Your Buttocks = Historic Artifacts!

Historical line-up!

Give your very own buttocks the historic significance they so richly deserve!

During USA GLBTQ+ History Month ~ October, 2023 ~

Bottoms-Up! on October 31, 2023, will feature submitted post-entries from fellow bloggers and ReNude Pride followers!

Bottoms-Up! pyramid!

Submissions accepted only in .jpeg, .png or .gif formats! Totally anonymous submissions. If you prefer, use only a username or create your own special name plus province/shire or state plus country of residency.

Email your contribution to: Submit from October 1, 2023 until October 15, 2023.

Scenic bottoms-up!
Bottoms-up! view!

Allow your buttocks to obtain the notoriety and recognition they so richly earn from being honourably exposed!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, March 31, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Bottoms-Up! End of March, 2023”

Published by


A same gender loving (gay) bare practitioner (nudist) who invites you to explore my blog. At times I may appear irreverent but I am in no way irrelevant!

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