Does Size Matter?

Evidently, the exact size of a man’s genitals (penis) does indeed matter to some. Or, perhaps our guest today is suffering with a calamity known simply as excessive modesty. Obviously, he is determined to keep his “private area” very personal and very private!

Of course, it is his body and he has every right to conceal as much – or as little – of it as he wants. However, why take a selfie photo of yourself with your hands covering your male anatomy? If you’re going to be naked, then let’s see it all!

Could he possibly be embarrassed about the size of his penis? Is that the reason that he is keeping it concealed? What nature has given to you is nothing to be ashamed about. Get over it and move forward with your life! Your body looks to be fitness induced so there’s no reason to worry about the size of your anatomy!

If .2 of a centimetre (cm) makes the difference of being measured as a boy or as a man, then size indeed matters! It also is important if the number of pubic hairs in your bush is a total of 6 follicles short of the same designation. Yes, the size of your penis or your pubic bush does matter determining if you are a man or just a boy!

Even if deliberately concealing the true determination of your penile and pubic authenticity makes your nakedness non-exculpatory and non-credible! It is also a crime, a felony to be exact! Punishable by being permanently banned from ever being a bare practitioner! No chance of ever receiving parole!

Of course, if the honest reason for you covering your genitalia is that you “groomed” (removed/shaved) your pubic hair: shame! Your attempt to return to your prepubescent state is no excuse for such immature behaviour! This time, “be a man” and “own up” to your mistake! There is no one else for you to blame!

The answer to today’s question: does size matter? depends primarily on the situation. Just like other facets in life, each and every situation is different and the proper response is determined outside a standard reply!


Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, March 18, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “March Madness!”

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A same gender loving (gay) bare practitioner (nudist) who invites you to explore my blog. At times I may appear irreverent but I am in no way irrelevant!

7 thoughts on “Does Size Matter?”

  1. It’s interesting on hiw we, as males, obsess over the size of our manhood. As an artist as well as a bare practioner and art model I would certainly love to be nude 24/7 if allowed.

    As a teenager, I was very self conscious about that, being bullied and shamed in the locker room didn’t help for my self esteem.

    As an older man, such things are no longer my concern. Large, small, thin or thick, diversity as with people is what is most important.

    Naked Hugs, Fabien

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Too big is more of a concern than too small, IMO. I love men who feel comfortable baring it all with no modesty. The whole body is beautiful and should be celebrated and appreciated.

    Naked hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

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