Bottoms-Up! End of November, 2018

No matter what meal it is, it’s always enjoyable when accompanied by exceptional scenery. Whatever he may be searching for in his refrigerator, he would do well to lose those boots he’s wearing. All natural is the only way to go these days, buddy! That’s what we tried to do during the month of November, 2018. Now that we’re practically through the entire short month, I’ll acknowledge that whatever is chilled in the ice-box, if it is Bottoms-Up! that you seek, from now until Springtime, look inside!

Continue reading Bottoms-Up! End of November, 2018

Reflections: End of November, 2018

November, 2018, was most definitely not the month I expected it to be. As those of you who read ReNude Pride regularly already know, my father died on November 11. This event happened unexpectedly following his diagnosis of stage 4 cancer of the colon, liver and one kidney on October 28. Mercifully, it wasn’t a protracted end but was swift and relatively pain-free. Which does beg the question: “How the hell do the doctors or any of us really know how painless any death truly is?” 

Continue reading Reflections: End of November, 2018

Interview: Brent Pace

Over a month ago, I posted a reference and link to a post written by a blogging buddy that I follow. Immediately after I punched the “schedule” button on my computer screen, it occurred to me that I should invite my online friend to interview here. The project has now come to fruition and I’m pleased to introduce readers here to Brent Pace, (nickname: “Pacey”) the author of Pace Of Mind blog (click the link to view). To read the referenced post detailing his presence at a bare dance party, click here.

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Black Friday: The Madness Begins

Despite what the featured photograph and title may infer, the designation “Black Friday” has nothing whatsoever to do with a racial reference. Instead, the term “Black Friday” is what is known in the U.S. retail industry as the official first day of the Christmas holiday shopping season. It is the day after the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday (always the fourth Thursday in November) which means it is always a Friday. The “Black” designation is in reference to the customary business practice of posting commercial profits in black ink and commercial losses in red ink.

Continue reading Black Friday: The Madness Begins

Thank You!

I am sincerely grateful and humbled by all the comments on my post from one week ago, entitled “My Father.”  (Click the link to view). The encouragement and love that inspired that post sustained me through a very difficult and painful transition in my life. I am grateful to all of you who read the post and especially those who left a message. There are no words to express the appreciation and comfort that I felt simply in knowing that others were sharing in my own pain.

Continue reading Thank You!

My Father

On the day of the recent USA congressional elections, I received a text message from my oldest brother that summoned me home (Greece) immediately. My father was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer in his lower abdomen (one kidney, his liver and his colon) three weeks prior. Instead of the couple of months remaining (as the oncologists had advised us), the prediction was changed to “a matter of days.” I caught the earliest flight to Athens available and Aaron, my spouse, was followed me a day after.

Continue reading My Father

Armistice Day, Remembrance Day, Veteran’s Day, 2018

One hundred years ago today, at 11:00 a.m., November 11, 1918, the Great War (World War I) came to an end as the fighting on the Western Front (northern France) ended the hostilities with the signing of the armistice (cease-fire). The Treaty of  Versailles, officially ending the war, wouldn’t be signed until June 28, 1919. The more than four years of fighting resulted in the highest number of civilian and military casualties ever recorded and continues to reverberate our history still to this day.

Continue reading Armistice Day, Remembrance Day, Veteran’s Day, 2018


If the dude above looks even vaguely familiar, it’s because he’s Daveed Diggs, Broadway Tony-award-winning star of Hamilton, guests appearances on TV’s Law & Order SVU and a couple of season’s on black-ish and also of this year’s film, Blindspotting. So if he does indeed seem familiar to you, it’s because he is. By the way, I did neglect to mention that he won a Grammy award for the soundtrack (if theatrical plays have one) for Hamilton. I need to mention here that this post isn’t about Daveed Daniele Diggs.

Continue reading Tampons?

Tomorrow Is USA: Election Day

In the USA, tomorrow is Election Day. In every voting district, the entire U.S. Congressional House of Representatives is standing for election. In the U.S. Senate, many Senators are also facing their constituents today. It is not a presidential election year (we could not be so fortunate), but we do have a duty and obligation to determine policies and governance for the next two years. Please, do not stand around waiting for others to decide for you. Please get out and exercise your choice for our future if you have not already done so.

Continue reading Tomorrow Is USA: Election Day

Bare Proud and Ambiguous!

Those of us who are bare practitioners (naturists or nudists) have enough common sense to know that it isn’t possible to be clothes-free outdoors all year long. Even those who live along the Equator, where the air temperatures rarely fluctuate, have to contend with other factors such as precipitation and wind. Both indoors and outside, our human bodies are able to offer each of us a reason to be confident in who and what we are, bare members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer community (GLBTQ)!

Continue reading Bare Proud and Ambiguous!