Keep in mind that this is the traditional winter holiday season. Anything goes and all systems are on an absolute go! Retail merchants are eagerly welcoming any and all customers who have the means to pay for their purchases. It is also what the retail industry designates as the “season for giving (gifts).” Subtle message: it’s the season for giving to us your money!

We’re also aware that business needs money and that money needs to be spent. Truth be told, absolutely no one cares if the cash and/or credit card is from a bare practitioner or a person fully attired! The business’s salesperson, upon completing your purchase, thinks: first, shop; then, pay; after that, go on your way! but actually wishes you: “Have a nice holiday!”

Satisfied shopper!

Stay calm and remain focused, please! We are currently progressing through the 21st Century! Wake up! We bare practitioners have finally, miraculously attained economic power and fortitude. This and future holiday shopping seasons are all now under our control!

A “proceed with caution” directive is now issued to all you Textile Terrorists out there!

If you can’t handle the crowds of bare practitioner customers now amassing in the store aisles of your favourite retail establishment: Beware! Stay home! Otherwise, the next pair of bare buttocks that you see could very well be your very own!

Caution: Endangered Species!

The last remaining one of his species!

Evolution has caused this specimen to fade away from the surface of this earth! He is the very final bare practitioner to ever voluntarily engage in clothes shopping – gift-giving or personal-use – ever! It is unknown to modern science as to what exactly created this obvious unnecessary compulsion with seeking an object of little known value to the species!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Thursday, November 30, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Bottoms-Up! November, 2023!”

USA: Thanksgiving, 2023!

A Thanksgiving feast graphic!

Thanksgiving holiday is tomorrow, Thursday, November 23. 2023!

Contrary to much current and historical legend, myth, opinion, thinking and viewpoint, “thanksgiving” is considered by many people as an exclusive American occasion – one focused solely on food, the American version of the game of football and the act of winter holiday shopping! Whew! After writing that elongated sentence, I need to remember to breathe!

First and foremost, it is most definitely not an exclusive USA American observance. In Canada, they also celebrate thanksgiving, the difference being their event happens in October instead of November. Also, the frantic obsession with winter holiday shopping and the American version of the game of football isn’t quite as addictive. Certainly other countries, cultures and religions dates and reasons to be thankful that aren’t as compulsive or as maddening.

A traditional Thanksgiving turkey complete with tan-lines!

Secondly – only by a slight margin – the event is offensive to the indigenous (native) peoples it is supposed to honour. After they helped the colonial immigrants avoid starvation, the very same people they saved infected them with disease, killed and robbed them of their land and then restricted where they could actually live. They were also denied the ability to participate in the emerging government and were subjected to segregation (separation) in schools and society. And, the list of offensives continued to expand, even up to this very day.

In the spirit of fairness, the majority of us understand that what happened in the past cannot be erased from our shared history. What is possible, though, are the taking of certain actions or measures in an effort to heal, or at the very least, attempt to heal some of the wrongs committed against certain cultures.

A bold and brave act.

For example, if the current governors of the original thirteen (13) colonies – now states – jointly initiated an official apology to the descendants of the Indigenous Peoples (Native Americans) for all the injustices and wrongs suffered by throughout history, a decisive step forward – an historical and monumental step forward – will have been made. We always encourage the “taking of responsibility” for mistakes. This massive gesture would be one that every nation and culture could never, ever ignore.

Plus, it could possible initiate the building of a bridge of trust between two distinct cultures that never completely existed before.

In reality, it will absolutely not erase the past. Hopefully, it will create a precedent to be followed in the future!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, November 27, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Bare Alert!”

A Re-Visit!


A moment of humour in order to pay a serious re-visit to last Monday’s post entry here on ReNude Pride entitled Nakedness: Downside featuring our very own bare practitioner celebrity, Felipe Ferreira!

In today’s return, our opening header (picture) image strongly suggests the enormous influence and attention our previous posting generated. Today’s featured downside star assumes a similar pose with his facial expression and his visible tongue affording us some notorious insight.

Did the previous post offend him? Is he thoroughly disgusted by our sense of humour? Did the appearance of Felipe Ferreira anger him or threaten his personal nakedness?

Instead, did the obviously most revealing and shocking question apply: How much did your’s truly (me) pay him to pose for this photograph?

The honest answer, my friends, is an official secret that was provided exclusively by Royal Command to our bare practitioner celebrity! The infamous and proudly resplendent in his own nakedness, Felipe Ferreira, shares his reaction to the secret answer below:

He jests,
He explains
He laughs
Then he laughs even again!

Remember the ancient adage, my friends: the truth shall always set you full of laughter all while you’re completely clothes free!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Wednesday, November 22, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “USA: Thanksgiving!”

Holiday Travel!

Driving clothes free!

Thursday of next week, November 23, 2023, is the USA holiday of Thanksgiving. This is known as one of the busiest holiday travel events here. Many families will spend the Thanksgiving holiday with one set of family relatives and follow that with the Winter Holiday (next month) with the other set of family relations. The result is a boost for the airline business and a chronic disaster for a majority depending on the airlines to deliver them safely from one destination to another.

For those who lived a comfortable distance from their family home, an auto trip was a convenient alternative to dealing with the airport masses and disgruntled tempers. However, for an innumerable amount of years, the USA Thanksgiving holiday has held the notoriety of being the absolute worst day for travelling – period! Not just for transport by air, the distinction is applicable for highway driving situations as well. Traffic congestion on the roadways is equally frustrating and unsafe (vehicle accidents).

From kitchen into the sitting room, at home!

“Are there any other transportation options available?” my spouse, Aaron, and I frequently ask ourselves. Suggested alternative: perhaps extra consideration is necessary here. The best form of transportation during this “worst predicted travel time” designation period is maybe walking inside our own apartment/house from the abode’s kitchen to the sitting room after a trip to retrieve a can of Dr. Pepper soda from the refrigerator!

Personally, this option is the most appealing to me. As long as the ability to be clothes free is available, it works best for me. This completely eliminates the task of putting on clothing in order to simply walk outside the front door!

Using the underground (subway) automated stairs!

My spouse, Aaron, and I live in a condominium in the metropolitan Washington, D.C., area (specifically, Arlington, Virginia). Another option available to us is the local subway/underground public transportation system. At this moment, it is convenient, congestion-free and relatively safe. The only problem is that in our area, the wearing of clothing is a legal requirement when in public. My spouse and I both agree that a bare escalator ride to access the underground transport system would be a most welcome improvement!

Sitting on luggage in a crowded airport terminal!

Given the challenge of donning (wearing) a textile covering in order to go somewhere, Aaron and I are choosing a stay-at-home option for this year’s holiday travel season (the total period of time from the Thanksgiving holiday through the New Year holiday).

Relaxing at home!

As long as there is no threat of a family emergency in either one of our respective families, we’re both comfortable with our decision. This year has had a number of chaotic and hectic situations in the both of our families and so we’re both eagerly anticipating a relaxing option of being together in a calm atmosphere. Allow the airlines and the vehicle congestion experiences for others to endure!

Holiday guests!

My spouse’s older brother, Paul, and his partner, Sudhir, plan to be our Thanksgiving visitors and stay with us through the weekend. Their travel here shouldn’t be too traumatic as they’ve used the Virginia Railway Express (VRE) method before and are doing so again.

Alex, my identical twin brother and his boyfriend, Dante, are planning to come here just prior to the Christmas holiday and are staying three/four nights.

Ideal for visitors during the winter holiday season, the Smithsonian Museums offer a decorative and interesting series of exhibits and holiday decorations. Conveniently located on the metropolitan underground/subway system, a terrific option for all visiting this area and a solution to the frustrations of traffic congestion!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, November 20, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “A Re-Visiting!”

Photo-Essay: Nakedness: Downside!

A downside stare!

A Different Perspective While Bare: A Serious Stare!

Looking up: underarm fur!

From the bottoms-up! perspective, underarm fur forest!

The featured celebrity face, chest and body for today’s post entry here on ReNude Pride are those of Brazilian-born fashion (when he’s textile) model and emerging same gender loving adult film actor, Felipe Ferreira. If he looks familiar to you, he was introduced here on January 23, 2023. For more details about this proud bare practitioner, please click this link here:

Reflection: Bare Practitioner!

Felipe Ferreira, our celebrity!

After the somber Remembrance Day post, I felt a more non-threatening face, like Felipe’s, would be both rewarding and welcome! Plus, he’s sharing his armpit hair and his pride tattoo!

Felipe: more anatomical revelation!

Increasing his comfort level with his public nakedness! Great work, our man, Felipe!

Communicating downward!

Open communication skills: Felipe Ferreira’s body language and facial expressions, in both the above and the two below .gif images, deliver his messages!

Felipe in an adult film with co-star, fellow gay actor Rhyheim Shabazz (bald)!

He launched his adult same gender loving film career in this film with his co-star and director, Rhyheim Shabazz. This film was created for Rhyheim’s independent studios.

Felipe and Rhyheim exchange kisses!

I hope that all of you enjoyed this revisiting with our bare practitioner celebrity, Felipe Ferreira!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, November 17, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Holiday Travel!”

Armistice/Remembrance Day!

Vintage military!

Introduction: The Great War (what is today known as World War I) began with the declaration of war between the Empire of Austria-Hungary and the Kingdom of Serbia on July 28, 1914. The conflict expanded and finally ended on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918. The peace treaty officially bringing the devastation to an end was signed in 1919. Millions died, globally, as a result of the belligerence.

The principle combatants in The Great War were the Central Powers: The Austria-Hungary Empire, Bulgaria, the German Empire and the Ottoman Empire. The Allied Powers were: Belgium, the British Empire, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Portugal, Roumania, The Russian Empire, Serbia, and the USA (1917-1918). Battles and military engagements occurred in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the South Pacific. This led to the designation of the conflict as World War I.

A direct consequence of The Great War was the eruption of yet another global clash, World War II, that began twenty years later, in 1939. That second conflict proved even more destructive than the first.

One of the sparks that triggered the beginning of The Great War was the assassination of the heir to the Austria-Hungary throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his wife, the Countess Sophie, by Serbians opposed to the dominance of Austria-Hungary in Balkan politics. In reality, the heir was in favour of greater self-determination of the the native Serbs, Bosnian and Croatian peoples in their own governance. Unfortunately, his death also destroyed any peaceful solution to the volatile political situation.

In discussions with my students about the origins of The Great War, I have recently noticed a growing number of them referring to the actions of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand as among the causes of the First World War. This misjudgment I attribute to faulty teaching from their secondary school instructors and try my best to keep them abreast of historical truths. I’m not familiar with all of the archduke’s personal characteristics but I am unable to identify any historical source for this misinformation.

By 1921, almost all the world that survived the destruction of The Great War was observing the anniversary of the official Armistice that ended the slaughter. In the United Kingdom and throughout the Commonwealth, the peoples joined with King George V and Queen Mary in honouring the deceased on Remembrance Day. Two minutes of complete silence was publicly held in commemoration beginning the hour of the end of the fighting: 11:00 a.m. In Western Europe, Armistice Day ceremonies were conducted at cemeteries and battlefields. In the USA, the custom of Veteran’s Day was implemented.

Battlefield remembrance!

The Red poppy flower represents consolation, remembrance and death. The poppy is a common symbol that has been used to represent everything from peace to death and even simply sleep. Since ancient times, poppies placed on tombstones represent eternal sleep.

During The Great War, much of the fighting took place in western Europe, especially in the Flanders region of the Kingdom of Belgium. The countryside was blasted, bombed and fought over repeatedly. The landscape was torn apart by trenches. The previously beautiful scenery was turned to mud: bleak and barren where little or nothing could grow. There was a notable exception to the drudgery: the bright red Flanders poppy. These resilient flowers flourished amidst so much chaos and destruction.

John McCrae was the son of Scottish immigrant parents and was born in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, in 1872. In May, 1915, he was serving in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps in Flanders, Belgium. On May 2, 1915, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, a Canadian field artillary oficr and close personal friend of McCrae, was killed in the Second Battle of Ypres. Shortly afterwards, McCrae wrote the following poem, “In Flanders Fields,” in memory of his friend and honouring all the war dead.

The poem was first published on December 8, 1915, in London, United Kingdom, in the satirical magazine, Punch. It was immediately popular and widely circulated and reprinted as a fitting tribute.

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields, the poppies blow

between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

the larks, still barely singing, fly

Scare heard amid the guns below..

We are the Dead. Short days ago

we lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie,

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe;

to you from falling hands we throw

The torch, be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

We remember and appreciate the efforts of John McCrae and all the fallen, wherever they lie.

Remembrance Day Poppy Campaign


Participation in the Remembrance Day Poppy Campaign is completely voluntary. It should never be mandatory or required.

The poppy should be worn on the left side of the body over the top of the heart or on the left lapel.

Acceptable colours for the Remembrance Day Poppy Campaign are: red (remembrance) or white (peace).

Two minutes of silence are recommended, beginning at 11:00 a.m., (local time). If prayers are to be offered, they should be voluntary and silently.

The poppy should not be worn after 11 November (exception: memorial services).


Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, November 13, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Nakedness: Downside!”

Photo-Essay: Leaves!

Autumn, riverside!

As much mourning as I endure due to the end of the summer season every year, I always marvel at the colour the autumn leaves introduce into nature. It is almost as though the flowers that brightened our environment during the summer evolved to the leaves on the trees once autumn settles upon the scene. A very brief colourful experience as the leaves rapidly abandon the tree branches and then fall to the ground.

This post entry here on ReNude Pride isn’t a repeat of last year’s My Leaves Legacy. Click onto that title to link to that posting. This year, I’m simply sharing about autumn leaves without my allergic reaction. It is just the capturing of another seasonal transition in the calendar journey.

Autumn foliage!

As the autumn season progresses, the accumulation of leaves falling from trees covers not only the earth but also anyone laying there!

Bare in boots!

For many living in the Northern Hemisphere, this time of year marks the last time for being bare in nature until the arrival of the next spring season.

Hanging fitness in autumn!

The leaves change at different times. This offers an expanded expression of farewell to the growth season before the barren winter arrives.

Nocturnal autumn!

Some persons welcome the change of seasons as a salute the variations of nature. Some others, like myself, view it as an unfortunate means to endure until another trend in natural warmth returns for us to enjoy!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, November 10, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Armistice/Remembrance Day!”

Unlearn It!

Pride in his nakedness!


Official definition: “In human psychology, the term “learned behaviour” refers to any manner of conduct that a person performs as a result of experience. People learn behaviour from their parents, siblings and other authoritative environmental entities.”

A learned behaviour is a distinct practice that isn’t part of our natural (human) experience or nature. It is by no means universal (shared by everyone). More than likely, it is a behaviour or belief that is taught to us when we are young so that we do not acquire or begin a particular behaviour, habit or practice that is actually more conducive, intuitive or natural to an overwhelming majority of us. A perfect example of a learned behaviour is the wearing of clothes. The lesson taught to us is that bare, naked, nude is wrong and that clothes must be worn at all times!

Clothing is an instrument/tool that is divinely delivered to us in order to remove and/or restrict our body and clothes freedom. A freedom that we are all born with!

Ironically, the exact learned behaviour that we are taught is a complete and total lie (fabrication, falsehood). This untruth (falsehood) is practically always taught to us by the same person/teacher who also instruct us to always be honest and tell the truth. After all, lying is a sin (wrong) that is offensive not only to the divine but to all humans as well. Two lies (fabrications/falsehoods) do not equal to a truth!

So much for the un-natural and very un-truthful lesson that garments are divinely inspired! Quick! Someone should alert the divine!

Bare is wrong!

Body shame:

Body shame is defined/explained as: “the mock or stigmatize (someone) by making critical comments or gestures about the appearance, shape or size of their body.”/We are taught throughout our developmental (growing-up) years to shame ourselves and to especially to be ashamed of our bare (naked, nude) bodies. Additional instructions include that the desire and urge (want) for body and clothes freedom is both despicable, shameful and wrong! Nakedness (absence of garments) is the epitome of disgrace and it is evil.

Nakedness is also inhuman – that’s why prisoners are incarcerated nude or with a minimal covering. It is also un-natural – that’s why aboriginal persons are also classified/labelled as “backwards” or as “uncivilized.” Some are also referenced as “primitive.”

Nakedness is therefore undignified. It is also unrefined. Nakedness is deplorable. It lessens our humanity. It makes us savage. Ironically, the same may be applied to all of those who deliberately and intentionally and with malice direct and with intent inflict body shame on others. Body shaming is the process by which one attempts to address degradation, humiliation and ridicule upon the body of another with emphasis on perceived differences, discrepancies and flaws.

We are taught to conceal or cover (hide) our nakedness if we are ever in the company of others. Communal nakedness is both disgraceful and deviant. It is to be avoided at all times. It is indecent to be seen in our nakedness when around others. Communal nakedness is considered a perversion.

Pointing his finger!

The body shaming of others is a direct result of the insecurities felt by those criticizing of their own personal physical stature. They ridicule and taunt others in a feeble attempt to deflect attention from themselves.

“Who are you to judge the life I live? I’m not perfect and I don’t have to be! Before you start pointing fingers, make certain your hands are clean.” ~ Bob Marley ~ Jamaican reggae legend



Yet, we were all born only in our complete, full and total nakedness. No matter our parentage or social class. In nakedness we begin our life and we enter into this world. In the countless numbers of thousands of years, humanity continues to create itself through birth in nakedness.

Multiple millennia of teaching all of our offspring of the artificial concealing and covering of their natural body with textiles (clothing) yet the instructions must still continue even into this day and age. Clothing remains a learned behaviour, that none of us are born with. It does not automatically pass from one generation to the next.

All joining together!

“Openness may not completely disarm prejudice, but it’s a good place to start.” ~ Jason Collins ~ first openly gay NBA professional, Brooklyn Nets

“For all of us, as same gender loving and bare men, we must remember that as members of a distinct minority community and culture, it is incumbent on us to recognize that our pride in ourselves is based on our own self-acceptance and our own self-confidence of both what and who we essentially are. Guilt and shame have no place in our lives. We need to let them go and move forward in patience and tolerance for all. Love nd respect are the keys we need. Hate and ignorance are not.” ~ Roger Peterson-Poladopoulos ~ June 16, 2023

One important thought to hold onto is that not everyone who taught us about nakedness was in harmony with the lesson. Many were merely complying with their perceptions of what was expected from them.

Suggestions For Unlearning:

The actual unlearning of a learned behaviour is easier for some of us than it is for others. One important factor to remember is that we all learn differently and the process of unlearning is equally diverse. There is not one standard formula/prototype that is applicable for all of us. Ponder the recommendations offered below and proceed with what is comfortable for you.

  1. Remove all clothing and relax. Read a book or a magazine. Watch a film or television. Paint a canvass and/or draw/sketch.
  2. Invite one or several friends over and encourage them to become naked with you. Play cards or a board game. Do something bare together. Interact.
  3. Repeat the above or variations thereof in order to increase the nude comfort level of everyone. Undertake similar activities. Invite others to join the experience.
  4. Progress from nakedness (alone) to an atmosphere of social nudity (acquaintances/friends engaging together).
  5. To increase the bare comfort level of all, organize a social event (such as a cocktail party of a meal) where the ones naked can intermingle with those who are wearing clothes. It is advisable to let all the guests know of the social make-up of the gathering in advance. This is done to avoid any awkward or uncomfortable “scenes.”

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, November 6, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Autumn Leaves!”