Earth Day Weekend!

Play on a pristine beach!

Earth Day: 22 April, 2024!

Earth Day was first observed – globally – on 22 April, 1970. At the time, it was a new addition celebrating an ancient planet! Now, it has officially evolved into a festive occasion to remind us all – both bare and the not-so-bare – that now is the time for us all to take the time not only to commemorate our natural world but to also take the time to actually make the effort to try and preserve it for our future generations!

Natural appreciation!

Who we are and where we live makes no difference. The majority of us have a sincere appreciation of the wonders of our environment (nature) and simply making the effort to keep our planet both productive and safe for us all is worth every ounce of energy we can contribute towards that goal!

The month of April, annually for those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere, is the first complete month of the Spring season. In keeping with the promise of the rebirth and renewal (ReNude-al) of our natural habitat, there are two events in April that afford us the all the opportunity to join with others in improving and preserving our local world. The first of these is Earth Day!


As Earth Day happens on a Monday this year, many areas are featuring Earth Day activities, events and festivities during the weekend prior to the actual observation in order for it to be a family experience. This makes it a truly educational “learning” undertaking for everyone!

If there isn’t an Earth Day happening in your area, don’t despair! It doesn’t require a massive celebration to honour! My spouse, Aaron, and I – along with several friends and neighbors – plan a community “park cleaning” for a local public park space! With budget restrictions following the recent coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, we volunteer to report to a special area of the property and pick up any loose trash left there. Our municipality’s recreation and parks department provides us with trash bags and disposable sanitary gloves to use. We spend two hours together patrolling through the public park and collecting the debris.

Note: Due to safety concerns, we do not engage in collecting discarded syringes and needles or any item that may be hazardous.

Happy Earth Day to all!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, April 22, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “ReNude Arbor!”

ASL: Quickie!

“I love you” in ASL!

ASL = American Sign Language

Practically every spoken (verbal) language has it’s very own manual sign language used by it’s Deaf (primarily) and other speech-challenged populations to communicate. There exists, as of this moment, no “global” or “universal” signed language familiar and understood by all persons who converse and interact manually. There are some “word signs” that are universally recognized and utilized but each language culture has it’s own particular and predominant signed language.

Some of the larger (geographic) countries and multilingual nations have variations based upon regional and linguistic traditions, very similar to oral (spoken) fluctuations known as “accents” that are usually comprehended by all respective users.

For example, the body-painted man (above) in today’s header (title photograph) is using his hand to transmit the the concept/message/phrase “I love you.” This is one of the manual signs that is widely understood by almost every manual communicator no matter their predominant sign language. Similarly, a smile and a wave of a hand is a method of conveying a friendly greeting.

Some of these internationally recognized signs are understood based on centuries of use. Others are representative of a geographically dominant signed language and/or interaction and practice. It is important to note here that every Deaf / speech challenged person has their own specific experience with signed language, no matter where they live. The reasoning will vary as many times as the total number of individuals involved!

It is also essential to appreciate and comprehend that each particular Deaf Culture evolved. There is no magical formula that was engaged to ensure compliance. Each signed language (American Sign Language, British Sign Language, Greek Sign Language, Arabic Sign Language, Yoruba Sign Language, etc.) developed on it’s own intensity and standard.


Our man above, with no body paint whatsoever, is signing another concept/message/phrase conveying “gratitude/thank you” to us all for taking a few moments to manually communicate!

Naked hugs!.

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, April 19, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Earth Day!”


Sorry for the delay in the scheduled post entry here. This has been a very productive Spring season here in the mid-Atlantic coast of the eastern portion of this country. The excessive winds have given me a severe case of pollen allergic reactions that prevented me from my scheduled posting for yesterday, April 12, 2024.

I apologize for any inconvenience! My physician proscribed a pill that produced relief but also left me unable to produce my proposed post entry. It will be published here on Monday, April 15, 2024, in a hastily prepared format.

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride


Affection, happiness and love!

There are, at least in the English language, two months out of every year that begin with the letter: “A.” The initial occurrence\is April, the one that we’re in right now. It is also the first complete month of the newly arrived Spring season. It also denotes the return of natural growth and of warming temperatures outside. A hopeful and promising month of the calendar.

The second month that begins with the letter “A” is August. Chronologically, August is the exact opposite of April. It is the very last complete month of the Summer season. It is typically a month of heat and of sunshine; among us of Greek heritage, it is traditionally the month for our annual return to the homeland to visit with family, friends as well as celebrating our culture and customs!

For my spouse, Aaron, and myself, both of the A-months, April and August, hold a special significance. April because were both born during this month albeit on different dates. However, our birthdays are less than a week apart and we were birthed during differing years.

Birthday treat!

Secondly, but equally important, we were married on 15 August, 2015. The wedding itself was the result of a conspiracy collaborated by both pairs of our parents but welcomed by the both of us! Fortunately, my father was alive when it happened and he was able to witness it and to bless us both!

Naturally, Aaron and I are not the only two bare practitioners honoured during the A-months. Alex, my identical twin brother, shares the same birthday and the same birth year as myself. We also have a first cousin, Michael Poladopoulos, nine years younger, who celebrates his birth during the middle of this month. He is likewise a bare practitioner, Deaf and a secondary school art teacher. He is half-Greek and half-Nigerian (our father’s are brothers).

Concerning Aaron’s family, there are no additional persons with a similar “claim-to-fame.” However, there are quite a number of nieces and nephews waiting for maturity before a final, official determination is made!

A bromantic moment!

Concentrating attention solely on the Peterson (Aaron’s) family and the Poladopoulos (my own) family in no way incorporates all of the A-month celebrants. Within the global bare practitioner community and culture alone, an entire listing is unfathomable! Even as a distinct social minority, we remain too numerous!

As a public site, ReNude Pride strives to remain accepting and inclusive of all the curious and those exploring their nakedness and their sexuality. We are all too aware of the feelings of being excluded, ignored or neglected. Like being forced to stand outside the home and only being permitted to watch through a window the social gathering taking place inside.

Many of us know these emotions firsthand and regrettably, some of us still have to cope with these even today. That’s why avoiding any repetition of these sensations is a priority for this publication!

So, in a serious and sincere effort to eradicate any exclusion and/or overlooking, Aaron and I invite anyone and everyone to an event to celebrate, commemorate and to enjoy nakedness! ReNude Pride’s very own:


Bare Practitioner Occasion!

Motivated buttocks!

Anniversary? Birthday? Coming-of-Age? Coming Out? Any happening in life that you believe is worthy of commemorating within this calendar year, 2024, is enough reason for all of us to rejoice! Join in all the fun and laughter as we all strip out of our cumbersome clothes, toss away our inhibitions and gleefully engage together as community and culture in our very own special and unique collective occasion!

Our ultimate goal is to create an event that is as inclusive of all of us. Therefore, whatever the cause is determined to be: solo, a couple – bromantic or platonic – or a large group, we’ll join together and dance until all of our hearts, minds, and souls are overflowing with delight, jubilation and spirit. It makes no difference when the day occurs, the month and the date aren’t important! Aaron and I want all of us included and involved!

Circle of joy!

For far too long, our bare practitioner community and culture has enable the mainstream (majority) society the prerogative of identification of us. Their labels/names for us have often withstood (survived) the “test-of-time” and frequently became an epithet (slur) to use against us. This abusive and contemptuous identity becomes offensive and stereotypical in nature.

For example, about the time of the Stonewall Inn Riots (SIR) in June, 1969, the term “queer” emerged and quickly was assumed by general society to identify us – in a completely derogatory manner. “Queer” thus became very demeaning. However, our newly self-identified “gay” community actually liked the label “queer” and kept it with confidence and pride. We began to voluntarily even refer to ourselves and our culture as queer!

The broader society was baffled, confused and completely taken by surprise. How could we possibly endorse an identity intended to discredit and offend us? That same segment of society is still seeking another term to use, all these years later!

All we have to do is take a look now to see how queer has become synonymous with same gender loving. The mainstreamers continue to search for an appropriate replacement!

Tossing away briefs!

So please come and join with us as we jointly celebrate us being what and who we naturally are: ourselves! Bare Practitioners Occasion!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, April 12, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Quickie!”

April Appraisal!

Bare staging!

No matter where we live, Northern Hemisphere or the Southern Hemisphere, April is always a month of transition from one season into the next. The exception being for those who reside in the Equatorial region – along the Equator, the dividing line between the two hemispheres – where the extremes of the two are less pronounced. Yet even along the Equator there exist differences not easily detected.

As routine as April may appear: anticipated, gradual, predictable, it simultaneously is also erratic, surprising and unique. One day may very well follow the previous but they can both be different, exceptional, exciting and inconsistent. Transitional? Yes, but hardly routine!

To enrich April experiences and to ensure our happiness and satisfaction with this particular month, an advisory reminder for all is offered below. A friendly message for fun and joy as we progress from one season into the next!

Let’s all strive to make this a momentous and special day, discarding our unfashionable and unnecessary fabrics and experiencing body and clothes freedom! It is early in this new month of April so many of us need to remain inside but still indulging in the festive merriment of the ending of our wintry hibernation is a worthy commemoration!

Our new season started on 19 March. We’ve already determined that April is the first entire month of Springtime, 2024. The time for rebirth and renewal is rapidly descending upon us! We can all rejoice and rejuvenate together as we march forward together in our nakedness!

There are no limitations and/or restrictions on what is allowed or permitted for this glorious occasion. Each person or persons decide the appropriate, best and convenient action to undertake. No effort is being judged and there are no maximum or minimum numbers of participants to involve. Everyone is free to choose works best for themselves!

Our goal or our mission is essentially to do something naked today. Of course, in order to do something naked, we must first and foremost be naked. In a sincere effort to make certain that all of us comprehend the guideline, a graphic chart is provided below. Under the chart, .gif images of how to become naked are published to ensure understanding.

Step-by-step graphic!

The doorway on our ability to be naked has now been opened for us all. The task itself is relatively simple. Now is the time to abandon our insecurity and/or our modesty and embrace the unlimited and unrestricted liberation our nakedness affords us! Practice makes perfect!

Fully clothed!
Removing is like dressing in reverse!

Eliminating our inhibitions and misgivings on finally acquiring the knowledge and the skills to enter into the world as a bare practitioner! A resource of hope and rejuvenation that is reliable for us all to enjoy throughout the world in which we live!

Implementing these fine talents that we’ve discovered and learned provide us choices and options to improve our daily lives. We can now determine the direction to proceed into in improving and rewarding not only ourselves but also those around us!

In satisfying our commitment to do something naked today, none of us are challenged or hindered by any predicament or situation. We can be home alone or involved with a group. There is no time restriction that must be followed. Clothes freedom for five minutes or for five hours isn’t a concern or issue. Without clothing, therefore bare, is our sole qualifying factor.

Something is inclusive. Anything is a possible accomplishment. Basically, walking as a bare practitioner from one room into another solves the necessity of do something naked today. Easy! Simple! Uncomplicated! Drink a glass or water or a can of soda – without wearing any type of clothing – and we’ve achieved our goal!

Walking from room to room!

Performing without clothing helps us in our self-acceptance of what and who we are as an individual. It also encourages us to become self-reliant and comfortable with ourselves and others. Doing something naked while alone permits us to relax when bare in the company of others.

Naked with a friend!

Social nakedness or social nudity allows us to interact together in ways that we might always normally pursue. It enables us to enjoy the time together and helps to raise our level of not only self-respect but of communal respect.

Brothers reading!

Doing something naked today can be with acquaintances, family, friends or even total strangers. Body and clothes freedom know no restrictions on who we may engage. Possibilities are endless on who may participate. Our nakedness helps to create our bare practitioner sociability!

Join in and do it now!

Have a wonderful time as we all plan to enjoy ourselves and do something naked today!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, April 8, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “A-Months!”

April’s Fool!

What’s missing?

Man, what am I missing here?

Just a few images today in observance of the April’s Fool Day or otherwise known as April Fool’s Day. I guess the determination is made by the number of persons involved! Have a good one!

Our friend above is obviously waiting for his morning bath! Did anyone remind him to turn on the faucet to fill his bathtub with water?


The RuPaul Show’s Laith Ashley!
Pectoral dancing!

We’re unable to determine the thoroughness of his nakedness, however, his nipples appear to be synchronized with the rhythm! Needless to publish, but it is quite apparent that Laith Ashley’s pectoral muscle coordination is exemplary!

Happy April Fool’s Day to everyone! Enjoy the foolishness!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, April 5, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “April Appraisal!”

Bottoms-Up! Easter, 2024!

Painted buttocks!

A very special occasion, indeed! The holiday of western Easter and the observation of Bottoms-Up! coinciding together for one Spring-time celebration! All the more reasons for everyone of us to joyfully bare our buttocks, grab the supply of body paint and design away!

Artists being artistic!
Western Easter themes!

For this year, 2024, Holy Easter occurs on Sunday, May 5. It is the time of the year for the celebration of hope for all of us and our futures!

“Easter bottoms-up!”
The rooftops!

Happy bottoms-up! to all! Happy western Easter!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for tomorrow, Monday, April 1, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “April Fool’s Day!”



Commando = without underwear!


Commando is an ambiguous term with multiple meanings; however, this site’s name is ReNude Pride. The opening header pose features the intended focus of this topic here today. After contemplation, the definition of commando being referenced here obviously is not related to the armed forces and/or the military.

There have been times in our lives when we have seen a picture of someone or something and wondered: what is the meaning of this? Either the subject or the photographer (or perhaps both) are communicating but what is the message?

In today’s posting commando refers to the practice/routine of not wearing any style of underwear (boxers, briefs, thongs, jock-strap) when textile (clothed). For some committed commando devotees, this practice also entails no undershirts. The choice remains with the person opting out! There are no listed “rules of engagement” for commando. It is the decision of the person avoiding the wearing of underwear.

Chad removing his shirt while commando!

Going Commando:

For many, the month of March and the arrival of the Spring season entices them into discarding their underwear. Others decide not to wear underwear – period! The decision id one that each individual makes for themselves. In the .gif image above, Chad is removing his shirt but we can tell that he is totally commando inside his pants. His pubic hairline isn’t contained with any type of waistband.

Certain types of clothing, particularly cycling shorts and kilts, are designed to be worn or are traditionally worn without any garment underneath.

“Going commando” is the phrase used to describe the absence of underwear underneath one’s clothing (pants/shorts). Another phrase used is: “going free-balling” (slang for allowing the testicles to hang freely). The origin of the term “going commando” is unclear and vague. In the gay community, it is often thought to be “out in the open” or “ready for action.” Both interpretations based primarily on the proverbial preparedness for combat readiness of the U.S. Marines.

The army attributes the Vietnam War where soldiers went without underwear in order to “increase ventilation and reduce moisture.” The cause of this association is the extreme humidity the soldiers endured during involvement in that conflict.

Commando embracing!

For many exploring the bare practitioner culture, the commando option is a first step in the process. Underwear, because of it’s intimacy, is the first element of clothing put on and the last element of clothing removed. Discarding underwear is a logical beginning practice when a man is considering nudity. It simplifies the act of getting dressed/undressed.

One of the benefits of “going commando” is the reduction in the amount and frequency of our laundry loads. This conserves effort, energy and time while allowing us the freedom to pursue more pleasurable and rewarding undertakings!

My oldest brother, Nick, is also same gender loving (SGL). Unlike Alex (my identical twin) and I, his indulgence into nakedness is mostly confined to when he is with one of us and a social nudity function is involved. Nick is a commando enthusiast throughout the entire calendar year and boasts of the extra space he now has in his luggage to being boxer-free! Yet another satisfied commando!

Boxer (underwear) freedom!

An additional advantage to “going commando” is that now that March is here, in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring has arrived and along with it, the imminent comfortable, outdoor temperatures. The desire and urgings to skinny-dip (swim naked) is soon to happen!

The spontaneous nature of skinny-dipping is intensified in the sudden and often hurried stripping out of our clothing as we rush to enter into the body of water. In our haste, “going commando” provides us with one less item of clothing to search for once our skinny-dip is finished. Commando makes our lives so much easier!

Aaron, my spouse and I, once the frigid and rough days of winter have passed, frequently “go commando” on weekends, especially when there is a social nudity event occurring. We both appreciate the fact that there is one less article of attire that needs removal. The majority of the time, we’re wearing a pair of jeans (either pants or shorts) as casual clothing usually offers the maximum comfort.

Commando in cameo!

Allow me to reiterate the difference between a bare practitioner and a commando. The bare practitioner is one of complete nakedness. Without any clothing or covering whatsoever, save perhaps some jewelry. A commando individual, at the very least, is wearing pants and/or shorts. Commando is without undergarment, no matter the style or type of underwear the person prefers.

These “fine lines” of distinction may be crossed over at any time. As posted above, Aaron and I are loyal bare practitioners but on occasion we dress commando, depending on the particular circumstance. The same applies to dedicated commando disciples who, at times, opt for nudity.

To my knowledge, there is no restriction forbidding persons from “crossing” from one appearance style to another. It remains the personal choice for each individual. Sometimes, less is much better!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Sunday, March 31, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Bottoms-Up! Easter, 2024!”

Revolt Against Ottoman Turks!

Military flag raising!

On the Feast of the Annunciation of the Theotokos (Mother of God) – March 25, 1821 – the Greeks began the revolt to end almost four centuries of Ottoman Turkish occupation!

The result was independence for the Kingdom of Greece!

Ancient Greek warrior!

Before we progress any further, a few notes to clarify the situation. First and foremost, the rebellion against the Ottomans didn’t have the Greeks fighting in the nude. Perhaps in ancient days, yes. However, in the 1800s, no, they may not have had official military uniforms but they definitely engaged in fighting while wearing clothing. Secondly, they may have personally had swords, etc., but they used guns. The Ottoman army was a second-rate military force, but it was armed with contemporary weaponry. For the Greeks to defeat them, a semblance of similar weaponry would be necessary.

At this time, the Ottoman Empire was widely known as “the sick man of Europe.” The heyday of it’s military dominance in eastern Europe had long ended. It was now known to be weaker, vulnerable and a declining force on the world stage. The organizers of the Greek uprising selected this feast day – a holy occasion in the Greek Orthodox Church – to begin the insurrection. It was the arrival of Spring, a time of rebirth and renewal. An ideal time to return independence to their beloved homeland!

Bishop Germanos, raised the flag of revolt over the Monastery of Aghia Laura (St. Laura) in the Pelopannese with the cry, “Freedom or Death” which was subsequently adopted as the summation of the revolution and later as the motto of Greece.

Flag raised by Bishop Germanos!

The early flag of Greece, the banner that represented the spirit of independence from the Ottomans, is presented above. The traditional colours of Greece, blue and white dominated the emblem. The double-headed eagle in the upper left corner of the banner is an adaptation from the flag representing the Byzantine empire.

The outbreak of the fight for Greek independence was a complete surprise for the Ottoman occupiers. They had not the slightest indication that such a massive insurrection was even being planned. As most of the troops were part of the occupation force with years of experience, they weren’t in any position of regularly preparing for a possible revolt.

The government of the newly liberated New World country known as Haiti was the very first nation to officially recognize Greek independence. This diplomatic exchange happened in 1821, barely 6 months after the struggle was initiated and long before the war was ended. Even France, Great Britain and Russia, the countries supporting the Greeks with military material, did not recognize the new country until after the Ottomans had ceded the occupation of Greece.

The shock the uprising brought to the Turkish occupiers was felt throughout the historic Greek peninsula and islands. Many of the smaller garrisons were unprepared, understaffed and without sufficient ammunitions to maintain a prolonged defence. They were abandoned in haste as the troops realized the need for assistance if they were to survive the assaults. The proverbial “sick man of Europe” was caught unprepared and was easily overwhelmed.

In haste, the Ottomans sought relief for their occupiers in Greece from their North African dependent states of Algeria, Egypt, Tripolitania and Tunis. These were distrustful of one another and frequently hostile to the various tribes comprising their numbers. The auxiliary troops were often defeated by the Greek locals who were often armed with inferior firearms but held strategic locations as the arriving armies unloaded off their boats.

The Greeks also had the advantage of familiarity with the local terrain and also of the culture and people. They were involved with persons of sympathetic feelings and shared desires for a return to Greek independence.

The war against the Ottomans proceeded with limited success on both sides. The Greeks could not harness the financial resources necessary to engage in prolonged military actions against the Ottomans and their North African allies.

Map of Greece

In 1827, Great Britain, France and Russia decided to intervene on the behalf of Greece and sent naval squadrons to the Aegean Sea. The Ottoman-Egyptian fleet was encircling the island of Hydra. The fleets engaged in the Battle of Navarino and the Ottoman-Egyptian fleet was destroyed. This event turned the tide of the war in favour of the Greeks. The complete annihilation of the Ottoman fleet at Navarino convinced the majority of the Ottoman military command of the futility of even hoping to prevent the insurrectionists from succeeding in their struggle. An unofficial retreat from the extreme areas of Greek control was implemented.

In 1828, following the landing of a French expeditionary force, the Egyptians completely withdrew from defending Ottoman garrisons. The Ottoman fortresses remaining in the Peloponnese surrendered to Greece and the Ottoman camps throughout the rest of the area soon followed. The result of this collapse of Ottoman occupation forced the Turks to accept Greek autonomy in the Treaty of Adrianople which ended the fighting.

After 9 years of fighting, Greece was finally recognized as completely independent under the London Protocol of February, 1830, by Great Britain, France and Russia, who subsequently guaranteed it’s independence. The London Protocol also established the Greek Orthodox Church as the state religion of Greece and the Patriarch of Constantinople was recognized as the supreme religious authority. Further negotiations led to the London Conference of 1832 which included the Ottoman Empire and introduced the Treaty of Constantinople, defined the borders of Greece and Turkey and recognized Prince Otto of Bavaria as King of Greece.

The modern flag of Greece!

In addition to the nine stripes, the modern Greek flag bears the emblem of the Cross of St. George, who is the patron saint of the Country of Greece. The Cross of St. George also, by law, adorns the top of every pole that supports the nation’s banner. The flag has been a part of the Greek culture since the revolution began with Bishop Germanos raising it over his monastery.

As for the revolt against Ottoman occupation, there are two of my great-great-great grandfathers and one of my great-great-great-great grandfathers who participated in the upraising. None of them were fatalities and they prospered under the survival of the reign of Otto, King of Greece, who was childless. His successors, the Glucksburg Dynasty, were from the Danish Royal Family. Otto was the only sovereign known as the King of Greece. The remainder were proclaimed by their officially recognized title, King of the Hellenes.

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, March 29, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Underneath!”

Disrobe Drama!


A little post of pure nonsense to set the tone for the first weekend of Spring, 2024! Enjoy!

There are some within our community and culture who have a natural talent or a “flair for the dramatic.” Entertaining at times, it does involve a notion of audience and frequently, much patience! The entertaining aspect features the profound and intentionally theatrical representation by extraordinary measures of whatever is portrayed. The solemn is often played as too absurd to imagine – which is exactly why it is referred to as “over-dramatized!” Much more than necessary!

For the record, the actions are not especially the choice of the actor (person performing) but rather the individual charged with directing the actions – the director or person responsible for delivering the guidance for the performance. The theatrical “airs” one must engage while being traumatized at having to disrobe – and a terrycloth disrobing at that – is beyond belief. Not only must one be inconvenienced, with an arrogant and haughty attitude, but one also must appear grossly offended at having to discard a priceless fashion accessory – oh, that’s right, a simple terrycloth robe!

This is, after all, a dramatic interpretation! One must remember to be overwrought with anxiety!

Once the simple robe has been disengaged from the stage, the major production is finished. Complete. All that remains is a human body that is bare. The terrycloth offered minor resistance but was cast aside when it was recognized as a second-rate performer with severely limited experience.

If the terrycloth robe was the central character, protagonist, what’s remaining?

A bare body. Does this indicate the grand finale is to be a solo performance? Is our lone actor capable of such a climactic undertaking?

Let’s hope the prophecy is fulfilled: The show must go on!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is scheduled for Monday, March 25, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Revolt Against Ottoman Turks!”