Aaron & Roger!


Tomorrow, August 15, we celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary!

The year was 2015. Marriage equality had finally arrived in the USA one year earlier. Both of our sets of parents had been advocating and conniving for an official and legal marriage ever since the previous summer. Neither one of us could withstand the pressure any longer.

We became as one!

Strategic kiss!

And we still remain that way today!

Anniversary cake!

We’ve sent anniversary treat to each one of you! Enjoy!

Anniversary embrace!

We have reservations to enjoy our anniversary week at a lakeside clothing optional resort within our home Commonwealth of Virginia!

Naked hugs!

Aaron and Roger Peterson-Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, August 18, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Lose the Fig-Leaf!”

Anxious in August!


For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had fond memories of not only the summer season of every year but especially of the month of August. The summers have appealed not only to me personally to me but also to my identical twin brother, Alex. As identical siblings, one reason for this pleasure from the season is the fact that we are both practicing and proponents of our nakedness and of the preference we both have with the camaraderie and fellowship among those who enjoy social nudity (body acceptance and clothes freedom in the company of others).

We’ve both engaged in being nude together and with others for as long as we can recall. According to our older siblings (all brothers), Alex and I have been this way our entire lives – even before we were aware that some judged nudity as “not nice!” One of the realities of our double (twin) special lifestyle is the fact that as our parents were trying to teach us how to put on our clothes, we were both busy and focused on how to remove them!

We both enjoyed being comfortable! Our particular comfort level was best determined by our freedom, our liberation, from the confines of clothing! This enabled the both of us to truly be ourselves and – at least, conceptually, in control of our independence from the restrictions of having to conceal – our bodies!

Literary twins!

Our nakedness was, primarily, respected within our family and household. At home, Alex and I, as the twins, shared a bedroom. When within our shared space, we were allowed to be completely bare. Our parents and our six brothers (no sisters) understood this and there was no condemnation or judgment when they entered our bedroom and found us nude. When at home and outside of our four walls, Alex and I knew the policy was that we had to wear clothes. A family compromise that granted all of us some minimal degree of content and happiness.

This situation at home was fine but for one aspect. The both of us were born Deaf. Once our education level reached beyond the primary grade levels, we attended residential schools offered for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing. This entailed us living on a campus setting without the privacy of a room where our nudity would be permitted. The privacy factor was not an issue for either one of us. The clothing issue was the problem. Another negative aspect was that our school was at least a three-hour commute from our family home. Not very conducive for frequent visitations!

Naked shame!

Neither Alex nor myself experienced any feelings of guilt or shame concerning our nakedness and our preference for nudity. We were comfortable being ourselves no matter if those around us were clothed or not. As our oldest brother had commented numerous times: we had no modesty anywhere around us! More than likely, this was due to the fact that in our household, Alex and I were the only bare practitioners among all the “textiles” (clothes enthusiasts)! Our immediate family had accepted our nudity without comment or judgment.

Our residential school environment changed our living situation. As August was now the final full month of our summer break from school, we began to experience “August anxiety.” The time just prior to the start of a new academic year meant that we would have to adjust to the very likely probability of new classmates within our dormitory existence.

New classmates is the equivalent of new persons who had to accept the reality of our naked preference. It opened the door to the possibility of judgment and rejection, not only from our peers but also from older students. As we were now in the later years of our primary-level education, any undue and unnecessary attention from others was not a welcome experience. Hence, the anxious or discomfort feeling concerning our return to the campus of our school for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing.

Thoughtful but anxious twins!

For Alex and I, this wasn’t a very carefree month. A life experience? Most definitely but not one of the most rewarding!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, August 14, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Aaron & Roger!”