Bottoms-Up! End of June, 2019!

This is the last day of Pride Month for all of us same gender loving bare practitioners so to fully acknowledge the auspicious occasion, strip down to our bare skin and offer our buttocks to all! Let’s show our pride in who we truly are and proudly display ourselves! There is no time like the present for us to celebrate out in the open as confident same gender loving bare practitioners!

Continue reading Bottoms-Up! End of June, 2019!

The Stonewall Inn Riots: 50th Anniversary

It was exactly 50 years ago today, on June 28, 1969, that the Stonewall Inn riots occurred in New York City, USA. This spontaneous uprising happened as a result of police harassment of the local gay, lesbian. bisexual, transgender and queer (GLBTQ) patrons at the Stonewall Inn and fortunately, the world has changed quite a bit since then. Here in the USA, such behavior by law enforcement today would initiate not only condemnation and civil lawsuits but other legal ramifications as well. I need to insert here that 50 years ago, the GLBTQ community was known by an entirely different label: homosexual. That label wasn’t always complimentary.

Continue reading The Stonewall Inn Riots: 50th Anniversary

USA: National HIV Testing Day!

Today, here in the USA, is National HIV Testing Day. On this date, the public is encouraged to take advantage of the numerous opportunities, nationwide, to take a few moments and to be tested for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Many health departments, local pharmacies and other health-care institutions are offering free HIV tests to any and all. Many people are volunteering (myself included) to work so that our organizations can offer testing to as many as possible with a minimum wait for results!

Continue reading USA: National HIV Testing Day!

Bare Beach Play!

Now that the First Day of Summer, 2019, has officially arrived in the Northern Hemisphere (11:54 a.m. EST, Friday, June 21, 2019) there is no better way to honor the occasion than to offer a beach posting here on ReNude Pride. With the same gender loving (gay) and bare practitioner (naturist or nudist) themes featured here, it is only appropriate that this entry celebrate that dual purpose both visually and in writing.

Continue reading Bare Beach Play!

The Northern Hemisphere: Longest Day of Sunlight

Today is a remarkable day on this planet known as Earth. In the Northern Hemisphere (north of the Equator) it is not only the very first day of the season of Summer, 2019, it is also the longest day of sunlight in the annual calendar.  If that isn’t enough notoriety, today is also World Naked Hiking Day! Thus, in the Northern Hemisphere, it is possible to skinny-dip (swim naked) and to hike bare (clothes free) both on the same day!

Continue reading The Northern Hemisphere: Longest Day of Sunlight

Nude Pride: “On Clothes”

The men are the same individual, just that one image (left) shows him clothed and in the other image, he’s equally happy and proudly bare. The purpose is to introduce the concept or idea that clothing doesn’t necessarily enhance our image, personality or presence. That’s the summary of the title of this post Nude Pride: “On Clothes.” The “On Clothes” is the title of a poem written by Kahlil Gibran and it dispels the dependence on clothing.

Continue reading Nude Pride: “On Clothes”

Pride And The Week That Was!

Tomorrow is Saturday and it is the day that my spouse’s (Aaron’s) cousin, Michael leaves us to return home to Canada. He hopes to be on the highway around 8:00 in the morning. He’s in no big hurry to return to his parent’s home for the remainder of this summer – he just wants to try his best to get away from the Washington, D.C., traffic before everyone else is travelling. I honestly appreciate his desire!

Continue reading Pride And The Week That Was!

When There’s A Surprise!

A surprise, especially a happy and pleasant one, is always welcome! It has a unique way of brightening-up one’s day and enlivening one’s life. It makes the time all the more valuable as it adds a sense of both joy and purpose. Surprises are generally completely unexpected and usually happen without much notice or preparation. The surprise can be beneficial in many different ways – some immediate and some when the unexpected slowly erodes into the past.

Continue reading When There’s A Surprise!

What To Wear When Bare?

Many may ask: “If you’re really bare, then what is there for you to wear?” To clarify, allow we to point out that if we are really bare, then there’s one thing left that we all can honestly wear and that item is our smile! Just as Robert Craig, Adrian Hart and Sean Zevran (left to right in the above photo) are demonstrating! Our smile sends a special message to all those we meet!

Continue reading What To Wear When Bare?

June, 2019: Bare and Gay Pride!

“June is known as gay pride month.” A very basic and original statement to denote a very unique and ultimate description of the importance and the significance of the 30 day month. However, in today’s world and its ever-changing culture and politics, “June is known as gay pride month” is no longer relevant nor entirely truthful.

Continue reading June, 2019: Bare and Gay Pride!