Pride, 2024: Why?


For many years now, there has been and endless amount of questioning, from both outside and from within the GLBTQ+ movement as for the necessity of Pride events. This argument, minimally, supports the existence of a marginalization and of a prejudice against us all from a broad spectrum of the general population. It may not be as blatant and as prevalent as it once was, however, it remains present. even into the 21st century! As long as these biases are evident and felt, then, yes; pride observances are most definitely needed!

Until our communities and cultures as GLBTQ+ peoples receive the same amount of consideration and respect as shown to others, no matter their race, ethnicity, ability, gender, age or heritage, yes; pride activities are needed. Distrust is a serious detriment to equality acceptance and respect.

The determination that a certain action and/or behaviour is illegal by legislative or parliamentary procedure or even a royal proclamation doesn’t immediately eliminate or erase the offence out of existence. .A behaviour or a belief isn’t innate, it is learned – from parents, teachers, clergy, adult authority figures, et al. A learned behaviour is among the most difficult to eradicate from memory and practice.

A learned behaviour is a prejudice, plain and simple. It is not based on concrete knowledge or scientific fact. It is solely and usually based on the unsupported opinions of others, more often than not substantiated by fear, hate, myth, rumour or a combination of all. As such, it is almost impossible to refute with reasoning and any alternate proposition generally only increases its intensity.

The persistence of marginalization (setting aside of the perceived “normal”) and prejudice based on a person’s sexual attraction is often illegal in a growing number of countries globally but frequently remains inside people’s minds (and their hearts). The learned behaviour that has never been completely discarded or removed. Thus, their actions nominally are based on other aspects beyond sexual orientation in order to circumvent the judging of their negativity as being prejudicial. This type of “cover-up” has repeatedly happened throughout the various societies in the world, especially in the USA.

This situation justifies the existence and observation of pride events and their continuation. Among humanity, everyone deserves a chance to develop and grow in happiness, security and tolerance.

On a communal/social level, some societies are developed, liberal and progressive. Then there are others that are conservative, traditional and unyielding. There remain other social orders that are isolated from development and are stagnant. They keep closed to those of different beliefs, creeds and values. They are intolerant to all concepts and persons outside of their nature. These circumstances justify pride experiences. As in individual cases, inherited values are learned values and these, likewise, are the most difficult to alter or to change.


In composing this post entry, my spouse, Aaron, and I have had numerous discussions about the various reasons for the continued hosting of pride-related activities for our communities and cultures. We even held talks with friends on a person-to-person basis. Ideas and thoughts were shared and the above represents a summary of what appears to be the most popular argument in favour of the ongoing necessity of our pride heritage.

There are remaining GLBTQ+ persons who have very limited knowledge of our culture and the diversity of our community and the many facets offered. They seek information and many times just the contact with another person who is seeking the same or has actually experienced the same. A pride occasion is an opportunity for them to socialize, become acquainted and to observe as well as seek answers. Some travel distances for such contact. No matter where we live, there are always those for whatever reason benefit from the casual opportunity to mingle with others who may help provide them “the way.” Sometimes, merely being in an accepting environment is rewarding in and of itself.

As to persons who are active within our culture, an informative pride event allows us to assimilate with others of our lifestyle that we would otherwise never encounter. It is also an invaluable tool that permits us to stay abreast of current news, trends and emerging information. This hopefully keeps us “in the know” so we’re better qualified to determine what is beneficial not only in our own lives but also to those we hold dear.

Pride functions as an enabler that keeps us current as to the latest legal, political and social challenges and issues that we may confront, in our personal lives as well as a community. We not only remain informed on topics but we are also able to learn of different opportunities of involvement in order to share our cares and concerns with others.

As a summary for the benefits of pride for us all, Aaron and I see it as an important tool that we, as a culture need, so as to prevent any of us from being alienated/isolated from those around us. We are a minority within a broader culture and society. In keeping ourselves connected to others, we can make a difference not only in our own lives but also in the lives of those around us.

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, June 10, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “A Seasonal Disguise!”

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A same gender loving (gay) bare practitioner (nudist) who invites you to explore my blog. At times I may appear irreverent but I am in no way irrelevant!

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