August Fun: A Photo-Essay!


There are many fellow bare practitioners (same gender loving naturists/nudists) who relish the summer months, especially the final full month of summertime: August. Back when the days of the season were free from school, it was the “last chance” for carefree antics and spontaneous play. The 31 days of August encouraged all of us to fill every moment with enough fun and good times to last until the next summer arrived, almost a full year away!

Within two decades, a majority of primary and secondary academic calendars have adopted a year-around approach to education and summers are no longer a universal break in the scholastic routine. The recent COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic contributed to this situation. The almost three complete months of summer holiday may now be a memory from the past, but the legends of the extended vacation from knowledge and responsibility will last for years yet to come.

This posting is intended to provide a recall moment in time for many of us to ponder the days of freedom, fun and August laughter. Good times are rarely forgotten!

August theme: Get naked!

One of the infamous advantages of the month of August in the Northern Hemisphere is the ability to strip off our clothes, no matter if we’re inside or outside! Clothes freedom often created an ideal environment for unlimited adventure and excitement! There is absolutely no need to “cover-up” all the fun!

Roger and Darren!

Darren and I have been friends for years. We’re both Deaf, gay and share a preference for being proponents of the bare practitioner lifestyle. When we initially met one another, we found ourselves severely limited in building acquaintanceship with others at a clothes-free riverside park in central Virginia – our mutual home state.

Kalvin, a new and friendly acquaintance!

Darren and I first met Kalvin when we arrived back at our usual hang-out along the riverside. It only took minutes for him to show us that he understood American Sign Language (ASL). Of course, friendship happened almost instantaneously! It was fortunate that the three of us were there simultaneously!

Kalvin and I: fun pose!

Kalvin had no problems relating to Darren and I and enjoyed a similar sense of humour. We all exchanged email addresses and numbers for texting. He also relieved Darren the burden of being the “odd man out” as Aaron (my current spouse) and I were seriously becoming a definite couple by the time we all met.

Kalvin and Darren!

That particular August, we gained a certain amount of infamy from other regulars at our SGL (same gender loving) area of the riverside beach. As the month progressed, other folks soon recognized “our space” and our style of communication (manual language) and respected the fact that our interaction depended on eye contact as opposed to strictly hearing.

Adimu and Roger!

Both Aaron and Kalvin heard conversations from our SGL river neighbours that let them know that our crowd involved persons who were either Deaf and/or hard-of-hearing. They also relayed that ASL was understood and used as our primary communication tool. Other SGL Deaf men soon happened upon us and joined in our fun!

Adimu and Roger: again!

The weeks of August passed and our somewhat limited bare practitioner Deaf gang grew as we met more people who welcomed not only our shared communication ability but also our inclusive nature. In relating to some of our newer acquaintances, not all of the riverside people were favourable to our presence but were grateful to have a resource to refer others.

Aaron, my spouse!

Through all this August Fun, Aaron had his own special type of fun behind his camera lens! I’ve frequently published here of his preference for being the photographer instead of posing for pictures. However, that didn’t ban others from grabbing the camera and capturing him unaware! Notation: This image was not my undertaking!

The bare truth!

Not only is socializing friendlier when clothes free, but socializing is much easier when nude!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, August 25, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Summer Chuckles!”

Published by


A same gender loving (gay) bare practitioner (nudist) who invites you to explore my blog. At times I may appear irreverent but I am in no way irrelevant!

6 thoughts on “August Fun: A Photo-Essay!”

  1. Dear Sir Mr.Roger I thank you very much for help me , and I thank you very much my Dear Sir Mr.Roger allow me share in your Website Beautiful Nice about : Gay Men’s Naked Beautiful Nice in Naturist Club Resort Spa , and on The Beach in The Sea for Swimming Naked with take Rest with Relax Comfortable my Dear Sir Mr.Roger ….. my Dear Sir Mr.Roger I thank you very much allow me make Civil Servant Naked Man have them in Naturist Club Resort Spa Forever after you agree my Dear Sir Mr.Roger , and I thank you very much allow me married you with Wedding Nude at home for make Civil Servant Naked Man have you at home Forever after you agree my Dear Sir Mr.Roger , at Night in your Bedroom for we make Sexual Intercourse Orgasm with kiss Full your Body Naked Beautiful Nice Forever , and kiss your Face Beautiful Nice and kiss your Arms Beautiful Nice , and kiss your legs Beautiful Nice , and kiss your Penis Beautiful Nice , and kiss your Ass or Buttocks Beautiful Nice Forever , and Can you put your Penis Beautiful Nice in my Ass or Buttocks Beautiful Nice for make Urine or Pee with Cum after you agree my Dear Sir Mr.Roger …… my Dear Sir Mr.Roger allow me help you in Toilet WC for Cleaning your Penis Beautiful Nice and Cleaning your Ass or Buttocks Beautiful Nice on Bidet by Soap with Water , and in Bathroom for make Scrub with Washing Full your Body Naked Beautiful Nice by Shampoo with Water , after that I Carried you to your Bedroom for make Massage Full your Body Naked Beautiful Nice Forever my Dear Sir Mr.Roger …… my Dear Sir Mr.Roger I love you very very very very much Forever ……
    my Dear Sir Mr.Roger I hope for you long age , and I hope for you good health Fine in your Life Forever , and I hope for you Happy Dream in your Life Forever with Good Husband Man Love you Forever at home , and Good Civil Servant Naked Man have you at home Forever my Dear Sir Mr.Roger …… my Dear Sir Mr.Roger I,m Ready for you at home Forever after you agree my Dear Sir Mr.Roger ……. with best good regard …… I,m your Buttocks Beautiful Nice …… I,m your Buttocks Beautiful Nice …… I,m your Buttocks Beautiful Nice ,,,,,, I,m your Buttocks Beautiful Nice …… I,m your Buttocks
    Beautiful Nice …… I,m your Buttocks

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have recently returned to being nude as often as possible, and have re-joined my local gay men’s nude social group that I started many years ago. I am in the process of reconnecting with men I knew, and meeting new members of the group. I have successfully connected with one man who has been over to hang out with me nude and hope to share the same experience with many more men in the near future.

    Thanks for being a constant source of support and inspiration.

    Naked hugs!

    Liked by 2 people

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