ReNude Pride: Seven!

Bare practitioners exchanging kisses!
A lofty goal!

Essential truth!
Bare compatibility!

One of the multitude of inspirations for creating and publishing ReNude Pride – both “back-in-the-day” in 2017 and still current in 2024 – has always been to offer a space for same gender loving (SGL) naturists/nudists to celebrate and collectively explore being ourselves. In reality we are a distinctly minority community and culture that is often forgotten, ignored and overlooked by both the general gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer + (GLBTQ+) culture as well as the general body and clothes freedom (naturist/nudist) culture.

For many of us, my spouse, Aaron, and myself included, all we desired and sought was a simple place to feel “home.” Free from judgment; safe and secure.

Hence the word-game (word-play) in the title here: renude is for renewed – a “rebirth” of our initial pride (confidence) in being our true selves. Bisexual or gay nudists. A brief glimpse of this site’s history, repeated in honour of this anniversary occasion!

One other historical reflection to share with you at this time. My first solo blogging experience here on began in 2012 and was entitled A Guy Without Boxers.

“A Guy Without Boxers” header image, 2012 – 2015

A Guy Without Boxers was created and designed for the purpose of acknowledging the existence of the gay nudist movement in our world. Aaron and I were just an ordinary gay couple at that time as marriage equality wasn’t legally established when we began. This initial blogging enterprise was abruptly cancelled and eliminated by arbitrarily in early autumn, 2015. To this date, wordpress continues to “stonewall” (ignore) any justification for this action. I guess actions are stronger than words!

Notation: “A Guy Without Boxers” remains my very favourite name for a blog espousing the nature of being a bare practitioner!

It was with extreme caution, distrust, and reluctance that we returned here in early January, 2017. We both enjoyed the blogging experience and felt a genuine need for an outlet for our SGL naturist/nudist community and culture. ReNude Pride was born at that moment in time.

There was another essential inspiration for the launching of ReNude Pride in 2017. That was the introduction and education of the label (term) bare practitioner as identification or name for our community and culture. The words “gay,” “naturist” and “nudist” invoked too many negative and unpleasant connotations in the minds of many and it was considered that a neutral identification – bare practitioner – would eliminate derogatory associations and negative imaging.

Hopefully, the use of the bare practitioner identity would replace the misconception that bisexual or gay men utilized the naked or nude lifestyle as a means to satisfy their blatant sexual cravings and/or desires. The reduction of this myth is the reasoning for erasure of intimate sexuality implied by clothes freedom and orientation. Nakedness and partner preference are not synonymous with orgy obsession!

“ReNude Pride” gravatar, 2017 – present!

A result of this inspiration is the use of ReNude Pride as a site for the indoctrination of bare practitioner into the vocabulary of all body and clothes freedom enthusiasts. This encouragement is a single step in eliminating a source of mythology and prejudice against a misunderstood minority that simply enjoys having a good time without the restraints of clothing, whether alone or socially.

This site recently “adopted” the openness of nakedness preference of the popular and publicly gay adult celebrity, Phoenix Fellington (real name: Tre Larun Federson) as it’s “spokes-model” (representative) in honour of his frequent and numerous non-sexual appearances and poses. Phoenix isn’t compensated financially for this “unofficial” status and it is hoped that the publicity he receives will reward him personally. In the picture below, he demonstrates his obvious comfort in being bare along with his friends.

Phoenix Fellington (center) directing two of his colleagues!

One of the benefits of this image is that it reflects a totally non-sexual yet proudly bare interaction between openly SGL men who are indifferent (not focused on) to their social nakedness and their shared same gender attraction!

This specific situation with Phoenix Fellington is an example of the diversity of levels of acceptance and comfort with both nakedness and sexuality within our own community and culture of bare practitioners. Phoenix, our spokes-model, readily admits to his dual nature. He honestly and publicly identifies and proclaims his enthusiasm for being bare in both his personal life and his professional life (pornography). Body and clothes freedom, whether “on-the-job” or in his private life present no excuse or reason for either embarrassment, guilt or shame. But he does understand that his reaction to this aspect of himself is not the same for everyone. He encourages all of us to be mindful of this discrepancy in all our levels of comfort! Aaron and I both greatly admire and respect Phoenix for this attribute of his accommodation of us all!

Thank you, Phoenix, for your encouragement in being confident and proud of both what and who we are!

In order to conclude this year’s ReNude Pride anniversary observation on a celebratory and positive nature, I cordially invite each and every one of you to our home for an appreciation breakfast prepared by me!

Of course, bare practitioner status us required of all! Once you cross the threshold, removal of all clothing is mandatory!

Meal preparation is open for full inspection by everyone! No secret ingredients are allowed!

This anniversary is a joyful occasion! Feel free to share your enthusiasm and excitement!

Happy anniversary ReNude Pride! Aaron and I appreciate your support!

Please read my lips:

Aaron and I both “thank-you” for your support and friendship!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, January 12, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Bare Modesty?”

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A same gender loving (gay) bare practitioner (nudist) who invites you to explore my blog. At times I may appear irreverent but I am in no way irrelevant!

5 thoughts on “ReNude Pride: Seven!”

  1. Happy Seventh Anniversary your on-line blog, ReNude Pride. ReNude Pride is very informative and very inspirational. I’m sure it takes a lot of time and a lot of research to prepare each post. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into ReNude Pride!

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