
Bare fun!

Camaraderie: good will and lighthearted rapport between or among family and/or friends; comradeship


The bare practitioner community and culture is based and built upon two distinct characteristics or traits that we all share. They are of equal importance and each one is essential in the bonding and the sense of belonging that being a bare practitioner brings into our lives as individuals and as a collective common entity. These characteristics or traits are our same gender love (SGL) and our nakedness.

The Camaraderie is the fellowship, fraternization and friendship that the spirit of the bare practitioner community and culture instills within us. It provides us with a sense of devotion and trust that we all hold.

The Experience is likewise collective and shared. It creates a bonding that we rely upon. It presents us with a foundation of caring and compassion as both a community and culture within the larger GLBTQ+ movement that enables us to celebrate our SGL and our nakedness.

The Challenge is in the perspective of our daily lives and how our cooperation works wonders and rewards all of us.

Bare Practitioner Camaraderie!

Throughout the years here, ReNude Pride has on occasion alluded to the popular – often widespread – misconception that our “natural” state-of-being-bare, body and clothes free, naked, nude, nudity, open, unadorned is both identical and interchangeable with degenerate, evil, sinful and wrong. Before anyone panics, allow me to assure you that this site is not entering into discrepancy and/or reversal! Aaron, my spouse, and I remain committed bare practitioners! This publication is nakedness encouraging, friendly, receptive and welcoming! And it shall remain so as long as we are involved here!

I have somehow collected this series of pictures of these two men interacting together in either foreplay, fun or jest (or a combination of all three)! The precise cause of their behaviour isn’t really important. The impression is that they’re both having fun together and that they’re both innocent of anything evil, sinful and wrong. They’re both enjoying their nakedness – plain and simple!

Bare, fun-loving and happy!

In harmony with the title of this post entry here today, they’re both not guilty of any maliciousness or misbehaviour aside from simply “being themselves.” Their body language and facial expressions confirm this as factual and reality. The atmosphere implies cheerful, comfort and harmony. Their eyes convey both affection, innocence and trust! They are engaging in camaraderie. Nothing more and absolutely nothing less than what the above definition offers us. A seasonal rite of rejuvenation and replenishment after the barren winter!

As bare practitioners, all of us know – primarily from first-hand experience – often in our textile (clothes oriented) society that our nakedness is interpreted by many as a subtle tool to foster sexual intimacy. The obvious physical contact between these two men: embracing, staring, touching, and their shared nudity may reinforce this misleading message but it fails to confirm it into actual reality.

Their interaction and their clothes freedom does validate their same gender love (SGL) acceptance and bonding. It likewise reaffirms their shared bare practitioner connection. They both have very similar physical characteristics that suggests a possible familial relationship (cousin or sibling) or perhaps a more bromatic (brotherhood + romance) affiliation.

Serious bare practitioners!

Discounting all and any homophobic judgments, there is nothing wrong with the sincerity and the validity of confidence and pride between these two men. They both publicly (for the camera lens and for the viewers) have no hesitation in their relationship, whatever nature it may possess.

Witnessing what these two men share the the togetherness they treasure is an example and an inspiration for us all. It is a reminder of our hope, our humanity and our innocence! Our men here today dispel the popular and widespread misconception that nakedness and sex are synonymous. Nudity may enable a sexual advancement but it does not exclusively energize immediate sexual engagement. Casual nakedness interaction afford us comfort. comradeship and convenience.

This series of photographs remind me of the words of the Anglican (Church of England) priest from 400 years ago:

“Full nakedness! All joys are due to thee,

As souls unbodied, bodies unclothed must be

To taste whole joys.” ~ John Donne ~ 1572-1631

Although composed by an opposite gender loving man, the spirit of his thought is applicable today, regardless of the sexuality!


The Bare Practitioner Experience:

“A bare practitioner is a person who is same gender loving (bisexual or gay) and who is a naturist/nudist (no clothing or covering). They also willingly release their body, mind and soul from the frustrations and tensions of always hiding beneath the oppression of garments. A free spirit, uncensored and uncovered, in a complete natural state confidently joined with another of the same gender in companionship, devotion and pride. Accepting and respecting both what and who they truly are!” ~ Aaron and Roger Peterson-Poladopoulos ~

The blatant and unmistakable message that the above images deliver is clearly that bare practitioners have no underlying feelings of embarrassment, guilt or shame in either their SGL life and their nakedness. They can and do embrace both of these aspects of their existence and increasingly find the self-acceptance and confidence within themselves and others that enable them to progress into their future.

Bare practitioners are perhaps among the most accepting and tolerant groupings of the GLBTQ+ culture. Although frequently marginalized others, specifically based on their body and clothes freedom preference and status, they are a most cordial and welcoming social community without concern of a person’s particular clothing status. An exceptional majority of bare practitioners are familiar with the exploratory nature of many SGL brothers and sisters, especially their curiosity concerning nakedness. They are patient and tolerant of those outside the clothing optional culture.

The Progressive Pride flag!

This community has an abundance of the “multiple coming out” survivors. Mot only did they need to “come out” regarding their personal sexual preference, they also took the additional decisive measure of acknowledging their orientation for nakedness. This “double-outing” has forged an open, receptive and tolerant community for all! Out two subjects featured today are reflective of the inclusiveness of both the bare practitioner community and culture.

There was a time in the not-to-distant past where those who were attracted to the same gender romantically were cautious, discrete and obsessively secretive about their sexual desires. Nakedness was seen as degenerate and disgusting. Slowly, those archaic attitudes are being erased and that is one of the predominant reasons that the bare practitioner community is accustomed to those from outside their ranks frequently attending social functions in order to view the social scene.

The two bare practitioners in the photo series published here today are a visual testament that nakedness and SGL are both compatible and natural! We see ourselves as role models of both our community and our culture. One of our priorities is to ensure that newcomers and curious visitors feel comfortable and relaxed while they are with us. All are encouraged to join with us and to remove clothing to their individual comfort level whenever they feel thus inclined and without pressure.

Solid advice!

For some, nakedness, especially complete social nudity, is a gradual process. It involves unlearning a behaviour taught to us and requires time to accomplish. Then there are those who boldly discard all their textiles (clothing) and then need to be reminded to dress themselves before leaving the event/facility! The fact that we underwent the “double-coming-out” (nakedness and sexuality) process and survived hopefully inspires others that they can accomplish the same!

The Bare Practitioner Challenge!

A challenging pin!

The picture directly above is of a pin that accurately reflects the undue amount of attention focused on the male penis. Please remember that the actual object of this essential truth is the message itself. The challenge is this: In the glory of our nakedness, exactly how are se supposed to display our pin? Insert it into our skin?

In the realm of social interaction, it is almost universally recognized that people are more comfortable, forthcoming, honest and sincere around and with others they perceive as most like themselves. This dynamic enables and encourages a bond of sharing and of trust. Among bare practitioners, the sense is supplemented through nakedness and sexuality. This similarity allows us to focus less on generalities and concentrate on uniqueness!

Bare practitioner embrace!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Tuesday, April 30, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Bottoms-Up! April, 2024!”

April Showers!

Skinny-dipping dive (indoor pool)!

Wait a minute! The topic for today is: “April Showers!” As in precipitation from the clouds above. Not skinny-dipping in an indoor pool! Please! Stay focused!


Luckily, the title for today’s posting here on ReNude Pride is both inaccurate and misleading. Weather-wise, rain showers aren’t limited or restricted to just this month alone. They happen frequently – all year long. During the winter months, they appear as snow showers if not blizzards! Thankfully, they are highly unlikely now that Spring is here!

Hygiene-wise, my spouse, Aaron, and I shower daily – all year long. Cleanliness is important to the both of us, personally as well as professionally. As we are both dedicated bare practitioners, our preference is without clothing (whenever possible). Therefore, our natural (unclothed) appearance is a priority!

April shower!

So, a follow-up question is this: How did the phrase “April showers” originate? I’m sorry to admit that I have absolutely no theory to offer. However, I do have some images I’ve collected over the years that clearly show that bare practitioners do indeed make plans to protect themselves from rain-showers, no matter in what month they occur.

Which lead us into another group of questions: If we’re bare practitioners, don’t we skinny-dip? Why then do we need protection from a shower? Another valid question that I really don’t have a plausible answer. Perhaps it does have a relationship as to the availability of cotton towels for everyone?

May I borrow your towel?

I readily confess that neither Aaron nor I own raingear designed “nothing to hide.” However, we each have rainbow flag inspired umbrellas. After all, patriotism is important! Bare practitioners are a very loyal and proud community!

Bare transparency!

Perhaps there is some creditability in the childhood rhyme: April showers bring May flowers!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, April 3, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “ReNude Pride: Personified!”

April Appeal: Fantasy!

Our bare practitioner hosts for the induction!


This is the final posting of the April Appeal series for this year here on ReNude Pride. The sub-title is “fantasy” but perhaps a sub-title of “initiation” is more appropriate. The two men featured in the above image are our bare practitioner “hosts” for this ritual – the welcoming of one of our textile “converts” into the world of living in the freedom of being a bare practitioner!

My friend, Jay’s partner, Raheem, volunteered to help me with today’s April Appeal installation. I am grateful for his efforts and encourage him to pursue maintaining his own blog! Some of you may remember assistance on my post “BRAT!” (click the title to link).

Unofficial and unstructured, as far as Raheem and I can determine, there are absolutely no guidelines or mandate for actually conducting an initiation ceremony into the bare practitioner community. The fantasy Order of Bare Practitioners (OBP) is an imaginary dream of both Raheem and myself (although it does have a noble connotation)! Nakedness appreciates companionship – that’s why we have “social nudity” – but an official ritual for membership? Removal of clothing is the sole qualification as per our knowledge.

Initiating the textile as a bare practitioner #1!

Initiation Into the Bare Practitioner World!

The two bare practitioner men are stripping the clothes off of a man they are preparing to “induct” into the bare practitioner culture. Our “host’s” duties are to remove the covering (clothing) from those seeking membership into OBP and to present them to all members present, completely bare!

“There is no reason to conceal and hide. Complete nudity is cause for joy and pride!” ~ Roger Poladopoulos ~ April 25, 2022

Bare Practitioner Initiation Ritual:

Initiating the textile as a bare practitioner #2!

All of the bare practitioners (the regular membership) viewing the induction ritual recall their own entrance into the OBP (the mythical society). The initiates, being totally clothed, eagerly anticipate their moment of freedom from being burdened with clothes! That’s the reason all the bare practitioners engage their nudity prior to the beginning of the ceremony!

There is most definitely no humiliation or shame in being publicly stripped of one’s textile deceit! Everyone knows that body and clothes freedom is accompanied with pride!

Initiating the textile as a bare practitioner #3!

As the discomfort of the garments are removed, the initiate is allowed to share with the membership his eagerness and willingness to become one with them in enjoying living naturally! The regular bare practitioner membership is encouraged to ask questions of those who are seeking to join us as members. This exchange helps to open the friendship between the regular members and those hoping to become affiliated with our camaraderie!

Initiating the textile as a bare practitioner #4!

Each prospective recruit is invited to come forward fully clothed and to be publicly and ritually removed of his artificial concealment. The identical process is repeated for each and every one. This allows all of us to witness our newest as they evolve from being textile to their new status as completely “bare with pride!”

Initiating the textile as a bare practitioner #5!

This evolution and induction process empowers us all as members of the Order of Bare Practitioners. We are reminded of our own membership assimilation as well as the unity that we all share with one another. It enables us to appreciate and understand that even though we may be a minority population, we are most definitely not alone in our same gender love nor in our pride in our nakedness. Together, we make a committed team!

Bare practitioner unity!

Embracing one another reinforces our dedication to our ideals of same gender love and of body and clothes freedom. We respect the responsibility of each and every one to determine the path they will follow throughout their life. Our embrace, together, reaffirms this principle!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: Please remember that this particular post is a pure fantasy publication.

The next post entry for here is planned for Saturday, April 30, 2022, and the proposed topic is: “Bottoms-Up! April, 2022!”