

Commando = without underwear!


Commando is an ambiguous term with multiple meanings; however, this site’s name is ReNude Pride. The opening header pose features the intended focus of this topic here today. After contemplation, the definition of commando being referenced here obviously is not related to the armed forces and/or the military.

There have been times in our lives when we have seen a picture of someone or something and wondered: what is the meaning of this? Either the subject or the photographer (or perhaps both) are communicating but what is the message?

In today’s posting commando refers to the practice/routine of not wearing any style of underwear (boxers, briefs, thongs, jock-strap) when textile (clothed). For some committed commando devotees, this practice also entails no undershirts. The choice remains with the person opting out! There are no listed “rules of engagement” for commando. It is the decision of the person avoiding the wearing of underwear.

Chad removing his shirt while commando!

Going Commando:

For many, the month of March and the arrival of the Spring season entices them into discarding their underwear. Others decide not to wear underwear – period! The decision id one that each individual makes for themselves. In the .gif image above, Chad is removing his shirt but we can tell that he is totally commando inside his pants. His pubic hairline isn’t contained with any type of waistband.

Certain types of clothing, particularly cycling shorts and kilts, are designed to be worn or are traditionally worn without any garment underneath.

“Going commando” is the phrase used to describe the absence of underwear underneath one’s clothing (pants/shorts). Another phrase used is: “going free-balling” (slang for allowing the testicles to hang freely). The origin of the term “going commando” is unclear and vague. In the gay community, it is often thought to be “out in the open” or “ready for action.” Both interpretations based primarily on the proverbial preparedness for combat readiness of the U.S. Marines.

The army attributes the Vietnam War where soldiers went without underwear in order to “increase ventilation and reduce moisture.” The cause of this association is the extreme humidity the soldiers endured during involvement in that conflict.

Commando embracing!

For many exploring the bare practitioner culture, the commando option is a first step in the process. Underwear, because of it’s intimacy, is the first element of clothing put on and the last element of clothing removed. Discarding underwear is a logical beginning practice when a man is considering nudity. It simplifies the act of getting dressed/undressed.

One of the benefits of “going commando” is the reduction in the amount and frequency of our laundry loads. This conserves effort, energy and time while allowing us the freedom to pursue more pleasurable and rewarding undertakings!

My oldest brother, Nick, is also same gender loving (SGL). Unlike Alex (my identical twin) and I, his indulgence into nakedness is mostly confined to when he is with one of us and a social nudity function is involved. Nick is a commando enthusiast throughout the entire calendar year and boasts of the extra space he now has in his luggage to being boxer-free! Yet another satisfied commando!

Boxer (underwear) freedom!

An additional advantage to “going commando” is that now that March is here, in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring has arrived and along with it, the imminent comfortable, outdoor temperatures. The desire and urgings to skinny-dip (swim naked) is soon to happen!

The spontaneous nature of skinny-dipping is intensified in the sudden and often hurried stripping out of our clothing as we rush to enter into the body of water. In our haste, “going commando” provides us with one less item of clothing to search for once our skinny-dip is finished. Commando makes our lives so much easier!

Aaron, my spouse and I, once the frigid and rough days of winter have passed, frequently “go commando” on weekends, especially when there is a social nudity event occurring. We both appreciate the fact that there is one less article of attire that needs removal. The majority of the time, we’re wearing a pair of jeans (either pants or shorts) as casual clothing usually offers the maximum comfort.

Commando in cameo!

Allow me to reiterate the difference between a bare practitioner and a commando. The bare practitioner is one of complete nakedness. Without any clothing or covering whatsoever, save perhaps some jewelry. A commando individual, at the very least, is wearing pants and/or shorts. Commando is without undergarment, no matter the style or type of underwear the person prefers.

These “fine lines” of distinction may be crossed over at any time. As posted above, Aaron and I are loyal bare practitioners but on occasion we dress commando, depending on the particular circumstance. The same applies to dedicated commando disciples who, at times, opt for nudity.

To my knowledge, there is no restriction forbidding persons from “crossing” from one appearance style to another. It remains the personal choice for each individual. Sometimes, less is much better!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Sunday, March 31, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Bottoms-Up! Easter, 2024!”

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A same gender loving (gay) bare practitioner (nudist) who invites you to explore my blog. At times I may appear irreverent but I am in no way irrelevant!

9 thoughts on “Underneath?”

  1. I’ve been going commando for years. There is nothing more comfortable and more natural than letting everything hang free and not being bound in unnecessary fabric or textiles!

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  2. I’m a lifelong Nudist-Both parents were also brought up Nudist. In our Family the males/men/boys wore NO UW! Owned NO UW. It was Family tradition to go Commando. That freedom of being ‘clothes free’ was much appreciated by my Dad and Grandad and myself.

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