Bottoms-Up! End of February, 2020

Even though 2020 is a “leap year” with an extra day applied to this month, it still remains the shortest month of the entire year! Believe it or not, the end of the month is almost here and so we arrive and observe yet another Bottoms-Up! The good news, at least here in the Northern Hemisphere, is that this is the very last full month of winter!

While there are many of us who sleep bottoms-up! at night, the arriving warmer nights offer less of a challenge as a bare practitioner with the temperature change! That’s the reason that the couple in the above picture have no problem in uncovering their bare buttocks at night!


The above photograph salutes all of our friends and loved ones in the Southern Hemisphere who, fortunately, are still able to be clothes free whether they are at the beach or just sailing in the sun! Their buttocks are able to be shared in whatever they choose to do!


Of course we all know that when a seasonal change does occur, the temperatures do not change overnight. Whenever the seasons transition, there is always a period where outdoor nudity remains both comfortable and enjoyable. This allows our bodies the opportunity to adjust to the difference in temperatures.


As we in the Northern Hemisphere eagerly await the arrival of Spring, there is a consolation comfort that we can take advantage of: wearing socks for warmth until the seasons change! Bottoms-Up! without bare feet!

Naked hugs!

Roger/ReNude Pride


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A same gender loving (gay) bare practitioner (nudist) who invites you to explore my blog. At times I may appear irreverent but I am in no way irrelevant!

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