Bare Aquatic Antics!

Remove clothes!

Prologue notation:

Before I begin composing today’s entry, let me remind everyone that the stripper-soon-to-be-skinny-dipper (above) not only has an inviting and enticing grin but he also has his hairy armpit growth intact. As I’ve published here previously, one of my favourite aspects of a man’s anatomy: underarm fur! I honestly am grateful for our man today keeping his intact and natural!


Before the seasonal transition from summer into autumn arrives, there’s still time for a free frolic into a bare aquatic adventure! While the weather cooperates, rid yourself of those cumbersome threads of body concealment and enjoy the liberation of being all-natural in the freedom of the outdoors! In other words, let’s skinny-dip (swim naked) as often as possible before the seasons and the outdoor temperatures change!


Rid yourself of the garments of shame and be yourself! Your true and real self! Additionally, when stripping for an audience, it offers one the chance to produce for the benefit not only of our community but also our entire bare practitioner culture! So grin with pride and get off the gear and enjoy the freedom of skin and sun! As we all know, these days of leisure and luxury won’t be here with us forever! Time to make every moment count in order to have a sufficient supply of memories to last us until next summer!

Totally stripped?

We need to enjoy these wonderful days while we can. Colder weather and precipitation will be upon us all-too-soon! Let’s take advantage of every opportunity for fun, sun and outdoor social nudity while nature and the weather are both compatible! Stripping down to our “basics” – skin – permits us the total freedom of the aquatics and our body, with nothing else in-between! In order to skinny-dip that’s all that we need! The fun begins once everything is

Time to skinny-dip (swim naked)!

Following the disrobing/stripping, the only thing left to complete the task is entry into the body of water. Our man here is at a private residence, either that of a friend or his own. He evidently is tired of making a splashing entrance and for today he merely “drops” into the pool! Not much effort was exerted and he has sufficient energy to skinny-dip for the remainder of the afternoon! Perfect as at this time there are not that many afternoons remaining in this summer season!

BTW: our buddy disappeared. He should be really enjoying his skinny-dip!

Stripping out of clothes is basically liberating!

Of course, once our man’s buddies get a sight of the fun times he’s having, it soon becomes a fevered “let’s all strip and skinny-dip” event. Soon, the fun frenzy fills the pool! Given the brief time remaining for summer, who can blame them for their enthusiasm?

Skinny-dip fever!

Plan now to skinny-dip as often as possible before it becomes too cold!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, September 15, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Revelation!”

Back to School!

Lecture Hall!

Before anyone is too shocked to recall, my university is located in a neighborhood of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Therefore, as faculty and students at a university founded by President Lincoln and the first university funded entirely by the U.S. Congress, we are absolutely not permitted to be natural, naked or nude while instructing or delivering lectures. Nor are students permitted to attend classes unclothed.

The above image is used to maintain the theme of ReNude Pride and not to create a myth or rumour concerning a university precedence. Tolerance is a policy at my university but being realistic is also. Far be it from me to be the unwilling source of a mislead! The government is the best suited for that distinction!

Classroom seating!

Although clothing is required, the academic regimen of the university resumed this week. Whether in a formal lecture hall or in a more traditional classroom, it is now the time for me to set aside my “summer freedom” and return to work in order to prepare another group of students to take over the responsibility of preparing others to come forward and prepare themselves for all their roles in their lives.

Before everyone condemns my university as too restrictive, I do want to remind that although body and clothes freedom is not “officially” endorsed, it also is not outright banned or condemned. I did serve as a nude model for art and photography classes as an undergraduate. That allowance continues today. So freedom isn’t completely forbidden here!

A naked grin on a bare practitioner role model!

One of the benefits of a university faculty member is that we have the responsibility to honestly convey information to others. My university administration and fellow faculty members have always encouraged any of our same gender loving students as well as those who openly acknowledge their affinity or interest in nudity to share with me and proceed from there. This has presented to me the opportunity to dispel myths and misinformation and to offer guidance and direction towards discovery and guidance. It enables me to enjoy the freedom to make a positive and, hopefully, productive influence in the lives of others.

Granted, the undergraduate interest in gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer+ (GLBTQ+) concerns, issues and topics far exceeds the search for bare practitioner related circumstances, but that is routine. Once students deal with their sexuality, the nude/clothing situation usually is resolved and guidance is sought on an individual rather than group session.

This advisory role, in addition to my professorial duties, gives me satisfaction on the campus/worksite. I feel as though I am serving a constructive and useful purpose not only for each student I interact with but for my colleagues, too! A number have shared with me that I have afforded them the opportunity to serve as mentors to others who seek answers or help.

Bare class instruction!

Officially, nakedness and nudity – at least, publicly, – is not permitted on campus. The same is probably true for the majority of institutions of higher learning throughout the world. However, patience, tolerance and understanding of our roles in guiding the development and formation of our charges (students) has created here an environment that is accepting, beneficial, comfortable and tolerable for all!

Mini-Lesson: Bare Practitioner!

A bare practitioner is a same gender loving person who willingly releases their body, mind and soul of the frustrations, tensions and unnatural compulsions of always having to hide beneath the oppression of clothing. A free spirit, uncensored and uncovered, in a completely natural state!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, September 11, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Bare Aquatic Antics!”