Aaron & Roger!


Tomorrow, August 15, we celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary!

The year was 2015. Marriage equality had finally arrived in the USA one year earlier. Both of our sets of parents had been advocating and conniving for an official and legal marriage ever since the previous summer. Neither one of us could withstand the pressure any longer.

We became as one!

Strategic kiss!

And we still remain that way today!

Anniversary cake!

We’ve sent anniversary treat to each one of you! Enjoy!

Anniversary embrace!

We have reservations to enjoy our anniversary week at a lakeside clothing optional resort within our home Commonwealth of Virginia!

Naked hugs!

Aaron and Roger Peterson-Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, August 18, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Lose the Fig-Leaf!”

August Play-Day!

Tossing off the briefs!
August Play-Day time!

August Play-Day is conveniently always clothes free! It is almost impossible to justify the wearing of a swim suit, let alone an athletic uniform during one of the warmest – if not the hottest – months of the year. Besides, it is a play-day – a day dedicated to fun for everyone – no clothes allowed!

A pool pose!
An aquatic decision!
August: time to skinny-dip!
August Play-Day: discard your clothing!

There is a reason that August Play-Day is celebrated. For one, it is about freedom. Freedom from having to suffer in the heat and humidity wearing clothing, one of the last things needed. The water, whether a pool or a natural body (lake, river, ocean) is very inviting and an overwhelming majority of us find it impossible to resist the joys and thrills of a skinny-dip (swimming naked) to alleviate the soaring temperatures and to relax around others doing likewise. Social nudity encourages communal skinny-dipping as many of us savor time together in a fun and healthy manner. A good time to be had by all!

Many race for the chance to skinny-dip!

There are numerous peoples who deny giving social nudity any thought throughout the year but with the arrival of summer, the month of August, the higher temperatures and any hinderance to abandoning clothing is suddenly itself abandoned. A carefree race through the surf along a beach assumes an entirely rewarding attraction as opposed to walking along, burdened by garments that only hinder whatever natural breeze is stirring! Inhibitions are cast away when the environment – both natural and social – encourage us to enjoy less stressful situations!

Good times for all!

Our nakedness encourages social interaction which also supports the concept of having “fun” together with others. The lack of any type of covering reinforces the ideal of living naturally – without the necessity of any garment or artificial item that transmits the hint of guilt or shame about our body. Too many of us are required to wear clothing for our professional lives. The practice of sharing our bareness with our acquaintances and friends affords a significant number of us to feel liberated from the restrictions imposed by a society that isn’t noted for endorsing individuality. The ability to be ourselves – totally natural – is one of the major attractions of social nudity.

Towel removal

Participating in nudity, alone or with others, isn’t limited to just outdoor situations. The changes in our weather that happen throughout the year force many of us to adapt ourselves to flexibility in our environment for different activities. Having to relocate our socially naked experiences provides us all with the skills needed to adjust to experiences beyond our control. It also affords us the opportunities to enjoy the various challenges interactive communal nudity offers!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, August 7, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Bare Practitioner Model!”