Friend/lover applying sunscreen!

SOS = Sunscreen On Skin!


This is my annual post entry here on ReNude Pride to remind everyone (follower and/or visitor) of the healthy and lifesaving capability and importance – and necessity – of sunscreen and the essence of applying it daily. Even though I publish this notification as the summer season approaches in the Northern Hemisphere, I need to reiterate that sunscreen is essential all throughout the year! The UV sunrays are not reduced due to colder/cooler temperatures. The UV sunrays are effective regardless of the season!

My initial posting was repeated, verbatim, for the period of the first several postings here. It was then that I realized that I could offer updates and extra information. I instituted this editing and practice through a section entitled – initially – “update.” I soon realized that this was a faulty habit and now post this announcement that from henceforth, I will revise the information based on the relevant topic agenda. I continue this procedure even today. New topics and details are added throughout each annual post entry.

A sunscreen in a lotion format!

The summer doesn’t officially begin until 21 June, 2024, in the Northern Hemisphere. However, in the USA, this upcoming weekend is a three-day holiday and most people here consider this occasion as the unofficial beginning of the legendary season of “fun in the sun!” No matter which day one prefers for the arrival of summer, there’s no denying the fact that warmer temperatures and longer hours of daylight are here! This means that the textile people are wearing less clothing and those of us who live in the glory of our nakedness are, as usual, basking in our freedom!

The Important Reminder:

In our eagerness to get out and frolic in the fresh air and warm sun, many of us forget one of the essentials elements of our health: We all need to protect our skin before we uncover any part of or all of our body! This protection entails the use of an appropriate sunscreen applied correctly, adequately (sufficient quantity) and, when necessary, reapplied diligently. The purpose of sunscreen is to protect ourselves from the harmful rays of sunlight, whatever season of the year. Sunscreen should be used all year long not just during the summertime!

A sunburned back!

What is sunburn?

Sunburn is caused by the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation and not heat. It is important to remember that human skin can and does burn even on overcast or cloudy days, cold winter days and while under a shade (sheltered from direct sunlight). Sunburn damages or destroys the skin, which controls the amount of heat our body retains or releases, hold in fluids (hydration) and protects us from infection.

Reactions to sunburn range from mild irritation to serious pain. Sunburn may cause fevers and nausea (depending on the severity of the burn) and makes the dead skin peel away. Sunburn may lead to serious health complications later in life.

The information published in this post entry is very general and is offered as a guide to use in selecting the type of sunscreen that’s best for personal protection. Keep in mind that every individual is just that, an individual: a unique person. What is applicable for one may not be the same for another. When in doubt, consult a health practitioner. It is better to ask now than to be sorry later!


What is sunscreen?

Sunscreen is a chemical that, to a certain degree, prevents UV radiation from reaching the skin. While there is no product that totally eliminates UV radiation damage, many variations, when used properly, can and do protect the skin adequately.

What should I look for in a sunscreen?

Regardless of where sun activity is happening: backyard, ball-playing field, park or beach, etc., the product should contain two elements for effective protection. Always use a “broad spectrum” sunscreen that contains chemicals that block both UV-A and UV-B radiation from penetrating the skin surface.

While no product is completely waterproof, select a water-resistant type that is designed for long-lasting wear, especially if swimming or sweating (perspiring). Choose a variation that is both easy to apply and feels good on the skin. There are numerous commercial qualities available: creams, lotions, moisturizers, gels, sprays and solid stick types.

What is SPF?

The initials SPF refer to the sun protection factor. It is the measure of the effectiveness of the sunscreen in absorbing UV radiation. If someone sunburns after about 10 minutes of sun exposure, using a product of SPF15 extends the amount of time before sunburn occurs to approximately 150 minutes or roughly two and a half hours. After this time, it should be reapplied to continue protection.

In terms of percentages, a product of SPF15 blocks 93% of the UV-B rays. One of SPF30 blocks 90%. The difference in protection may not justify the added expense of higher SPF sunscreens, in particular those manufactured in the USA.

USA: SPF Inconsistencies

Most consumers choose a sunscreen product based on it’s sun protection factor (SPF) rating, often selecting those with a higher SPF, convinced they’re getting the protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.

In the USA, SPF values are an unreliable measure of a products sunscreen effectiveness. A good and effective sunscreen should provide equal broad-spectrum protection from both UV-A and UV-B rays. Within the USA, the SPF rating reflects only how well a particular product protects from UV-B rays. Broad-spectrum sunscreens are available, but the SPF rating values do not stipulate the difference.

Sunning themselves!

What’s the best sunscreen for me?

This depends on may aspects, including age, skin type, activity, time of day, location (proximity to the Equator) and the UV index. For most skin types, a sunscreen with a broad-spectrum minimum SPF15 is recommended. Men with fair or lighter skin tones (of all ethnicities and races) and low sun tolerance (burn easily) should use a broad-spectrum SPF30. For minimal sun exposure, 90 minutes or less, a moisturizer cream may suffice (with correct SPF level). For extended periods of sun exposure and higher activity engagement, use a longer-lasting product such as a cream, gel or lotion.

Spray (aerosol or pump) are beneficial for hairier parts of the body, including the arms and armpits, back. chest, legs and the pubic region. If a person is acne-prone, choose sunscreens that are oil-free or non-carnodegenic.

For persons with sensitive skin, the chemicals in some sunscreens may cause irritation. Use a product that contains only physical blockers (zinc oxide and titanium dioxide). A physical blocker does not penetrate the skin layers as do chemicals. Physical blockers stay on the skin surface to provide protection.

What’s the best way to use sunscreen?

If you’ve used sunscreen before and suffered sunburn, it was either applied incorrectly or the wrong SPF. For sunscreen to be effective, it must be in sufficient quantity, applied correctly and thoroughly, applied prior to sun exposure and reapplied when necessary.

Remember the lips! Use a lip balm with a minimum SPF15.

How much?

One ounce (a full shot glass) per adult body per application (minimally). Apply liberally all over the body, including behind the ears and on the edges of the ear and ear lobes.

When to apply?

At least 30 minutes before going into the sun. Reapply 15 minutes later. The extra application helps to cover body areas that may have been missed the first time. Once in sunlight, reapply every couple of hours, especially if swimming, perspiring or towel drying.

Sunscreen for a friend!

Who should use sunscreen?

Everyone needs skin protection. All ethnicities and races are susceptible to sunburn. Persons with darker skin complexions may have a higher tolerance for sun exposure but at some point, will begin to experience sunburn. Keep in mind that skin damage and serious complications later in life are a result of the failure to protect the skin.

Do persons of African descent need sunscreen?

All persons need to protect themselves from UV-A and UV-B sunrays. A common misconception is that Black people and others with darker skin tones is that their melanin-infused skin completely eliminates the necessity for sunscreen as protection. Yes, darker skin does offer limited additional tolerance but all persons, no matter their skin tone, need to wear sunscreen.

For a long time, all races mistakenly believed that the darker skin needs at least an SPF30complexions of persons of African, Middle Eastern and Indigenous American and Australian heritage were immune from the damaging and harmful rays of the sun. Despite the fact that melanin-infused skin have a higher genetic tolerance than fairer (lighter) skin tones, everyone has a natural deficiency of SPF.

At minimum, skin needs at least an SPF30 broad-spectrum for full protection. from UV-A and UV-B. Black people (on average) have a natural deficit of about SPF17 because melanin naturally provides a SPF13.


What about my eyes?

Ultraviolet rays do have an adverse effect on eyes as well as vision. Sunglasses that are able to filter the sun’s rays are available without a prescription. Protect yourself!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, May 24, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Almost Here!”

Spring Into March Madness!

Spring, 2024!

Spring, 2024, officially arrives in the Northern Hemisphere on Tuesday, March 19, at 11:06 p.m. EDT!

Welcome the new season!


March Madness!


The phrase is frequently used and is too often misunderstood! “March Madness” is a colloquial term to identify a single-elimination basketball tournament that is played in the USA – the outcome being the men’s college basketball national champion of the Division I level in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The tournament takes place annually traditionally during the month of March. It was first played in 1939. It has, over time, evolved into one of the biggest annual sporting events in the US.


The first game was the idea of Ohio State coach Harold Olsen and it was operated by the National Association of Basketball Coaches for the NCAA. The 2024 tournament begins tomorrow, March 19, 2024, with a pair of First Four games in Dayton, Ohio.

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, March 22, 2024, and the proposed title is: “Disrobe Drama!”

August Play-Day!

Tossing off the briefs!
August Play-Day time!

August Play-Day is conveniently always clothes free! It is almost impossible to justify the wearing of a swim suit, let alone an athletic uniform during one of the warmest – if not the hottest – months of the year. Besides, it is a play-day – a day dedicated to fun for everyone – no clothes allowed!

A pool pose!
An aquatic decision!
August: time to skinny-dip!
August Play-Day: discard your clothing!

There is a reason that August Play-Day is celebrated. For one, it is about freedom. Freedom from having to suffer in the heat and humidity wearing clothing, one of the last things needed. The water, whether a pool or a natural body (lake, river, ocean) is very inviting and an overwhelming majority of us find it impossible to resist the joys and thrills of a skinny-dip (swimming naked) to alleviate the soaring temperatures and to relax around others doing likewise. Social nudity encourages communal skinny-dipping as many of us savor time together in a fun and healthy manner. A good time to be had by all!

Many race for the chance to skinny-dip!

There are numerous peoples who deny giving social nudity any thought throughout the year but with the arrival of summer, the month of August, the higher temperatures and any hinderance to abandoning clothing is suddenly itself abandoned. A carefree race through the surf along a beach assumes an entirely rewarding attraction as opposed to walking along, burdened by garments that only hinder whatever natural breeze is stirring! Inhibitions are cast away when the environment – both natural and social – encourage us to enjoy less stressful situations!

Good times for all!

Our nakedness encourages social interaction which also supports the concept of having “fun” together with others. The lack of any type of covering reinforces the ideal of living naturally – without the necessity of any garment or artificial item that transmits the hint of guilt or shame about our body. Too many of us are required to wear clothing for our professional lives. The practice of sharing our bareness with our acquaintances and friends affords a significant number of us to feel liberated from the restrictions imposed by a society that isn’t noted for endorsing individuality. The ability to be ourselves – totally natural – is one of the major attractions of social nudity.

Towel removal

Participating in nudity, alone or with others, isn’t limited to just outdoor situations. The changes in our weather that happen throughout the year force many of us to adapt ourselves to flexibility in our environment for different activities. Having to relocate our socially naked experiences provides us all with the skills needed to adjust to experiences beyond our control. It also affords us the opportunities to enjoy the various challenges interactive communal nudity offers!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, August 7, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Bare Practitioner Model!”

Photo-Essay: July Captivity!

Seizing the moment!

Captured in a game on the beach, our hostage offers no resistance to his victor! This is a product of the beach, the season and, of course, all the “fun-in-the-sun!” Of course, we don’t really see the conditions of his captivity. It could very well involve more fun than torture – or a balanced combination of both! A legitimate capture doesn’t mandate the infliction of pain!

Captured bare!

Or the opposite extreme of the spectrum, captured textile (wearing clothes). As the person holding the light and aiming, we’re very uncertain as to the message trying to be sent. Clearly proof that on a beautiful summer day, confined and inside is not the best place to be! For many of us, outdoor freedom (like clothes freedom) is preferable!

Captured engrossed!

The siblings above have been captured engrossed in reading. There is nothing wrong with allowing one to be mentally captured – there exists an adage that addresses this very though: a mind is a terrible thing to waste!

For those of us who are bare practitioners, another “terrible” thing to waste is the time involved in putting on clothing. Why bother to try to conceal what we don’t really need to hide? That is a true waste! Proudly go bare with nothing to disguise you!

Capturing on film!

Capturing and retaining the image preserves it for quite awhile and allows it to be shared with others. Some photographers enjoy being “captured” themselves while creating pictures of others. Enjoying his own hobby while letting permitting the public and others to fully appreciate himself! Perhaps that gesture includes “giving back into the community!”

Oceanic infinity!

Captured in a wide open space! It makes no difference if it is landscape or oceanic. The boundary is endless and beyond vision. The limitless opportunity is as far as we can only imagine. An unrestricted field of adventures and dreams that is all ours to explore and determine.

Captivity isn’t always a confining situation. The imagination gives it a limitless and timeless feature that we can take ourselves on a journey to indulge!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, July 28, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “My Naked Life!”

International Skinny Dip Day!

Conventional swimmer: clothed!

What is essential for a skinny-dip? Obviously, a body of water: man-made (pool; indoor or outdoor) or natural (lake, ocean or river), it makes no difference. The designation of today, July 8, 2023, as the International Skinny-Dip Day by no means makes this date the only day of the entire year that persons may swim naked. Everyone is allowed to swim swim-suit free any day they desire and anywhere they want – illegally or legally. This communication encourages all of those individuals who’ve never before taken the plunge clothes free to do so today in the company of others who enjoy the activity and the experience – especially those of us who are ardent bare practitioners! Try it, you just might like it!

Bolder and stripped!

Most skinny-dippers (nude swimmers) start off wearing a swim-suit. Once comfortable with that challenge – often with the companionship of those more bold and daring – they feel inclined to strip-off their cumbersome clothing and join in the fun of swimming covered in nothing else besides their own skin and a layer of sunscreen. Body freedom and social nudity make an excellent reason to lose this archaic inhibition and false sense of modesty!

Bare and proud!

We’re all born naked. Why not shed the vestiges of deceit and disguise and swim bare without a care in the world? What is there to suffer? Guilt? Shame? Those puritanical “learned behaviours” are hardly worthy of a second thought. Remember, every single one of us had to be taught how to put on clothes. Enjoy it! We’re skinny-dippers, not fashion models!

Bottoms-up without clothing!

Uncertain of your aquatic ability or skills? Relax and have fun! Keep to your level of comfort and proceed accordingly. There’s always someone around who is a better swimmer or who doesn’t swim at all. Be yourself and forget trying to impress others. We’re all in our own skin and we’re all free of designer labels! Those reality facts alone afford us enough reason to joyously skinny-dip all summer long!


Safety Suggestions:

Sunscreen application!


My spouse, Aaron and I have one essential household policy: if it occurs outside in either direct or indirect sunlight. always sunscreen! Apply it regularly and wear it with pride! All over all the time! When we’re out in public, we intentionally cover one another and then rub it in! He does me then I do him – or vice-versa! There is no shame in visually reminding others to do the same! Hopefully, if it appears erotic and bromantic, others will do likewise!

Security notice!

Safety in numbers:

It is always best not to swim alone. The water presents too much of a challenge to risk yourself! Especially in natural water that isn’t completely transparent. None of us are guaranteed of what we may or may not encounter there. The only time swimming alone is allowed is inside a man-made indoor or outdoor pool where visibility is total (however, even that isn’t encouraged).

Celebrate and enjoy!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, July 10, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Nude Recreation Week!”

World Naked Bike Ride!

Throngs cycling together!

World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR)

” We face automobile traffic with our naked bodies as the best way of defending our dignity and exposing the unique dangers faced by cyclists and pedestrians as well as the negative consequences we all face due to dependence on oil and other forms of nonrenewable energy.” ~ World Naked Bike Ride Mission Statement ~

Body message!

There is no official date for the World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR). Each ride, wherever it occurs, is considered an individual event and is sponsored and happens accordingly. The mission and message are the same for all the rides. The dress code motto for the WNBR is: “bare as you dare.”

The WNBR utilizes nudity as a tool to focus on cycling and the folly of oil dependency. It is believed that nudity represents human vulnerability.

Although nudity is a integral part of the event and its concept, the policy is not necessarily exclusively naked. It is understood that some persons as well as cultures have issues with public nudity. Therefore, participation in WNBR isn’t restricted by any clothing concern. Participants are all welcome, nude or clothed (textile).

WNBR with his Rainbow flower garland!

Similarly, the event is considered a bike ride but isn’t limited to just bicycles. Skateboarding, online skating, unicycling, are encourages in addition to bicycles. Jogging, running and walking is also allowed. Participants are known to transport themselves using their own wheelchairs, either manually or powered. The WNBR strives to be inclusive for all persons with differing abilities.

The ideals espoused by WNBR are to raise awareness of bicycling safety and rights, as well as those of pedestrians, raise awareness of ending dependence on fossil-fuels, to offer attention to our natural ecosystems. A secondary essence in recent years has been awareness of naturism and nudism.

WNBR participant!

There is no recommended date or time for WNBR. The global audience allows each organizing group to determine the best season and time of the year for each event. This results in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres the ability to host events when the weather is best for the local participants. The specific details for hosting WNBR events vary from location to location in addition to national boundaries.

One of the major advantages of the WNBR is that because it happens throughout the world, not only does it occur all during the entire year, it also caters to the weather conditions within both of the hemispheres. This enables more participation, awareness and encourages fund-raising activities. Each event is responsible for generating the cost of providing services.

WNBR, London, UK!

For additional information on the World Naked Bike Ride, visit their website:

World Naked Bike Ride

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, May 19, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Your Buttocks = Historic Artifacts!”


Felipe Ferreira, gay model posing with his underarm fur!


Axilla (armpit or underarm) is the area of the human body directly under the joint where the arm connects to the shoulder. It also contains numerous sweat glands.

In humans, the formation of body odor happens primarily in the armpit. These odorant substances serve as pheromones, which play an important role relating to desire and to mating.

Hirsute axilla = hairy armpits, underarm fur.

Maschalagnia: A person who is physically and sexually attracted to armpit hair. Also known as hairy armpit obsession. Activities enjoyed with this fetish include licking and/or sniffing the underarms, kissing and/or sucking the fur and ejaculating on the partner’s armpits and/or chest area.

To read my previous posting related to men’s hairy underarms, please click the link below:

A+: Hirsute Axilla!


Kory Mitchell: raised arm to share his armpit hair!


The above photograph depicts one of many, all-time favourite gay porn actors, Kory Mitchell. He earned my admiration early on when he publicly acknowledged – long before it became accepted – his personal attraction to men’s hairy armpits! Even while in my early adolescence, I felt instant affiliation and identification with him and no longer felt so alien! His honesty, discovered while secretly reading one of my oldest brother’s gay pornographic magazines, bestowed this early distinction upon Mr. Mitchell!

In his interview, Kory didn’t mention the descriptive term maschalagnia. He just referred to his attraction to another man’s hairy armpits!

Photo-Essay: Maschalagnia:

Kory Mitchell: half-face and armpit hair!

The above reasoning is how Kory Mitchell, a fellow maschalagnia, has the distinct honour of being featured here twice!

I think the name of my oldest brother’s hidden gay magazine was Inches. The article on Kory Mitchell contained endless photos of his penis, which was both enlarged and pierced. I don’t recollect any pictures – in that article – of his underarm fur.

All that I clearly remember about that presentation are the couple of sentences when Kory admitted to being sexually enthralled with men’s hairy armpits – surrounded by pictures of his own pierced erection! This was the first time I ever saw pictures of a pierced penis and learned of a famous porn-star in love with hirsute axilla!

Gio Dell, gay model, escort, model, actor and hirsute axilla!

Gio Dell, Venezuelan-born and gay, is a model, escort and actor. His head is balding and his body hair is profuse! He proudly flashes his underarm fur whenever possible!

By the time my identical twin brother, Alex, and I reached 14 years old, we both knew for certain of our same gender love. My fascination with male body hair in general and underarm hair in particular was not shared by Alex. He accepted armpit and pubic hair, he was and still is very fond of a very clean and smooth appearances elsewhere.

Notation: In answer to that question lingering in the back of your mind: Yes! Alex and his partner are both bare practitioners! our oldest brother is gay and does, upon occasion, accompany us to a social nudity function. He also readily admits to noticing a man’s hairy underarms, whenever available.

Gay model, escort and sometimes porn actor, Gio Dell, pictured above, is public about his sexuality and his comfort with his preference for his nakedness. He owns no confirmation of maschalagnia even though he acknowledges being the attraction of many bisexual and gay men because of their obsession with his very hairy body, especially his armpits!

I can’t remember giving any special attention to armpits when I was younger. Once puberty began, and my own underarms started to produce a furry growth, that became the catalyst that “opened the door” to my personal addiction, appreciation and attraction to hirsute axilla – the pet name among same gender loving men (bisexual or gay). This also created my interest in basketball that continues today. I currently play on a gay men’s team in an adult league (recreational).

Jason Collins, openly gay and the first openly gay man to play in the NBA. He played on the Brooklyn Nets!

I enjoy actually playing the sport of basketball even though I was never skilled or talented enough to be qualified as an athlete for the official school team. My problem? I was always too distracted by all the player’s underarm fur! I couldn’t concentrate on the game itself! Maschalagnia madness!

Twin – that’s how we address and refer to one another – recalls that my maschalagnia “affliction” seems to have happened overnight: “One night you went to bed, naked and normal. The next morning, you woke up dancing around the room, excited because you were growing pubic and underarm hair! You only calmed yourself when you noticed that the same was happening to me!”

My personal favorite maschalagnia logo!

I am able to still remember the first time I was in a position to fondle and kiss the hairy underarms of a peer. A day that I thought would never arrive! I was solely focused on his armpit fur whereas my peer partner concentrated only on my pubic hair and what else is available down there! That was the first Valentine’s Day I ever spent bare and in bed with another male who was not family!

It’s funny and ironic how Valentine’s Day can ignite a memory from more than two decades ago! A pleasant thought but a weird circumstance!

A subtle sniff!

A brief return to the subject of pheromones covered briefly in the Background section above. I’ve often wondered, I know that humans masturbate in order to relieve sexual tension and to provide self-stimulation. The question then follows: when we inhale the aroma of our own body’s pheromones, does that enable a similar self-gratification experience and urge? Is this “scent of desire” that our underarms create affect only our potential partners? Are we immune to our own scent?

Pheromones enhance the joys of sexual intimacy and are acknowledged to increase the level of passion experienced during foreplay and the actual physical encounter.

Fellow maschalagnia, gay actor and director, Sean Xavier!

Sean Xavier (pictured immediately above) was the second openly gay porn-star – following Kory Mitchell, to my knowledge, to publicly admit to his attraction to and his preference to maschalagnia (in his interview, he actually used the term and explained what it meant to the reporter). It was his interview that introduced me to the term itself. Prior to Sean’s educating me, I’d always simply shared that I had a “fetish” for men’s underarm fur!

Sean confesses to shaving his body hair when he was younger and first entered the business. At the time, he didn’t know any better and did whatever anyone told him to do. Now, he states, that he’s experienced, mature, wiser and proud of himself and all of my body hair!

Maschalagnia apparently is gaining in popularity based on a trend reported in the gay adult film industry. This may partially be caused by the increase in the number of Caucasian gay men who are shaving or otherwise removing their own armpit and pubic hairs. I’m an educator, not a marketing analyst. I have no knowledge or understanding as to how these two factors determine the conclusion.

Colin Black, hairy armpit advocate!

The late gay adult film actor, Colin Black, (pictured above) was a very prominent advocate for “hairy armpits rights” inside the gay adult film industry. Prior to his suicide on April 22, 2016, Colin publicly triumphed the cause of all adult film actors, same gender loving and opposite gender loving men, the grow and/or to groom their underarm fur according to their own personal preferences. His arguments were based on individual choice for freedom and happiness as opposed to contract clauses, mandated by industry executives that required contractors to remove/shave all armpit and chest hair and groom pubic hair. He advocated the same argument in support of nudity in private. In 2012, he received the Hookie Award (gay pornography honour) for Best Boyfriend Fantasy. Colin Black: an early bare practitioner hero!

“Nudity quickly becomes unremarkable when generally practiced.” ~ Colin Black ~

Before I read a death notice for Colin Black, I had never known that a “hairy armpits rights activist” ever existed. Colin, of mixed racial heritage (African-American, Native-American and Korean) was known for his concern for the civil rights of all. He publicly defended the “natural rights” causes of armpit and pubic hairs and of the rights to nakedness!

When once questioned why he strongly worked in favour of pubic and armpit body hair, he said, “because those are the only two places on my body where it grows. I’m smooth everywhere else!”

Daymin Voss, very hirsute body and underarm fur proud!

Obviously, bare practitioner actor Daymin Voss (pictured immediately above) doesn’t have the problem of the lack of his armpit and body hair! His profusion is well appreciated and known to appeal to many!

As long as men continue to grow their armpit hairs; I’m personally content, happy and a proud maschalagnia devotee and enthusiast!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry for here is planned for Monday, February 20, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Nightmare!”

What Is It?

Marc Williams in an athletic supporter!”
Marc Williams in the athletic supporter!

Actually, very few people are absolutely certain of the official proper name for this particular male garment. Every language has both an “official” (proper) name for the garment with many colloquial (unofficial) names used by the general public.

The undisputed label is “athletic supporter.” Although first used for bicyclists, the popularity of athletics for younger people caused the usage to broaden into all areas of sports.

Essentially, the garment – a form of underwear – is masculine and utilized to protect the extended anatomical offerings for that gender. Comparable to the “bra” worn by women. The purpose of this male garment is to offer support and limited protection for the testicles.

Felipe Ferreira rotating in an athletic supporter!

The name first used to promote the style of underwear was “bicycle supporter.” In the 1890’s it was sold primarily to cyclists to be worn while riding (jockey) a bicycle on bumpy, uneven and unpaved roads. The purpose was to prevent damage and/or discomfort to the man in his genitalia.

Soon, the popular garment came to be known as a “jockey strap” until the early 1960’s when the slang name (street name) was shortened to “jock strap.”

The popularity of men being commando (not wearing any underwear) under their shorts or pants has mistakenly been thought as synonymous with wearing an athletic supporter.

It is also referred to as a “genital girdle” or “genitalia girdle” although that is discouraged by the general public.

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry for here is planned for Friday, November 18, 2022, and the proposed topic is: “Friday Footnote: Bullying!”

2022: Nude Recreation Week!

Bare practitioner “fun-in-the-sun!”

2022: Nude Recreation Week!

July 5 – 11, 2022!

This week-long festival of body and clothes freedom recreational activities is jointly co-sponsored by the American Association of Nude Recreation (AANR) and The Naturist Society (TNS). As every summer is the “season of fun in the sun,” it is only logical and natural that major national naturist/nudist advocacy organizations host an event in honour of clean, healthy bare living. The recent tendency over the last several years is to observe this occasion after the July 4 holiday.

Gathering on the beach!

Nude Recreation Week was originally conceived as a marketing concept for naturist/nudist destinations and facilities to attract new members to their clientele. The thought being “increase your membership and increase your business.” The first observances were successful and evolved into a plan to encourage textile (clothed) people to try clothes freedom. It worked and soon expanded from destination focus to a general enticement for the public to try whether at home or at a clothing optional facility.

Bare congregation!

The observance of Nude Recreation Week has provided additional unintentional benefits for the bare practitioner community. Aaron, my spouse, has contributed that given the involvement of a larger population of those without previous naturist/nudist experiences and/or familiarity, many destinations or resorts were forced to re-examine their policies regarding racial and sexual exclusion. This has opened the path of inclusion to many of our community who would otherwise face exclusion.

Bare practitioner competitors!

Nude Recreation Week involves an emphasis on the numerous activities, leisure services and past-times, both active and passive, that people may engage in or undertake while clothes free. In essence, identical to what can be enjoyed when wearing garments. This isn’t to imply this special week is the only time we bare our bodies for fun and games – we do that quite frequently!

Coastal endeavour!

“I like me better naked. I don’t mean that in a vain way… When you put clothes on, you immediately put a character on. Clothes are adjectives, they are indicators. When you don’t have any clothes on, it’s just you – raw – you can’t hide.” ~ Padma Lakshmi ~

Sound advice to follow!

The history of Nude Recreation Week is recent with the earliest documented date of August 7, 1976. as being Nude Beach Day. It was first observed in two locations, Truro Beach in southern California and at the Head of the Meadow Beach at Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The Nude Beach Day was continued at the same locations soon became National Nude Weekend in order to expand the time for the clothes free event.

As many naturist/nudist campsites and resorts weren’t located with access to clothing optional beaches, it soon became apparent that another name change and another expansion of the theme was necessary. The “weekend” evolved into a full-fledged “week” as the name changed into Nude Recreation Week.

Happy Nude Recreation Week!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, July 8, 2022, and the proposed topic is: “Nude Recreation Week: Vintage Gallery!”

World Naked Bike Ride, 2019!

The World Naked Bike Ride is held annually, throughout the year, on every single continent on earth except Antarctica (note: penguins and seals don’t pedal bicycles). The event isn’t restricted by precipitation and most rides continue even through the rain. Downpours may affect the number of riders, but for the most part, the rides are still held. This event takes place all year long as extreme temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere are usually moderate in the Northern, and vice-versa.

Continue reading World Naked Bike Ride, 2019!