Bare: Modesty 2?

The Shoneye Twins: Daniel and Darren!


This topic, Bare Modesty, was originally announced for publication in January, 2024. It was then postponed due to my personal confusion – over my notes and my draft – while composing the actual post entry. I then substituted another subject and re-scheduled the publication until the following month, February. Today is 1 March, 2024, and I am publishing a condensed and – hopefully – clarified version of my intended post entry.

I sincerely apologize once again for any confusion or inconvenience about this mistake.

Thoughtful identical twins!

Vulnerable? Susceptible? Conspiratorial?

Is it a message of embarrassment, guilt and shame? Or is it an encouragement to discover and explore comfort and relaxation in body and clothes freedom? Obviously, the men depicted in the above images are identical twins, so why do the Black twins imply that one of them has an issue with his nakedness and the White twins are both apparently accepting and unaffected by their nudity? In actuality, the Black twins (Daniel and Darren Shoneye) are both confident and proud of their bare practitioner status in the world! Neither of the Shoneye twins have any hesitation in proving their affinity for their sexuality or their nakedness in their lives!

Daniel and Darren: proud of themselves!

Also, a personal notation. Alex is my identical twin and we can verify that we have no problems in being same gender loving or in being publicly seen in our nakedness. The defining label is “identical” twins for a reason!

Felipe Ferreira and his “pride” tattoo!


The word bare is considered to mean naked, nude, uncovered, empty, void or without. A bare Felipe Ferreira is clothes free (naked). A bare shelf is empty. A bare mind is often used to describe my mental state of being and pursuit of that example would last forever!

The Modesty Syndrome:

Modesty implies the exact opposite idea. It is understood as concern or fear of being considered, seen or viewed as being bare. In particular, regarding textile (clothed). Often this word is involved with a person’s status of being dressed (covered) and/or undressed (uncovered).

In the image above, Felipe Ferreira uses his body language (communication) to confirm or reinforce our knowledge that he is – indeed – posing while totally bare. This makes the fact that he truly is in the state of body and clothes freedom and utilizing his hand as his communication tool to conceal his genitalia from our view. Hence, the subtle message of being “modest.”

Therefore, the action of concealment negates the intended body language while placing emphasis on the reality that Felipe is honestly, really and truly engaging in nakedness. The steps used to insinuate modesty thus have the opposite effect! In other words, “pretend” you don’t want to be seen naked!

Remaining on the picture of Felipe for one final thought. He has “pride” tattooed at the base of his neck. Is this tattoo reflecting his feeling about being same gender loving (SGL) or is it a summary of his feeling about being bare (his nakedness)? Given our frequent encounter of his clothes freedom while with another man, can we conclude it is his confidence in being both gay and naked?

Felipe Ferreira: body language and confidence!

According to his public comments on his tattoo, and his photographic opportunities, he has no problem or shame being both bare and SGL! “I am me!” is his response! At least now, he’s comfortable in modelling his pubic hairline!

Phoenix Fellington (right) and companion!

Absence of Modesty:

Featured above is ReNude Pride’s unofficial spokes-model, Phoenix Fellington, and his half-bare companion! Phoenix (birth name: TreLarun Fenderson) is the African-American bare practitioner on the right in the picture. There is no doubt as to his acceptance and comfort with both his nakedness and his SGL attraction (exclusively gay). Likewise, there is no doubt about his repulsion of being considered anything other than what and who he truly is!

In interviews, when questioned about his his nudity tendencies, his standard answer is: “I love to be nude surrounded by nature!” The former U.S. Marine has no regret over his SGL status!

Although his youthful companion wearing only his shirt and showing his masculine anatomy below his waist does raise questions in the minds of some. Why does he feel the need to conceal his chest? Perhaps he feels a chill but more than likely the shirt item was the decision of the photographer and/or his agent. It does appear strange his waving his hand while smiling and exposing his genitalia! Especially with our man, Phoenix, is fully and happily bare right there beside him. One fact is undisputed: neither of the two have an issue concerning modesty except for the obvious: “not me!

The gay adult film industry (pornography studios) is known for hosting lavish gala events where top celebrity performers are welcome ( and enthusiastically encouraged to socialize naked/nude. This practice began in the mid-to-late 1970s when gay porn evolved into the “gay porn industry” label. When I initially laid my eyes upon this photo, Phoenix portrayed the proud “father” and his waving companion represented his overindulged child. I don’t know if this message/scenario was intended, whenever I encounter this image, that thought automatically reappears mentally.

Phoenix (center) directing his support staff in a scenic exercise!

As to the studio socials? Our spokes-model, Phoenix, has earned the reputation of being extremely outspoken and very “heroic” at these events, often chiding studio executives and their VIP cohorts for any shortcomings, accidental or otherwise, toward his co-workers in the industry. He firmly believes in equality and fairness for all – no matter their professional prestige!

The studio executives and management are finally and reluctantly accepting Phoenix for what and who he actually is. They recognize his talent and enthusiasm and his popularity in the gay porn industry; as long as he continues to produce the financial results they need, they grudgingly allow him to have the freedom he seeks for his professional standards: equality, fairness and primarily his unrestricted nakedness!

His charges of racial insensitivity against the Noir Male executives and the overwhelming success of his boycott of that studio’s discriminatory policies convinced them to accede to his expectations. Sometimes nakedness does achieve profound results!

A modest pose?

Reasoning Assumptions:

The photos directly above and below this section represent the theme under consideration: the subject (model/performer) often may not be in a determining role for the shared images. It may feature them but the details of how much of their anatomy is presented is beyond their control. Others, photographer/videographer, agents, studio executives. financial supporters, etc., may and usually do have the final decision authority.

Quite often, the model or performer has essentially no determination in whether they pose/perform fully exposed or not.

The lack of deliberate body language to obscure nudity does not eliminate the obvious fact. The person presented is naked and apparently unbothered by any emotions surrounding their lack of clothing or covering. The absence of body language to indicate modesty itself confirms that whoever made the decision is aware that any body language would reinforce the nakedness concept and ideal.

Nakedness obvious!

Various people have offered many reasons for their cautious approach to public nudity. Among some of the major excuses, the fear of a public erection – the growth of the male penis – is by far the foremost leader. What males seem to forget is that spontaneous erections – the subconscious occurrence – happens throughout one’s life and usually without any advance warning or conscious stimulation. The more accustomed a man becomes with his nakedness in social settings generally reduces this happening. Having several alternate plans in case this occurs generally helps a person to relax.

Another situation that causes hesitation in social nudity is the reluctance of some to the occasional reality that not everyone has a precise moment to remove any clothing they may wear. Many are uncomfortable in being the first to strip out of their clothing and baring themselves. However, if everyone hesitates, then few, if any, have the chance to enjoy the glory of their nakedness! The best solution for this issue is to plan to get bare whenever possible and let those hesitating make their own decision when convenience happens.

Bare but not bold!

My spouse, Aaron, and I have discussed these and other situations privately and then with acquaintances and friends numerous times and there are an endless number of reasons that people voluntarily give for procrastination. If a clothing optional beach or event is the destination, it is best for deciding when in route to engage in social nudity or not and simply have fun – with or without others. Delaying the joy-of-the-moment for someone else to take the initiative isn’t necessarily the best protocol to adhere.

Indecisive celebration!


For some bare practitioners there exists an absolute fear of being perceived as being an exhibitionist. Exhibitionism is regarded as “the act of flaunting oneself in order to attract attention.” Psychologically, exhibitionism is viewed as “compulsive exposure of the sexual organs in public.” It stands to reason that an exhibitionist is “a person who compulsively (habitually) exposes themselves publicly for attention.”

For the exhibitionist, it is the reaction (response) from the person who witnesses the act that gives them pleasure. It is not the fact that they are naked. They receive their thrill (satisfaction) from offending or shocking another person, more often than not, by publicly stroking themselves. In summary, a thrill-seeker with shock-value!

In most instances and occasions, the offensive actions of an exhibitionist are illegal and are accompanied by serious consequences. It usually involves public prosecution, public embarrassment and humiliation outside of the legal ramifications.

In these situations, the position of modesty isn’t the issue. The person appearing or posing naked/nude doesn’t want the implication of being an exhibitionist associated with themselves not with their body! The modesty entailed here is not with nakedness itself. It is modesty concerning the exhibitionist label and perception.

Author’s advisory:

A sequel to this post entry is planned for Monday, March 4, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Exculpatory Evidence!”

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, March 4, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Exculpatory Evidence!”