Strip2Dip: Summer, 2024!

Sometimes, the simpler is better! The month of June, annually, already has the distinction of being the official month of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer+ (GLBTQ+) Pride Month. Our community and culture’s recognized and respected annual occasion to commemorate and to remember the birth of the modern struggle for equality, fairness and justice that began in the early morning hours of 28 June, 1969.

Prior to the celebration of our collective movement against bias and oppression, in the Northern Hemisphere, the month of June already possessed a designation that no one could ignore: the arrival of the Summer Season! As if the seasonal reality wasn’t enough, along with it came the ageless classic: swimming naked (vernacular: skinny-dipping)! The freedom to bare ourselves and to be ourselves – in nature or indoors!

A cautious approach!

Our man above has waited almost an entire year for another summertime to arrive so that he can renew his outdoor favourite: a skinny-dipping adventure in his backyard pool! Bare as nature with the freedom to be the man that he truly is!

Baring himself to skinny-dip!

Dropping his long-legged athletic shorts, our man kicks them aside, making it obvious for all of us that his style preference is “commando” – no underwear! Totally harmonious to the pleasure he derives from skinny-dipping (a proud bare body) in his very own pool! A simple task: SWS (sun, water, skin)! What could be easier to understand?

All that is needed is a source of water and a familiarity with the location. A bare body (clothes freedom) and the confidence and knowledge to overcome the challenge (swimming). Sunscreen for protection is the only “equipment” involved. Sun, water, and comfort with our complete nakedness! Who could possibly ask for anything more?

Skinny-dipping (swimming naked) is perhaps the most ancient of recreational events. Probably first undertaken prior to the necessity of clothing for comfort and/or warmth, humanity, nakedness and water have been compatible since the beginning of time. There is no need for us to ignore the harmony of ourselves – in our “natural” state of being – with our nature environment any longer! Especially now that the season to skinny-dip is now upon us (at least, in the Northern Hemisphere)!

The “first” step into the pool!

The “first” step is generally the most important. It allows us to familiarize ourselves with the temperature of the water in addition to acclimating us as to the depth of the pool. The more that we know, the better equipped we are for adventure, excitement and fun! The time of our summer season is limited, so it is always best to adapt ourselves as quickly as possible. We have an entire winter season to recollect on every moment we enjoy!

One important factor to remember when skinny-dipping is that it is best not undertaken alone. As a safety concern, this is essential when in a body of water, man-made or natural, that is unfamiliar and/or unknown. The man-made pool is here is obviously transparent yet having another person along is advisable, as physical complications can occur anytime and without warning. Our skinny-dipper today is being filmed by his accomplice with his camera. Two is better than one, solo!

A launch with a splash! Happy skinny-dipping!

Splashdown has occurred; another successful launching has happened! Bare practitioner is now underway! Mission control has now been advised that the first full day of summer is now set for fun, pleasure and safety! Everyone is encouraged to join in skinny-dipping as often as possible! Better to do so now than procrastinate and then wonder what happened once the frozen outdoor temperatures return!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: A little variety in my signature image here! Aaron, my spouse suggested this image as compatible with the subject of today’s posting! The next post entry here is planned for Monday, June 24, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “HIV Testing Day!”

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A same gender loving (gay) bare practitioner (nudist) who invites you to explore my blog. At times I may appear irreverent but I am in no way irrelevant!

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