Disrobe Drama!


A little post of pure nonsense to set the tone for the first weekend of Spring, 2024! Enjoy!

There are some within our community and culture who have a natural talent or a “flair for the dramatic.” Entertaining at times, it does involve a notion of audience and frequently, much patience! The entertaining aspect features the profound and intentionally theatrical representation by extraordinary measures of whatever is portrayed. The solemn is often played as too absurd to imagine – which is exactly why it is referred to as “over-dramatized!” Much more than necessary!

For the record, the actions are not especially the choice of the actor (person performing) but rather the individual charged with directing the actions – the director or person responsible for delivering the guidance for the performance. The theatrical “airs” one must engage while being traumatized at having to disrobe – and a terrycloth disrobing at that – is beyond belief. Not only must one be inconvenienced, with an arrogant and haughty attitude, but one also must appear grossly offended at having to discard a priceless fashion accessory – oh, that’s right, a simple terrycloth robe!

This is, after all, a dramatic interpretation! One must remember to be overwrought with anxiety!

Once the simple robe has been disengaged from the stage, the major production is finished. Complete. All that remains is a human body that is bare. The terrycloth offered minor resistance but was cast aside when it was recognized as a second-rate performer with severely limited experience.

If the terrycloth robe was the central character, protagonist, what’s remaining?

A bare body. Does this indicate the grand finale is to be a solo performance? Is our lone actor capable of such a climactic undertaking?

Let’s hope the prophecy is fulfilled: The show must go on!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is scheduled for Monday, March 25, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Revolt Against Ottoman Turks!”