I Miss President Obama!

This month, almost exactly the same day, President Barack Obama was retired from his office as chief executive of the United States. After eight years as this country’s leader, his term limit of eight years (two four-year terms) was officially over. Funny, but his length of service seemed to have flown by beyond the speed of light. Of course, we all know too much about the fool who replaced him.

Continue reading I Miss President Obama!

SAD = Super Angry Deaf(man)!

To write here that I am just “super angry” is an intentional misrepresentation of exactly how furious I indeed am. However, rest assured that no one really wants me to use the language that I am currently thinking. I’m sure that are profanity police floating through cyberspace to protect the innocent against such a crime. I refuse to be manipulated and roll in the gutter only to climb out of said gutter and discover ReNude Pride censored or worse, even cancelled.

Continue reading SAD = Super Angry Deaf(man)!