USA: Mother’s Day!

Salute to all mothers!

In the USA, the second Sunday in May, annually, is observed as Mother’s Day. A salute and tribute to not only biological mothers, but to all women who provide guidance, love and support to children and youth. A time to show our appreciation for a job that was performed and undertaken without any expectation.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Flowers in appreciation!
To all mother’s!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, May 13, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Erectile-Phobia!”

Happy Easter!

Joining together for Holy Easter!

Today is the feast of Holy Easter for all the faithful of the Eastern Orthodox Churches! Happy and Holy Easter wishes to everyone!

Within the Greek Orthodox community, our eggs are all dyed traditional red!

The colour of red is used as symbolic of the blood that was shed during the crucifixion!

Flowers symbolizing renewal!

Flowers represent the return to life as in the resurrection!

Traditional Easter bread baked with a red dyed egg!

My spouse, Aaron, has mastered yaya’s (my grandmother’s) recipe for our Easter bread!

Kala pascha! (Happy Easter!)

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is tomorrow, May 6, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “World Naked Bike Ride!”


Affection, happiness and love!

There are, at least in the English language, two months out of every year that begin with the letter: “A.” The initial occurrence\is April, the one that we’re in right now. It is also the first complete month of the newly arrived Spring season. It also denotes the return of natural growth and of warming temperatures outside. A hopeful and promising month of the calendar.

The second month that begins with the letter “A” is August. Chronologically, August is the exact opposite of April. It is the very last complete month of the Summer season. It is typically a month of heat and of sunshine; among us of Greek heritage, it is traditionally the month for our annual return to the homeland to visit with family, friends as well as celebrating our culture and customs!

For my spouse, Aaron, and myself, both of the A-months, April and August, hold a special significance. April because were both born during this month albeit on different dates. However, our birthdays are less than a week apart and we were birthed during differing years.

Birthday treat!

Secondly, but equally important, we were married on 15 August, 2015. The wedding itself was the result of a conspiracy collaborated by both pairs of our parents but welcomed by the both of us! Fortunately, my father was alive when it happened and he was able to witness it and to bless us both!

Naturally, Aaron and I are not the only two bare practitioners honoured during the A-months. Alex, my identical twin brother, shares the same birthday and the same birth year as myself. We also have a first cousin, Michael Poladopoulos, nine years younger, who celebrates his birth during the middle of this month. He is likewise a bare practitioner, Deaf and a secondary school art teacher. He is half-Greek and half-Nigerian (our father’s are brothers).

Concerning Aaron’s family, there are no additional persons with a similar “claim-to-fame.” However, there are quite a number of nieces and nephews waiting for maturity before a final, official determination is made!

A bromantic moment!

Concentrating attention solely on the Peterson (Aaron’s) family and the Poladopoulos (my own) family in no way incorporates all of the A-month celebrants. Within the global bare practitioner community and culture alone, an entire listing is unfathomable! Even as a distinct social minority, we remain too numerous!

As a public site, ReNude Pride strives to remain accepting and inclusive of all the curious and those exploring their nakedness and their sexuality. We are all too aware of the feelings of being excluded, ignored or neglected. Like being forced to stand outside the home and only being permitted to watch through a window the social gathering taking place inside.

Many of us know these emotions firsthand and regrettably, some of us still have to cope with these even today. That’s why avoiding any repetition of these sensations is a priority for this publication!

So, in a serious and sincere effort to eradicate any exclusion and/or overlooking, Aaron and I invite anyone and everyone to an event to celebrate, commemorate and to enjoy nakedness! ReNude Pride’s very own:


Bare Practitioner Occasion!

Motivated buttocks!

Anniversary? Birthday? Coming-of-Age? Coming Out? Any happening in life that you believe is worthy of commemorating within this calendar year, 2024, is enough reason for all of us to rejoice! Join in all the fun and laughter as we all strip out of our cumbersome clothes, toss away our inhibitions and gleefully engage together as community and culture in our very own special and unique collective occasion!

Our ultimate goal is to create an event that is as inclusive of all of us. Therefore, whatever the cause is determined to be: solo, a couple – bromantic or platonic – or a large group, we’ll join together and dance until all of our hearts, minds, and souls are overflowing with delight, jubilation and spirit. It makes no difference when the day occurs, the month and the date aren’t important! Aaron and I want all of us included and involved!

Circle of joy!

For far too long, our bare practitioner community and culture has enable the mainstream (majority) society the prerogative of identification of us. Their labels/names for us have often withstood (survived) the “test-of-time” and frequently became an epithet (slur) to use against us. This abusive and contemptuous identity becomes offensive and stereotypical in nature.

For example, about the time of the Stonewall Inn Riots (SIR) in June, 1969, the term “queer” emerged and quickly was assumed by general society to identify us – in a completely derogatory manner. “Queer” thus became very demeaning. However, our newly self-identified “gay” community actually liked the label “queer” and kept it with confidence and pride. We began to voluntarily even refer to ourselves and our culture as queer!

The broader society was baffled, confused and completely taken by surprise. How could we possibly endorse an identity intended to discredit and offend us? That same segment of society is still seeking another term to use, all these years later!

All we have to do is take a look now to see how queer has become synonymous with same gender loving. The mainstreamers continue to search for an appropriate replacement!

Tossing away briefs!

So please come and join with us as we jointly celebrate us being what and who we naturally are: ourselves! Bare Practitioners Occasion!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, April 12, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Quickie!”

A Week of Love!

Bromantic couple!


While researching and composing this post entry, I encountered this word: exogamy. To my knowledge, I have never I have seen it before, not have I ever fingerspelled it manually. The definition is: exogamy: marrying outside the family, tribe, clan, culture or other social unit.

A Week of Love:

Exogamy essentially describes and/or identifies my marriage. Aaron, my spouse, is Black, I am White (race). He is Canadian, I am Greek (nationality). He is hearing, I am Deaf (differing ability). He is Roman Catholic, I am Greek Orthodox (religion).

On a positive notation, we are both very much proud bare practitioners. Also, we are both very much in love with one another. Sometimes, love works best when there’s at least one shared aspect! We both are dedicated to the sharing of our nakedness! Hence, the existence of both our marriage and this site, ReNude Pride.

This year, Valentine’s Day is middle-of-the week, a Wednesday. This inspired me to create this post entry in honour of A Week of Love. After all, since my spouse and I are both exogamists (finally, I utilized my new vocabulary discovery)! We can take the entire week to commemorate our new classification label!

Very much love!

Despite all the abuse, hatred, killing and violence happening all too often in our world, we can take advantage of this Week of Love to remind ourselves and others that bromance (love between two men) exists! Therefore, all hope is not lost forever! Please join with us as we celebrate love!

Regardless of our exogamy status, Aaron and I share our love together. We both hope and wish the same for all of you!

“Love” can mean many things to different people. It is an ambiguous word that encompasses familial love (loce between members of the same family); it also includes bromantic love or intimate love (love that involves physical contact: groping/touching, kissing and/or sexual union) and platonic love (strong affection and caring between friends). We also need to keep in mind that there are varying degrees (levels) of love within each distinct category. It is usually very different and very unique in almost every situation.

Loving together!

With all the variations of love available, A Week of Love offers the majority of us an opportunity to share some aspect of kindness and/or love with at least one other person. We have the entire week to do this simple task. It can include just giving a smile to the person standing beside you on the subway platform or a kiss-on-the-cheek to an elderly aunt. The little acts of kindness that we share can range from the picking up of a soft toy a child may have inadvertently dropped to the help we give an elderly neighbor in scraping the ice/snow off his automobiles rear window. The effort and gesture are our deserved reward.

Chances are, more than likely, you’ll feel better about yourself! As a special gift, someone else will feel good bout you, too!

Rendering a love tap!

The image above exemplifies three distinct classification of love. The first one is familial love (as in egocentric or self-focused). Both men are comfortable being bare with one another. The second is platonic love (love between friends). It is obvious that as friends, they share affection and respect for each other. The third exemplification is bromantic or intimate love. The proximity of their nakedness together is very suggestive of this happening in the either the pre-intercourse or the post-intercourse moment.

Please enjoy your very own Week of Love!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Wednesday, February 14, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Valentine’s Day!”

S’Naked Simply!

Leaping above the snow!


Snow + Naked = S’Naked!

This is precisely how an online acquaintance defined the meaning of this term to me. The year was 2008. We were in a chat room dedicated to same gender loving (SGL) men who were enthusiast of body and clothes freedom. I honestly can’t remember the name of the chat room nor my acquaintance’s screen name. But I do recall that he typed to me that he lived in the state of Massachusetts, USA. Some details one must never forget!

Growing up, Alex (my identical twin brother) and I both lived with an aversion to cold weather. Neither of us had any desire or dream of ever being bare outside in the snow! Until I was in the chat room that day in 2008, I had never acknowledged publicly that I had no experience being outside in my nakedness in the snow. As an erstwhile advocate of social nudity, I was simply too embarrassed to admit my innocence in the matter.

Yours truly, a inclement weather innocent!

S’Naked Virgin:

Even though I publicly “owned” my snow virginity while chatting with my friend in 2008, I refrained from publicising my status. True to the perpetual wisdom of the adage: “Old habits die hard!”

When I met and fell in love with my spouse, Aaron, in May, 2010, my s’naked virginity remained intact. The reasoning? Genetics.

“Twin” (that’s how I address my sibling, Alex) and I are both “heat and humidity” men. Centigrade or Fahrenheit, it makes no difference. The higher the temperatures, the greator our comfort and relaxation. Therefore, it must be in our genes. We have three older brothers and three younger brothers. Temperature preference, we are all eight the same!

Me, wondering what Aaron is preparing to do!

In December, 2010, we had an early snowstorm. Aaron and I had been living together for about six months. He, unlike me, was no innocent in being s’naked. He insisted he needed to preserve this opportunity on film, hence the images posted today.

While taking my pictures, Aaron “plucked” my snow virginity! He rolled handful of snow into a snowball and threw it into my bare, virginal buttocks not once but twice! One right after the other! In all honesty, I was shocked! My bare buttocks having intimate contact with snowballs – all without warning! Author’s note: that was not all he took from me that year!

Does that make me a s’whore? Snow + whore = s’whore. Do I qualify for spousal abuse?

Yours truly right after being “plucked!”

In the years following Aaron’s “plucking” of my s’naked virginity, I have engaged in being s’naked many times. I now readily admit to being recognized for my exclusive label of being a s’nudist (snow + nudist = s’nudist! Despite my s’naked status, I do wear boots while in the snow. I may be a fool for being s’naked but I am no idiot!

In addition, I shave my head hairs daily. Therefore, I wear a knit head cap in order to retain some body heat.

Experience and familiarity have served to increase my s’tolerance (snow + tolerance = s’tolerance)! Granted, the boots and knit cap have aided in this condition! My s’endurance (snow + endurance = s’endurance) – the length of time that I am able to spend s’naked is now increasing!

My s’endurance factor may be very temporary. The recent years have not provided us with snowfalls to justify being s’naked. The last snow that was of any convenience was in 2021. It has been cold, simply without substantial amounts of snow!

Perhaps I should file a s’lawsuit (snow + lawsuit = s’lawsuit). A s’naked slawsuit against the federal government for failure to present us taxpayers with a sufficient supply of snow for our s’naked adventures!

However, I’m not a snow-bunny just yet!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry is planned for here for Monday, February 12, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “A Week of Love!”

Holiday Travel!

Driving clothes free!

Thursday of next week, November 23, 2023, is the USA holiday of Thanksgiving. This is known as one of the busiest holiday travel events here. Many families will spend the Thanksgiving holiday with one set of family relatives and follow that with the Winter Holiday (next month) with the other set of family relations. The result is a boost for the airline business and a chronic disaster for a majority depending on the airlines to deliver them safely from one destination to another.

For those who lived a comfortable distance from their family home, an auto trip was a convenient alternative to dealing with the airport masses and disgruntled tempers. However, for an innumerable amount of years, the USA Thanksgiving holiday has held the notoriety of being the absolute worst day for travelling – period! Not just for transport by air, the distinction is applicable for highway driving situations as well. Traffic congestion on the roadways is equally frustrating and unsafe (vehicle accidents).

From kitchen into the sitting room, at home!

“Are there any other transportation options available?” my spouse, Aaron, and I frequently ask ourselves. Suggested alternative: perhaps extra consideration is necessary here. The best form of transportation during this “worst predicted travel time” designation period is maybe walking inside our own apartment/house from the abode’s kitchen to the sitting room after a trip to retrieve a can of Dr. Pepper soda from the refrigerator!

Personally, this option is the most appealing to me. As long as the ability to be clothes free is available, it works best for me. This completely eliminates the task of putting on clothing in order to simply walk outside the front door!

Using the underground (subway) automated stairs!

My spouse, Aaron, and I live in a condominium in the metropolitan Washington, D.C., area (specifically, Arlington, Virginia). Another option available to us is the local subway/underground public transportation system. At this moment, it is convenient, congestion-free and relatively safe. The only problem is that in our area, the wearing of clothing is a legal requirement when in public. My spouse and I both agree that a bare escalator ride to access the underground transport system would be a most welcome improvement!

Sitting on luggage in a crowded airport terminal!

Given the challenge of donning (wearing) a textile covering in order to go somewhere, Aaron and I are choosing a stay-at-home option for this year’s holiday travel season (the total period of time from the Thanksgiving holiday through the New Year holiday).

Relaxing at home!

As long as there is no threat of a family emergency in either one of our respective families, we’re both comfortable with our decision. This year has had a number of chaotic and hectic situations in the both of our families and so we’re both eagerly anticipating a relaxing option of being together in a calm atmosphere. Allow the airlines and the vehicle congestion experiences for others to endure!

Holiday guests!

My spouse’s older brother, Paul, and his partner, Sudhir, plan to be our Thanksgiving visitors and stay with us through the weekend. Their travel here shouldn’t be too traumatic as they’ve used the Virginia Railway Express (VRE) method before and are doing so again.

Alex, my identical twin brother and his boyfriend, Dante, are planning to come here just prior to the Christmas holiday and are staying three/four nights.

Ideal for visitors during the winter holiday season, the Smithsonian Museums offer a decorative and interesting series of exhibits and holiday decorations. Conveniently located on the metropolitan underground/subway system, a terrific option for all visiting this area and a solution to the frustrations of traffic congestion!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, November 20, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “A Re-Visiting!”

Aaron & Roger!


Tomorrow, August 15, we celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary!

The year was 2015. Marriage equality had finally arrived in the USA one year earlier. Both of our sets of parents had been advocating and conniving for an official and legal marriage ever since the previous summer. Neither one of us could withstand the pressure any longer.

We became as one!

Strategic kiss!

And we still remain that way today!

Anniversary cake!

We’ve sent anniversary treat to each one of you! Enjoy!

Anniversary embrace!

We have reservations to enjoy our anniversary week at a lakeside clothing optional resort within our home Commonwealth of Virginia!

Naked hugs!

Aaron and Roger Peterson-Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, August 18, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Lose the Fig-Leaf!”

Anxious in August!


For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had fond memories of not only the summer season of every year but especially of the month of August. The summers have appealed not only to me personally to me but also to my identical twin brother, Alex. As identical siblings, one reason for this pleasure from the season is the fact that we are both practicing and proponents of our nakedness and of the preference we both have with the camaraderie and fellowship among those who enjoy social nudity (body acceptance and clothes freedom in the company of others).

We’ve both engaged in being nude together and with others for as long as we can recall. According to our older siblings (all brothers), Alex and I have been this way our entire lives – even before we were aware that some judged nudity as “not nice!” One of the realities of our double (twin) special lifestyle is the fact that as our parents were trying to teach us how to put on our clothes, we were both busy and focused on how to remove them!

We both enjoyed being comfortable! Our particular comfort level was best determined by our freedom, our liberation, from the confines of clothing! This enabled the both of us to truly be ourselves and – at least, conceptually, in control of our independence from the restrictions of having to conceal – our bodies!

Literary twins!

Our nakedness was, primarily, respected within our family and household. At home, Alex and I, as the twins, shared a bedroom. When within our shared space, we were allowed to be completely bare. Our parents and our six brothers (no sisters) understood this and there was no condemnation or judgment when they entered our bedroom and found us nude. When at home and outside of our four walls, Alex and I knew the policy was that we had to wear clothes. A family compromise that granted all of us some minimal degree of content and happiness.

This situation at home was fine but for one aspect. The both of us were born Deaf. Once our education level reached beyond the primary grade levels, we attended residential schools offered for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing. This entailed us living on a campus setting without the privacy of a room where our nudity would be permitted. The privacy factor was not an issue for either one of us. The clothing issue was the problem. Another negative aspect was that our school was at least a three-hour commute from our family home. Not very conducive for frequent visitations!

Naked shame!

Neither Alex nor myself experienced any feelings of guilt or shame concerning our nakedness and our preference for nudity. We were comfortable being ourselves no matter if those around us were clothed or not. As our oldest brother had commented numerous times: we had no modesty anywhere around us! More than likely, this was due to the fact that in our household, Alex and I were the only bare practitioners among all the “textiles” (clothes enthusiasts)! Our immediate family had accepted our nudity without comment or judgment.

Our residential school environment changed our living situation. As August was now the final full month of our summer break from school, we began to experience “August anxiety.” The time just prior to the start of a new academic year meant that we would have to adjust to the very likely probability of new classmates within our dormitory existence.

New classmates is the equivalent of new persons who had to accept the reality of our naked preference. It opened the door to the possibility of judgment and rejection, not only from our peers but also from older students. As we were now in the later years of our primary-level education, any undue and unnecessary attention from others was not a welcome experience. Hence, the anxious or discomfort feeling concerning our return to the campus of our school for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing.

Thoughtful but anxious twins!

For Alex and I, this wasn’t a very carefree month. A life experience? Most definitely but not one of the most rewarding!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, August 14, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Aaron & Roger!”

My Naked Life!

The Shoneye Twins!

I wrote this simple poem the very first year that Aaron and I lived together and observed Nude Recreation Week as a serious bare practitioner couple. At that time, marriage equality wasn’t even available in the USA. Why celebrate the “land of the free?”

We let the Shoneye twins represent us in the verse.

The Shoneye Twins: a false sense of modesty!

My Naked Life

I am naked and I am me.

I am the man I want to be.

When I am naked, I am nude,

Living life with a positive attitude.

I am naked and I am me.

I am the man I want to be.

When I am nude, I am also proud.

Whether alone or among a crowd.

I am naked and I am me.

I am the man I want to be.

When I am nude, I am living free,

I know that clothes are not for me.

I am naked and I am me.

I am the man I want to be.

When I am nude, I clear my mind,

Gone are the clothes that hide and bind.

Roger Poladopoulos, July 5, 2011

The Shoneye Twins, proudly bare!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, July 31, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Bottoms-Up! July, 2023”

April Treat!

A birthday cake on his cakes!

Photo-Essay! Happy Birthday!

Our condominium was “overcrowded” with related bare practitioners the first weekend of this month. Both my spouse, Aaron, and I have birthdays within the first six days of April! My identical twin brother, Alex, and his partner, Dante, joined with us for the festivities – a grand total of three birthday “boys!”

Our unit has one bedroom and one full lavatory (bathroom). Space enough for Aaron and myself but congested as hell when birthdays arrive every April. Add to the congestion Aaron’s older brother, Paul, and his significant other: Sudhir! The congested quarters just became a mired mob!

Our treat cooking chef: XL!

Our gifted and talented “treat” chef: bare practitioner XL! He also is a notorious gay entertainer!

XL gets busy!

He’s very skilled in the kitchen and very neat with his work!

Thoughtfulness comes easily!

He carefully considers what needs to be done and when. He avoids rushing!

Taste testing his recipe!

XL is conscientious about his work and constantly checks his ingredients!

Looks good!

Reconsidering his final decision! Did I get it all together?

Wondering if he needs anything else!

Making certain everything is accounted!


The best I can do!

Happy Birthday, Aaron, Alex and Roger!

Served with confidence and love!

Fortunately, all of us are related to one another and we’re all enthusiastic bare practitioners because there was no room to accommodate any false surges of modesty! Good nude times were had by all!

Thank you, XL, for your culinary efforts and the delight that you give to all bare practitioners!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, April 17, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Unabashed!”