Return to Regularity!

Hairy armpits before he begins!!


Before anyone here today gets the wrong idea, this post entry does not involve or relate to any sort of bowel elimination. I hope that brief and simple explanation prevents any misunderstanding and/or confusion. Now that the official end of the summertime is now past us, today’s topic addresses the resumption by many of their personal exercise activities.

Special notation: Today’s post entry also includes these images of this man confidently exposing his commendable growth of hirsute axilla (hairy armpits)! For those here who are completely unaware, one of my very favourite aspects of male anatomy!

Active in his fitness routine!

Many of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere know the summer season affords us all too many opportunities for athletic indulgence, organized and/or spontaneous free-play and other varieties of active pleasure that are usually unavailable throughout the remainder of the year. The longer periods of actual daylight also provide the impetus for social and physical expression. The result of these factors give to many an “excuse” (reason) to abbreviate and/or abandon their daily exercise/fitness routine.

Confident of his physique development!

Now that regionally, our summer season is now complete, those who decided to take exception to their established fitness routine are now resuming their activity. For those who procrastinated initiating any type of exercise, another summer of not having a body that reflects development and maintenance, has inspired them to implement a practice to insure no repetition of their obvious embarrassment.

Treadmill exercise!

So, those of us who diligently, faithfully and regularly followed our own fitness routine throughout the entire summer season are now challenged with our own adjustment! Just as we became comfortable with a less stressful crowd at our exercise facility, we are now faced with yet another obstacle. The return of the “regulars” plus all those determined to avoid the repeating of their seasonal discomfort of not being completely fit and toned when another summer appears!


The return to the daily routine doesn’t really cause that much inconvenience. After all, most of the returnees are already familiar with the equipment and have their own scheduling. It’s the arrival of those who have to adapt to the establishment regulations, procedures, etc., and to figure out the best possible way to operate the equipment that present us with our greatest dilemma. Unsure of exactly the most beneficial essentials, they frequently question even the most polite regular for the basic guidelines on how to operate each station. Not only does this distract others from performing their procedure, it also often creates problems with the individual pieces of utilization at each station.

Instances too numerous to mention happen when one or more fitness trainers are at one station instructing “newbies” on how to properly work the exercise equipment. The backlog at the particular area sometimes becomes endless!


At times, I wonder why do we even bother with the season of summer? The ends don’t always justify the means! Oh well, time to head out to my local gym!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, October 6, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Yesteryear Gallery!”