Happy Easter!

Joining together for Holy Easter!

Today is the feast of Holy Easter for all the faithful of the Eastern Orthodox Churches! Happy and Holy Easter wishes to everyone!

Within the Greek Orthodox community, our eggs are all dyed traditional red!

The colour of red is used as symbolic of the blood that was shed during the crucifixion!

Flowers symbolizing renewal!

Flowers represent the return to life as in the resurrection!

Traditional Easter bread baked with a red dyed egg!

My spouse, Aaron, has mastered yaya’s (my grandmother’s) recipe for our Easter bread!

Kala pascha! (Happy Easter!)

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is tomorrow, May 6, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “World Naked Bike Ride!”

Revolt Against Ottoman Turks!

Military flag raising!

On the Feast of the Annunciation of the Theotokos (Mother of God) – March 25, 1821 – the Greeks began the revolt to end almost four centuries of Ottoman Turkish occupation!

The result was independence for the Kingdom of Greece!

Ancient Greek warrior!

Before we progress any further, a few notes to clarify the situation. First and foremost, the rebellion against the Ottomans didn’t have the Greeks fighting in the nude. Perhaps in ancient days, yes. However, in the 1800s, no, they may not have had official military uniforms but they definitely engaged in fighting while wearing clothing. Secondly, they may have personally had swords, etc., but they used guns. The Ottoman army was a second-rate military force, but it was armed with contemporary weaponry. For the Greeks to defeat them, a semblance of similar weaponry would be necessary.

At this time, the Ottoman Empire was widely known as “the sick man of Europe.” The heyday of it’s military dominance in eastern Europe had long ended. It was now known to be weaker, vulnerable and a declining force on the world stage. The organizers of the Greek uprising selected this feast day – a holy occasion in the Greek Orthodox Church – to begin the insurrection. It was the arrival of Spring, a time of rebirth and renewal. An ideal time to return independence to their beloved homeland!

Bishop Germanos, raised the flag of revolt over the Monastery of Aghia Laura (St. Laura) in the Pelopannese with the cry, “Freedom or Death” which was subsequently adopted as the summation of the revolution and later as the motto of Greece.

Flag raised by Bishop Germanos!

The early flag of Greece, the banner that represented the spirit of independence from the Ottomans, is presented above. The traditional colours of Greece, blue and white dominated the emblem. The double-headed eagle in the upper left corner of the banner is an adaptation from the flag representing the Byzantine empire.

The outbreak of the fight for Greek independence was a complete surprise for the Ottoman occupiers. They had not the slightest indication that such a massive insurrection was even being planned. As most of the troops were part of the occupation force with years of experience, they weren’t in any position of regularly preparing for a possible revolt.

The government of the newly liberated New World country known as Haiti was the very first nation to officially recognize Greek independence. This diplomatic exchange happened in 1821, barely 6 months after the struggle was initiated and long before the war was ended. Even France, Great Britain and Russia, the countries supporting the Greeks with military material, did not recognize the new country until after the Ottomans had ceded the occupation of Greece.

The shock the uprising brought to the Turkish occupiers was felt throughout the historic Greek peninsula and islands. Many of the smaller garrisons were unprepared, understaffed and without sufficient ammunitions to maintain a prolonged defence. They were abandoned in haste as the troops realized the need for assistance if they were to survive the assaults. The proverbial “sick man of Europe” was caught unprepared and was easily overwhelmed.

In haste, the Ottomans sought relief for their occupiers in Greece from their North African dependent states of Algeria, Egypt, Tripolitania and Tunis. These were distrustful of one another and frequently hostile to the various tribes comprising their numbers. The auxiliary troops were often defeated by the Greek locals who were often armed with inferior firearms but held strategic locations as the arriving armies unloaded off their boats.

The Greeks also had the advantage of familiarity with the local terrain and also of the culture and people. They were involved with persons of sympathetic feelings and shared desires for a return to Greek independence.

The war against the Ottomans proceeded with limited success on both sides. The Greeks could not harness the financial resources necessary to engage in prolonged military actions against the Ottomans and their North African allies.

Map of Greece

In 1827, Great Britain, France and Russia decided to intervene on the behalf of Greece and sent naval squadrons to the Aegean Sea. The Ottoman-Egyptian fleet was encircling the island of Hydra. The fleets engaged in the Battle of Navarino and the Ottoman-Egyptian fleet was destroyed. This event turned the tide of the war in favour of the Greeks. The complete annihilation of the Ottoman fleet at Navarino convinced the majority of the Ottoman military command of the futility of even hoping to prevent the insurrectionists from succeeding in their struggle. An unofficial retreat from the extreme areas of Greek control was implemented.

In 1828, following the landing of a French expeditionary force, the Egyptians completely withdrew from defending Ottoman garrisons. The Ottoman fortresses remaining in the Peloponnese surrendered to Greece and the Ottoman camps throughout the rest of the area soon followed. The result of this collapse of Ottoman occupation forced the Turks to accept Greek autonomy in the Treaty of Adrianople which ended the fighting.

After 9 years of fighting, Greece was finally recognized as completely independent under the London Protocol of February, 1830, by Great Britain, France and Russia, who subsequently guaranteed it’s independence. The London Protocol also established the Greek Orthodox Church as the state religion of Greece and the Patriarch of Constantinople was recognized as the supreme religious authority. Further negotiations led to the London Conference of 1832 which included the Ottoman Empire and introduced the Treaty of Constantinople, defined the borders of Greece and Turkey and recognized Prince Otto of Bavaria as King of Greece.

The modern flag of Greece!

In addition to the nine stripes, the modern Greek flag bears the emblem of the Cross of St. George, who is the patron saint of the Country of Greece. The Cross of St. George also, by law, adorns the top of every pole that supports the nation’s banner. The flag has been a part of the Greek culture since the revolution began with Bishop Germanos raising it over his monastery.

As for the revolt against Ottoman occupation, there are two of my great-great-great grandfathers and one of my great-great-great-great grandfathers who participated in the upraising. None of them were fatalities and they prospered under the survival of the reign of Otto, King of Greece, who was childless. His successors, the Glucksburg Dynasty, were from the Danish Royal Family. Otto was the only sovereign known as the King of Greece. The remainder were proclaimed by their officially recognized title, King of the Hellenes.

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, March 29, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Underneath!”

ReNude Pride: Personified!

Daymin Voss: Openly bare practitioner and gay pornographic star!

The purpose of today’s post entry originally was to endorse Daymin Voss (pictured above) as the personification of this site. About a year ago, I published a tribute to him extolling his bare practitioner attributes as well as his dedication to social nudity and his proud representation of his maschalagnia (hairy armpit obsession). My fascination with Daymin Voss has by no means subsided, but in composing this post entry, I have altered the focus from one individual to a collection of aspects of commendable admiration that I feel are equally important to our community and our culture. Hence, an expansion of the personification theme!


Regardless of the multitude of characteristics of our personality, there are certain “truths” that very few – if any – of us are able to conceal. The above “header” (image) is a prime example. One of the purposes of ReNude Pride is to offer some semblance of guidance and inspiration to fellow bare practitioners everywhere. Since one of the identifying qualities of being a bare practitioner is same gender loving (gay, lesbian or bisexual), the above opening becomes self-explained. I’m a same gender loving man (gay). Honestly, I doubt that anyone here ever needed that detail published.

Roger and the rainbow flag!

I’ll readily own the fact that now I’m fast approaching redundancy here. The above picture confirms my same gender attraction (gay rainbow flag) and my body and clothes freedom nature (naturist/nudist). It’s also a photo that my spouse, Aaron, (photo below) took of me several years ago before the Progress rainbow flag was adopted. Also, Aaron and I were legally married in 2015. And yes, we are both committed bare practitioners.

My spouse, Aaron!

Another aspect to share is that I am a very amateur photographer. Although I enjoy using a camera and personally captured the above of Aaron, my skills in this art are, at best, non-existent. Usually, I decapitate my subject – photo-wise only!

Kory Mitchell, tats and underarm fur!

I freely acknowledge my maschalagnia! The more than 700+ post entries here are evidence of this fact as is the picture of my spouse shared previously. While we’re on the subject of body hair and nakedness, here is a quote from my beloved:

“Body hair and nakedness are compatible and natural. They compliment one another; like a rose blooming an a bush.” ~ Aaron Michael Peterson-Poladopoulos ~ March 28, 2022

“I love you” International Sign Language and body art!

I was born profoundly Deaf. My identical twin brother and I attended Deaf schools our entire lives. Aaron learned American Sign Language (ASL) because of a Deaf cousin (before we met). His proficiency in that skill has expanded since we’ve been together and he is now fluent (manually) in Greek Sign Language (my first language). This situation has introduced us both into increased advocacy and awareness for equality for all persons with differing abilities (disabilities). Physical, emotional and mental challenges are no reason to deny anyone equality or human rights.

Interracial bromance!

As an interracial couple – in particular, a bare practitioner interracial couple – we have experienced first-hand and personally the discrepancies in behaviour and reactions that others have endured. Likewise, we have also had very courteous treatment where it was least expected. Not just here, but also abroad (overseas).

The USA most definitely needs to seriously adjust and improve the treatment it offers the communities of people with differing abilities. If one espouses equality then one should practice equality. Simple “lip-service” to a concept or ideal in no way combats bigotry and prejudice.

A textile minority!

As advocates and proponents of bare practitioners and equality, we both, Aaron and myself, accept and acknowledge that there are persons who, for whatever the reason, are genuinely unclear and uncomfortable with a unique situation – especially one that puts them in the minority status, be it race, same gender love, nudity, differing ability, communication, equality, heritage, etc. Whatever the insecurity, it causes an anxious response. In this environment, patience, tolerance and understanding help to reduce anxiety and calm the involvement. Discomfort is a natural reaction that produces anger, distrust and resentment.


Sharing happiness is one of my personal Spring resolutions, 2023! One of the available tools is through ReNude Pride. Thank you all for providing me this opportunity!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry for here is planned for Friday, April 7, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Environment!”

Hellenic Revival!

Ancient Greek Warrior!


Donning his helmet of rebellion!

A Brief Summary of the Establishment of the Kingdom of Greece:

March 25, 1821, was the date of the start of the uprising of the peoples of Greece against more than 400 years of the occupation and oppression by the Ottoman Turkey invaders. This marked the beginning of the end of the Ottoman Turkey Empire and the revival of the independence of the Kingdom of Greece!

March 25, also is the Feast of the Annunciation of the Theotokos (Virgin Mary, Mother of God) not only in the Greek Orthodox Church but in all churches of the Eastern Orthodox religion. The organizers of the rebellion selected this feast date to initiate the insurrection under the protection of the Theotokos as patron of the movement.

Early version of the Greek flag!

Early in the morning, Bishop Germanos raised the banner of the revolt over the Monastery of Agia (saint) Lavra in the Pelopannese with the cry: Freedom or Death! The flying of the banner was the planned symbol for the commencement of hostilities and the words of Bishop Germanos were popularly adopted as the official motto of the revolution.

The decision to begin the struggle against the Ottoman domination on the date was based on the belief that the action would be brief, over by the autumn season. It was thought that the elderly, women and children could best manage the planting of the agricultural crop and the men would return in time for the harvesting of the yield.

The conflict wasn’t as easy to determine as originally planned. The battles were frequent and draining on the Turkish forces. They often involved the importing of the military reserves of the Ottoman Turk dependencies in North Africa, especially Algeria, Egypt, Tripolitania (Libya) and Tunis (Tunisia). These auxiliary troops were frequently defeated by the untrained Greek locals who were often armed with dated and inferior firearms.

The fighting ended with the signing of the Treaty of Adrianople in 1829. France, Imperial Russia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland were the guarantors of the independence of the Kingdom of Greece. The Ottoman Turks agreed to withdraw completely from Greece. In 1830, the sovereign independence of the Kingdom was recognized by the London Protocol agreement and Ottoman Turkey acknowledged the protocol. In 1832, the Treaty of Constantinople defined the official borders between Greece and Turkey and established Prince Otto of Bavaria as the first King of Greece.

The London Protocol established the Greek Orthodox Church as supreme throughout the kingdom. This remains in effect still today.

The government of the newly liberated Haiti was the very first country in the world to diplomatically and officially recognize the the revolution – and therefore Greek independence. This happened in 1821, barely six months after the initiation of the struggle and long before the war was actually over. Haiti acknowledged Greece just before becoming the first nation in the world to outlaw the slavery of Africans.

The contemporary Flag of Greece!

After several revisions adopted over time, the above is the current official flag of Greece to be flown outside the actual country. The version used internally features identical with “lighter” (baby) blue colours. The upper corner is the Cross of St. George, the official patron saint of all of Greece.

Official flag designation!


There is proof that the ancient Greeks engaged in man-to-man penetrative sexual practices and of the widespread practice/traditions of public nudity/social nudity. These were viewed as “everyday” and “normal” by Greek society at that time. In all honesty, this Greek – yours truly – feels the same, today. In fact, I know for certain that I am not alone in these thoughts!

Pottery depicting Greek men physical intimacy!

The ancient Greeks culturally embraced and practiced social nudity, publicly and privately. There existed nude competitions and competitors in the original Olympic events for centuries. The military practiced/trained while naked and the entire population accepted and expected nakedness, both publicly and socially, from both genders. Admittedly, males were more prone to nudity than females but remember, in that era, they were the dominant gender.

Historically, Greek culture didn’t look upon the state of clothes freedom as synonymous with being evil, sinful, despicable nor judged as a disgraceful or as a perversion.

Same-sex physical intimacy, especially between men, was both acceptable and expected. It was not an official endorsement of same gender love. Rather, it was often seen as an educational action to instruct males on how to actually be “real men.” The instructional benefit was the belief that there was no better method to teach a man how to properly treat a woman than to show them him physically hot it feels to have a male penile erection physically inside him.

As a contemporary same gender loving Greek man, after limited research, my humble opinion is that ancient Greece had no preponderance of same gender love. The numbers look and probably reflect the same percentage of the general population as they do today.

A bare assault!

To my knowledge, there is no irrefutable evidence of any actual battle that occurred with opposing forces engaged while completely naked. Humanity – very early – recognized the futility of belligerence without any armour or protection for as much of the body as possible! No “rocket science” involved in that solution!

Naked hugs!

Happy Annunciation Day!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, March 27, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Naturally!”

Home With Mom!

Kory Mitchell poses thoughtfully under a palm tree!

Before commencing today’s post entry, I’ll let you know that Mom is good! No problems with diet, health, etc.! I arrived here this past Saturday and will spend two weeks before returning home in time for the new academic university schedule gets underway. It will be Mom and I for this week; Aaron flies here one week from today and will be here with us for the remainder of the time.

No pressing family business or concerns, just time to relax and “be ourselves” with Mom before another frantic and often hectic work related calender becomes the daily routine. It has been almost four whole years since Papa died and I know she’s lonely without him. This time is merely a gesture to offer relief to all my brothers and their families from being with her.

Last year, Twin (my identical, Alex) and I spent most of the month of August together with our Mom. This time, we’re taking a two-week period each so that she gets the attention and love that she deserves and has earned. We’ll have a three-day overlap in our times on Skyros.

As of this moment, Mom has no prominent desires that have to be met. In her own way, she enjoys the time alone with her sons and their partners/spouses. However, knowing Mom as I do, I’m certain within a day she will have several “projects” that she will feel the need to have accomplished! So much for the “relaxation” aspect of the two-week trip home!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry for here is planned for Friday, August 12, 2022, and the proposed topic is “August Good Signs! ”

Deaf Pride!

“I Love You” handsign body painted on his bare chest!

My brother, Alex, and I are monozygotic (identical) twins. We were both conceived of the same egg inside our mother’s womb. We share all the same physical characteristics, including our DNA. We’re both ardent and enthusiastic bare practitioners. In fact, the only distinguishing physical difference between us are our fingerprints. We are both Deaf from birth.

Even our sign language (manual communication) skills are, for all intents and purposes, identical. Whether interacting in American Sign Language (ASL), Canadian Sign Language (CSL) or Greek Sign Language (GSL) – our primary language – our hand-shapes, rhythm and speed reflect minimal variation. The only discrepancy appears when professional concerns or issues transpire.

Our Deafness, along with our same gender loving nature and our preference for living bare, is a part of what makes us unique. Surprisingly for some people, it does not cause us embarrassment or shame. It is also a trait that we share with others throughout the world. It is most definitely not a reason to run and hide from others nor to deny it in any way.

Me sharing the “I Love You” handsign totally natural!

Alex and I both recall the times that while at university, we seemed to create confusion and chaos when others learned that were both gay and nudists. Many seemed to wonder how we, being Deaf, could be publicly naked. (Interesting question: all you need to do is to remove clothing)!

Others were even more obsessed with the fact that as Deaf men, how did we know that we were gay. (I guess Deaf men are completely unaware of their individual physical attraction)!

Obviously, the notion that whatever inspires the hearing population is totally useless within the Deaf community never entered their minds. After all, it is simply a much too defiant and radical concept! How can it be possible for the Deaf and the hearing to be influenced in the same way?

Deaf pride: personified!

We may have divergent methods of communication; but the emotions and feelings have very little variance. What works well for one world generally does the same for another. After all, we are all human!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Tuesday, June 21, 2022, and the proposed topic is: “Summer, 2022!”

Holy Easter, 2022!

A Paschal (Easter) Angel!

At midnight tomorrow night, the bells on Greek Orthodox churches (actually, all Orthodox churches) will begin to ring and the congregations will commence to transmit the flame of light from one paschal candle to another while chanting “Kristos anesti” (Christ is risen). The Easter liturgy for 2022 will start; continuing a tradition that began almost 2,000 years ago.

Afterwards, the congregants will exchange the greeting “Kala Pascha” (good Easter)! While sharing best wishes, they will hold red-dyed eggs in the palm of their hand tapping the eggs of others, in the attempt to crack open the shells of every egg they encounter and emerge with their own egg unscathed and intact!

The egg champion!

Everyone then hurries home for the opening of gifts, the devouring of the Easter breakfast and the mad rush to crawl into bed before sunrise! The Easter feast begins at 4:30 p.m., on Sunday afternoon! Of course, all are completely famished by the time that comes to pass!

Of course, the family gathering is sparse for us. Aaron, my spouse, and I will host Twin (Alex) and his partner Dante, and our first cousin, Michael Poladopoulos and his soon-to-be spouse, Ropati. The remainder of our families all reside in Greece so we do the best that we can to ensure that Easter is a memorable event.

All of us are bare practitioners so there is most definitely a hasty drive from St. Sophia’s Cathedral in northwest Washington, D.C., to our condominium in Arlington, Virginia. We’ll all need to remove our church attire – pronto! Aaron and I have a one bedroom unit, therefore, space is limited. Fortunately, clothing concerns are not an issue for any of us! We avoid a grooming disaster by shaving/showering as a couple and not individually.

Lambropsomo – Easter Bread!

Everyone plans on arriving this afternoon (Friday). In making the Lambropsomo (Easter Bread), we use ya-ya’s (paternal grandmother’s) recipe which both Alex and Michael (as well as myself) own. My culinary skills are nonexistent; however, I do posses the handmade wooden rising bowl that belonged to ya-ya’s mother (our great-grandmother). It is an antique. The Lambropsomo is an eighteen hour process so preparation starts tonight. Ropati has no interest in baking so the two of us plan to play backgammon (tavloo) while the remainder work in our kitchen. As my Aaron so aptly determined: “We’ll keep the R’s (Roger and Ropati) out of our space so we can handle (complete) our business (cooking)!” Rest assured, Ropati and I both intend to comply with those wishes!

Easter feast preparation!

I don’t know for certain if Ropati’s kitchen skills are as poor as mine – however, as long as the majority of our guests are content with the food preparation, I am content to accede to their every desire and need! Too many in our tiny kitchen space can only create chaos, confusion and disaster!

Our Easter Sunday plans are to be laid back and relaxed for most of the day. With the bulk of the meal preparation completed in advance, our 4:30 p.m., dinner will be followed by our guests departing for their homes. Aaron and I prefer doing our own clean-up after the meal as our time to “calm” after a condominium full of family for the entire weekend. Monday is a full day at work for the both of us!

Decorated buttocks!

And a very depressing thought: almost all of my fellow professors at university observed Western Easter the week before. Their holiday recovery is very complete! I have yet to go through the motions!

Kala Pascha to everyone!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, April 25, 2022, and the proposed topic is: “April Appeal: Fantasy!”

April Arrives!

April blooms!

Notation: I’m unsure of the names of the above flowering plants not their blooming schedule. The pictures are for illustrative purposes only!

During my primary (elementary) school years, Alex, my identical twin brother, and I always dreaded the date; April 1. It was designated April Fool’s Day which we both interpreted as implying that the entire month was committed to fools! Since our birthday is during this month, we resented the offensive implication!

Nick, our oldest brother, always playfully teases us as being his very own “April fools!” This sibling harassment persists even though we’re all older and supposedly mature. Whenever around, our remaining brothers and our mother simply sit back and laugh!

It is then that the laughter is replaced by caution. Inevitably, one of our beloved brothers manages to recall from our earlier years an incident involving either Alex or myself – if not us both – and the humour soon resumes.

The beauty of April!

Coincidentally, my spouse, Aaron’s birthday is also in April. I remember the first time he was with my family during the month (we were only dating at that time). Nick, (unaware of Aaron’s birthdate) made his usual caustic remark about his “April fools.”

Aaron immediately retorted, “You can always identify a fool by the family and friends that he has with him!”

My father (alive at that time), turned to my oldest brother and said, “Nick, you have just been usurped by one far better than you!”

For a moment, everyone was serious and silent. Then my family burst into laughter! The adage, “He who laughs last, laughs best!” was proven true once again!

April Appeal Series:

During this month, April, 2022, ReNude Pride will feature a series entitled “April Appeal.” The initial post entry for this enterprise will appear here on Monday, April 4, and is a photo-essay focused on April Appeal: Bromance concentrating on same gender love (SGL). The goal is to offer (hopefully) at least one posted entry each week of this month dealing or exploring the various “appeal” aspects of April. Other planned subjects include social nudity and followed by nakations.

An extraordinary commemoration of yet another Springtime here in the Northern Hemisphere. As it is still early in this new season, a gentle reminder to everyone that it isn’t too late to implement any Spring Resolutions for personal development, growth and improvement!

Finally, an expression of my appreciation to my spouse, Aaron, for his active collaboration and cooperation in composing and designing of this particular entry of April Appeal: Bromance. He found the photographs of the interracial bare practitioner couple this article contains because he felt they reflected us – bare together and proud! Thank you, my love!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry planned for here is Monday, April 4, 2022, and the proposed topic is: “April Appeal: Bromance!”

Greece Reborn!

Greek warrior!

On March 25, 1821, the date of the Feast of the Annunciation of the Theotokos (Mother of God) in the Greek Orthodox Church, the Greek people, as one, rose in revolt against their Ottoman Turk oppressors. This uprising marked the beginning of eight years of armed struggle that culminated with the Treaty of Adrianople in 1829 that ended almost 400 years of Turkish occupation with internationally recognized independence for the Kingdom of Greece. Great Britain, France and Imperial Russia signed the Treaty of Adrianople as guarantors in order to discourage any attempt by the Ottoman Turks to reclaim any part of Greece.

Upon proclamation of the Kingdom of Greece, the Greek Orthodox Church was officially sanctioned as the national church. That status remains current today. Greek was established as the language of communication, replacing Turkish. The drachma was adopted as the legal currency until it was withdrawn with the introduction of the euro.

Notation: as a student for my baccalaureate, my European History professor instructed us that the Greek alphabet and Roman numerals were extensively utilized throughout Greece, both then and now. The alphabet was no issue but the numerical claim was totally incorrect. I proved him wrong and years later, when I joined the university faculty, he publicly recalled this incident from my undergraduate days.

Defending Greece!

The conflict that began in 1821 did not involve the Greeks attired as soldiers from the ancient days wearing helmets and little, if anything, else. The pictures here are shown for illustrative purposes only. The historical Greeks did not fight bare. There were organs of the male anatomy, even then as now, that were considered too precious to put at risk for the stroke of a sword. Some of the troops may have fought while clothes free; however, that was based on the situation and not by direction, order or standard procedure.

History legends have certain cadres or regiments of the Greek military consisting solely of same gender loving men. This may have been common practice during that particular time period but it isn’t true in 1821 nor today. In ancient Greece, historians recorded these designated army compositions to reflect the reality of the situation. Men-who-love men identification was not considered a cause of degradation or disgrace. Instead, it was labeled as such as an honour, a distinction and a source of pride.

For the liberation uprising, army units were organized by family and/or village affiliation (local). Same gender loving men may have fought together, as a couple, against the Turks, but this wasn’t the basis for a troop determination.

Greeks used firearms and cannon, where available, for their struggle against the Ottoman Empire. The Turkish army was armed and organized with the latest in military equipment. For the revolt, because the Greeks had no standing army, they whatever weapons were convenient (mostly personal) plus arms supplied by the British, French and Russians. The majority of the Greek guns were decades old and used by their owners to herd and protect goats and sheep. Javelins, knives and swords were primary to ancient Greece and not in 1821.

Warrior at rest!

In ancient Greece, there existed general acceptance and tolerance from the majority of the population towards both public nudity and towards same gender love. Up until recent times, Greek society had officially regressed into one of impatience and judgments in dealing with open public nakedness and same gender love. Greece, being a member of the European Union is now on the path of respect for all persons regardless of their beliefs and practices. The major advocate for resistance to modern day inclusion of GLBTQ+ persons and naturist/nudist participants is the Greek Orthodox Church.

Notation: my paternal great-great-great grandfather fought in the 1821 uprising against the occupation by the Turks. He served as a leader of a local guard of troops on the island of Skyros in the Aegean Sea. My grandfather (father’s father) would repeat some of his exploits as passed along by his grandfather. My father’s father enjoyed embellishing and enriching his tales so we are uncertain as to what is actual truth and to what is “enlightened enrichment!”


The Greek flag!

The flag of Greece contains the colours of blue and white, symbols of the waters that surround the islands and the peninsula; the Aegean Sea to the east, the Mediterranean Sea to the south and the Ionian Sea to the west. In the upper left-hand corner of the flag contains the white Cross of St. George on a blue field. St. George is the patron saint of Greece. The remainder of the flag consists of alternating equal stripes of blue and white.

The flag’s symbolism!


Map of Greece!

Modern Greece is located in the southeastern portion of Europe bordered by Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Turkey. It is the southernmost area of the Balkan peninsula. The capital city is Athens.


The objective of this post entry today on ReNude Pride is to offer and share a brief glimpse into the significance of this date in the history of Greece. Both of my parents were born there and I possess dual citizenships. In publishing this post, my purpose is to enlighten with a perspective of my cultural heritage and contemporary Greek experience. Enrichment and knowledge sometimes arrives through the strangest portals!”

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, March 28, 2022, and the proposed topic is: “Your Thoughts?”

Patriot Day

An ancient Greek warrior!

Thursday, March 25, 2021, is the anniversary of the beginning of the fight for the freedom of Greece from the oppression of the Ottoman Empire (modern-day Turkey). The clergy of the Greek Orthodox Church encouraged the faithful to engage in the struggle to attain their freedom and restore self-determination of their homeland from the subservience of the Ottoman Turks. 

The Ottoman Empire, for over two centuries, had periodically focused on the eventual absorption and subjugation of the Byzantine (Greek) Empire. The fall of Constantinople (the imperial Greek capital) through a siege that lasted from April 6, 1453 until May 29, 1453, rewarded the Ottomans as the Middle and Near Eastern superior power, economically, militarily and naval.

The political dominance of the Turkish government provided a grave and serious threat to the Greek Orthodox Church. The religious and spiritual head of all Orthodox believers , the patriarch (pope) of Orthodoxy resided in Constantinople and his official title is: Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church and Archbishop of Constantinople. This situation fostered the unsubstantiated belief and rumors in the Western churches (Roman Catholic, Anglican and protestant) that the Eastern churches (Bulgarian, Greek, Roumanian, Russian, Serbian and Syrian) were under the manipulation of the Turkish occupiers.

Multiple Greek warriors!

On this date, March 25, in 1821, the Greeks rose up against the oppression of Ottoman Turkey in a protracted civil war that ultimately involved France, the Russian Empire and the United Kingdom joining with the Greeks in their quest for independence. March 25 is also the date of the feast of the Annunciation of the Theotokos (Virgin Many, Mother of God) in the Eastern Orthodox Church. The organizers of the uprising selected this feast day to initiate the insurrection. Bishop Germanus hoisted the flag of revolt over the Monastery of Agia Lavra in the Pelopannese with the cry, “Freedom or Death” which was adopted as the motto of the for Greek liberation.

The government of the newly liberated Haiti was the very first country in the world to recognize the revolution – and therefore, Greek independence. This diplomatic recognition happened is 1821, barely 6 months after the struggle began and long before the war was actually over.

The Ottoman Turks were supported during the Greek rebellion by the North African Turkish dependent states of Algeria, Egypt, Tripolitania and Tunis. These auxiliary troops were frequently defeated by the Greek locals who were often armed with only their inferior personal weapons, primarily rifles.

Greek warrior artistic image.

After seven years of fighting, the Ottoman Turks grew weary of the Greek uprising. At an international conference held in London, a document called the London Protocol was signed by representatives from Greece, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the Ottoman Empire that recognized the independent sovereign Kingdom of Greece in 1830. The rebellion was over. In 1832, the Treaty of Constantinople was enforced between the Greeks and the Turks which defined the borders of Greece and established Prince Otto of Bavaria as the first King of Greece.

Above is the image of the original Greek flag that was recognized when independence was achieved. The double-headed eagle in the upper left corner was the emblem of the Byzantine Empire.

The .gif below is the current flag of Greece shown billowing in the breeze. The cross of St. George is in the upper left corner. The Greek Orthodox Church is the state religion of Greece.

The above explains the symbolism of the modern Greek flag.

The modern Greek flag was adopted during the 20th Century as the current state matured. Based on the current design, it is now universally accepted and recognized everywhere. During the last decade of the 20th Century, there were some grumblings that the two colors of the flag represented the “haves” and the “have nots” although there was never any agreement over what those two categories entailed.

Outline map of Greece (flag design).

Above is the image of a map of modern Greece, in the same design of the current Greek flag. Greece is located in south-eastern Europe at the bottom of the Balkan peninsula. The capital city is Athens.

Both of my parents and my oldest brother were born in Greece. They emigrated to this country just before the birth of my second oldest brother. Neither of my parents nor my oldest brother were ever naturalized here (became citizens). After our births, my father had all of our births enrolled at the Greek consulate, which made the remainder of my brothers and myself Greek subjects (we have dual citizenship).

Avoiding any implications of inaccuracy, before closing todays post, I want to remind everyone that the ancient Greeks most definitely did not engage in war while bare. Men were aware that any type of action involving swords and other forms of weapons could inflict major, if not debilitating, damage to themselves. Even the simplest girding of protection was valued above nudity in this case.

Wishing everyone the happiest of Patriot Day!

Bare hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/Renude Pride

Author’s Note: The next posting entry planned for here is for Wednesday, March 31, 2021, and the proposed topic is : “Bottoms-Up! March, 2021”

The unusually long delay is due to an educational conference.