HIV Testing Day!

As the above statistical data chart demonstrates, clearly the observance of HIV Testing Day is providing some worthwhile results. The African-American population had repeatedly reported the highest incident rates of any racial/ethnic group within USA borders. Now that same community is offering rising rates of HIV testing throughout its population. The higher the testing, the lower the rates of infection. Progress is being made – at last!

Testing Day!

First observed in the USA as National HIV Testing Day on 27 June, 1995, the main purpose of the date was to encourage persons to take the test, get the results and know their HIV status. Since that time, it has gained importance and is now promoted as an international effort for all peoples, no matter where they live. The goal has now expanded to empower individuals to seek treatment if they are HIV+ and to expand research into seeking a cure.

Since 1995, treatment options have expanded and now include prevention choices that allow persons to continue living productive lives. HIV, when treated, no longer carries the fatal outcome it once generated.

If you haven’t already done so, please get tested and know your HIV status!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, June 28, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “SIR: Legacy!”

Strip2Dip: Summer, 2024!

Sometimes, the simpler is better! The month of June, annually, already has the distinction of being the official month of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer+ (GLBTQ+) Pride Month. Our community and culture’s recognized and respected annual occasion to commemorate and to remember the birth of the modern struggle for equality, fairness and justice that began in the early morning hours of 28 June, 1969.

Prior to the celebration of our collective movement against bias and oppression, in the Northern Hemisphere, the month of June already possessed a designation that no one could ignore: the arrival of the Summer Season! As if the seasonal reality wasn’t enough, along with it came the ageless classic: swimming naked (vernacular: skinny-dipping)! The freedom to bare ourselves and to be ourselves – in nature or indoors!

A cautious approach!

Our man above has waited almost an entire year for another summertime to arrive so that he can renew his outdoor favourite: a skinny-dipping adventure in his backyard pool! Bare as nature with the freedom to be the man that he truly is!

Baring himself to skinny-dip!

Dropping his long-legged athletic shorts, our man kicks them aside, making it obvious for all of us that his style preference is “commando” – no underwear! Totally harmonious to the pleasure he derives from skinny-dipping (a proud bare body) in his very own pool! A simple task: SWS (sun, water, skin)! What could be easier to understand?

All that is needed is a source of water and a familiarity with the location. A bare body (clothes freedom) and the confidence and knowledge to overcome the challenge (swimming). Sunscreen for protection is the only “equipment” involved. Sun, water, and comfort with our complete nakedness! Who could possibly ask for anything more?

Skinny-dipping (swimming naked) is perhaps the most ancient of recreational events. Probably first undertaken prior to the necessity of clothing for comfort and/or warmth, humanity, nakedness and water have been compatible since the beginning of time. There is no need for us to ignore the harmony of ourselves – in our “natural” state of being – with our nature environment any longer! Especially now that the season to skinny-dip is now upon us (at least, in the Northern Hemisphere)!

The “first” step into the pool!

The “first” step is generally the most important. It allows us to familiarize ourselves with the temperature of the water in addition to acclimating us as to the depth of the pool. The more that we know, the better equipped we are for adventure, excitement and fun! The time of our summer season is limited, so it is always best to adapt ourselves as quickly as possible. We have an entire winter season to recollect on every moment we enjoy!

One important factor to remember when skinny-dipping is that it is best not undertaken alone. As a safety concern, this is essential when in a body of water, man-made or natural, that is unfamiliar and/or unknown. The man-made pool is here is obviously transparent yet having another person along is advisable, as physical complications can occur anytime and without warning. Our skinny-dipper today is being filmed by his accomplice with his camera. Two is better than one, solo!

A launch with a splash! Happy skinny-dipping!

Splashdown has occurred; another successful launching has happened! Bare practitioner is now underway! Mission control has now been advised that the first full day of summer is now set for fun, pleasure and safety! Everyone is encouraged to join in skinny-dipping as often as possible! Better to do so now than procrastinate and then wonder what happened once the frozen outdoor temperatures return!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: A little variety in my signature image here! Aaron, my spouse suggested this image as compatible with the subject of today’s posting! The next post entry here is planned for Monday, June 24, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “HIV Testing Day!”

Summer Related!

Phoenix Fellington, our bare beach soul!

The glorious season of Summer deserves exceptional recognition for being the primary time of the year where an overwhelming majority of us bare practitioners relish in the almost unlimited freedom of our nakedness and our same gender loving status. ReNude Pride’s celebrity spokes-model, Phoenix Fellington, once again takes the featured role in demonstrating his acknowledged fondness for and preference for his unofficial official designation as our bare practitioner’s bare practitioner! Confused? Don’t be! He’s hereto honoured as our bare beach soul – and not based exclusively because of his race. He’s my “soul” because he boldly and proudly poses all around without a thread of concealment over his body!

Whether he’s playing in the sand (view above) or being honoured in the foliage of the forest, his oft quoted remark, I love being naked, outside, in nature! is the summary of us nakedness enthusiasts no matter where we live or our skin colour! A man’s man and entertainer combined into one for us all to emulate!

Phoenix Fellington, the bare tree!

Phoenix, a former U.S. Marine, has the strength and, most importantly, the physique, to support a tree unaided by it’s natural trunk! And believe me, this is one active same gender loving (gay) porn-star who has the body to prove that fact!


Juneteenth Celebration vigil!

Juneteenth Holiday!

The official name for this occasion is the Juneteenth National Independence Day and it is a national holiday in the USA. It is celebrated annually here on June 19, commemorating the official and formal emancipation from slavery in the USA. The name for this most recent holiday is a combination of the words “June” and “nineteenth” because it was on the date of June 19, 1865, when Major General Gordon Granger ordered the final enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation in all of Texas at the end of the American Civil War.

The initial celebrations of this event began in 1866, originating in church sponsored community gatherings in Texas and throughout the south among liberated slaves often featuring a community food festival. With the Great Migration of African-Americans (descendants of slaves), these observances quickly spread throughout the country.

The day was recognized as a federal (national) holiday in 2021, when President Joseph Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law. It was first observed as a federal holiday that same year. The protocol is in place when this holiday falls on a Saturday, the Friday before is the date of the observance. If the date is a Sunday, then the following Monday is the official holiday.


Phoenix Fellington, picnic table invitational!

Summer Commences!

For this year, Summer, 2024, officially comes into existence on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 4:51 p.m., (local time). The fun begins and lasts until September 22! For those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere, if you haven’t already done so, make the seasonal adjustments necessary to ensure a happy, safe and successful summertime of family, friends and fun!

This year is one of the times when the equinox doesn’t occur on the traditional date of June 21. However, June 21, 2024, does mark the first official full day of 2024’s summertime. Extra time for fun and play!

Summer splash!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, June 21, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Strip2Dip: Summer, 2024!”

USA: Father’s Day!

Preparing breakfast for his children!

In the USA, Father’s Day is held the third Sunday in June, annually!

The responsibilities of guardianship and parenthood don’t disappear due to the celebration. Fathers are the reason for the observance, but the duties are far from finished!

Athletic parenting!

Fathers enjoy games, sports and love to have fun, especially with the young whom they call their own! Happy Father’s Day regardless of where they live!

Blowing a kiss to communicate his love!

There are numerous ways to experience fatherhood/guardianship outside the biological means. Bisexual and gay men are all too well aware of this. So everyone, Happy Father’s Day!

Enjoy the day!

Our Day!

Aaron, my spouse, and I will spend the Father’s Day with his family at their Virginia home in the city of Roanoke, located in the western part of the state. The plans are to give his father a “surprise” luncheon with all his family in attendance. It won’t be a complete surprise as it is the family’s tradition! He’s a good man and deserves to have everyone celebrating with him!

This year is my sixth without Papa being alive. It has been a difficult one as many days I wake and am amazed at how much I still miss him. However, I do have my memories and those serve me well!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, June 17, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Summer Related!”

A Seasonal Disguise!

His pride is unfurled!

The original Rainbow Pride flag, held high, boldly proclaims not only his sexuality pride but helps to demonstrate to all his bare pride, also!

Enveloped with pride!

Welcoming the incoming surf with his same gender loving confidence and his exceptional pride in his nakedness!

Accompanied with pride!

Pride visually accentuated by the early flag in the colours of the rainbow and our emblem of our freedom to be proud of ourselves and who we are!

Submerged with pride!

No shame in being same gender loving nor guilt in being bare!

Awashed with pride!

Our lives, our pride!

Encouraging colours and words!

The window to the world publicly announced for all to admire and see!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, June 14, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “USA: Father’s Day!”

Pride, 2024: Why?


For many years now, there has been and endless amount of questioning, from both outside and from within the GLBTQ+ movement as for the necessity of Pride events. This argument, minimally, supports the existence of a marginalization and of a prejudice against us all from a broad spectrum of the general population. It may not be as blatant and as prevalent as it once was, however, it remains present. even into the 21st century! As long as these biases are evident and felt, then, yes; pride observances are most definitely needed!

Until our communities and cultures as GLBTQ+ peoples receive the same amount of consideration and respect as shown to others, no matter their race, ethnicity, ability, gender, age or heritage, yes; pride activities are needed. Distrust is a serious detriment to equality acceptance and respect.

The determination that a certain action and/or behaviour is illegal by legislative or parliamentary procedure or even a royal proclamation doesn’t immediately eliminate or erase the offence out of existence. .A behaviour or a belief isn’t innate, it is learned – from parents, teachers, clergy, adult authority figures, et al. A learned behaviour is among the most difficult to eradicate from memory and practice.

A learned behaviour is a prejudice, plain and simple. It is not based on concrete knowledge or scientific fact. It is solely and usually based on the unsupported opinions of others, more often than not substantiated by fear, hate, myth, rumour or a combination of all. As such, it is almost impossible to refute with reasoning and any alternate proposition generally only increases its intensity.

The persistence of marginalization (setting aside of the perceived “normal”) and prejudice based on a person’s sexual attraction is often illegal in a growing number of countries globally but frequently remains inside people’s minds (and their hearts). The learned behaviour that has never been completely discarded or removed. Thus, their actions nominally are based on other aspects beyond sexual orientation in order to circumvent the judging of their negativity as being prejudicial. This type of “cover-up” has repeatedly happened throughout the various societies in the world, especially in the USA.

This situation justifies the existence and observation of pride events and their continuation. Among humanity, everyone deserves a chance to develop and grow in happiness, security and tolerance.

On a communal/social level, some societies are developed, liberal and progressive. Then there are others that are conservative, traditional and unyielding. There remain other social orders that are isolated from development and are stagnant. They keep closed to those of different beliefs, creeds and values. They are intolerant to all concepts and persons outside of their nature. These circumstances justify pride experiences. As in individual cases, inherited values are learned values and these, likewise, are the most difficult to alter or to change.


In composing this post entry, my spouse, Aaron, and I have had numerous discussions about the various reasons for the continued hosting of pride-related activities for our communities and cultures. We even held talks with friends on a person-to-person basis. Ideas and thoughts were shared and the above represents a summary of what appears to be the most popular argument in favour of the ongoing necessity of our pride heritage.

There are remaining GLBTQ+ persons who have very limited knowledge of our culture and the diversity of our community and the many facets offered. They seek information and many times just the contact with another person who is seeking the same or has actually experienced the same. A pride occasion is an opportunity for them to socialize, become acquainted and to observe as well as seek answers. Some travel distances for such contact. No matter where we live, there are always those for whatever reason benefit from the casual opportunity to mingle with others who may help provide them “the way.” Sometimes, merely being in an accepting environment is rewarding in and of itself.

As to persons who are active within our culture, an informative pride event allows us to assimilate with others of our lifestyle that we would otherwise never encounter. It is also an invaluable tool that permits us to stay abreast of current news, trends and emerging information. This hopefully keeps us “in the know” so we’re better qualified to determine what is beneficial not only in our own lives but also to those we hold dear.

Pride functions as an enabler that keeps us current as to the latest legal, political and social challenges and issues that we may confront, in our personal lives as well as a community. We not only remain informed on topics but we are also able to learn of different opportunities of involvement in order to share our cares and concerns with others.

As a summary for the benefits of pride for us all, Aaron and I see it as an important tool that we, as a culture need, so as to prevent any of us from being alienated/isolated from those around us. We are a minority within a broader culture and society. In keeping ourselves connected to others, we can make a difference not only in our own lives but also in the lives of those around us.

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, June 10, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “A Seasonal Disguise!”

Bare Pride, 2024!

A Photo-Essay Gallery honouring Bare Pride!

Body painting is an amazing and awesome tool to demonstrate the confidence and pride we as bare practitioners have in ourselves and in our bodies! It is also an ideal way to communicate with others the messages we wish to convey. Above, a World Naked Bike Rider has body-painted his same gender love status onto his chest as he boldly travels the streets of London, United Kingdom! He chose the Progress Pride flag design as the visual to share this with others!

The back and buttocks shown here feature a bold streak in the colours of the Rainbow Pride flag with his bare friend! This rainbow pattern was the emblem of the GLBTQ+ culture from 1978-2018.

A clear and concise message that the human body deserves no fear from any of us! In demonstrating his fearlessness, our messenger also shows us his bare pride!

Let’s make our bare practitioner status legal everywhere! A political and social message we can all promote! Modeling his politics, our man above also uses exceptional penmanship!

Heart-shaped hands!

His heart-shaped hands and welcoming smile deliver his message visually along with his bare confident body: he loves his nakedness! As bare practitioners, so do we!


The message on this body is colourful as well as explicit! He invites all of us to celebrate his nakedness and provide him with a kiss. A very deliberate way to join in the thrill of being clothes free while in good company!

Natural in nature!

The beauty of our natural surroundings enhanced by our very own natural physical being often encourages the experiencing of the happiness of being a bare practitioner!


The current popularity of tattoos enables people to become creative in having them decorating their bodies. Our example above includes him having “unashamed” tattooed above his pubic hairline. Obviously, his being seen nude is no shameful act for him!

Pride tattoo!

Having the notification of pride tattooed at the base of his neck leaves no doubt in anyone’s mind as to his feelings of his nakedness and his sexuality!

Sound advice for us all!

Words of wisdom from bare practitioners!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, June 7, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Pride 2024: Why?”

Pride, 2024!

GLBTQ+ Pride Month, 2024!


The gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer+ (GLBTQ+) community and culture in the USA observes the month of June, annually, as its traditional Pride Month. An entire month to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Inn riots that initiated the modern, ongoing GLBTQ+ equality movement within this country and to celebrate all of us simply for being us: what and who we naturally are! There are only thirty days in the month of June, so let’s get the festivities underway now!

The idea or the notion of “pride” represents a variety of connotations and/or definitions that overlap and vary from person to person. It doesn’t often mean the same belief or concept to every individual all of the time. The importance and value that we place on pride does change throughout the course of our lifetime. This fluctuation is beneficial and good as it encourages us to keep abreast of current affairs, events and trends. Understanding the what and the who we are empowers us to be accepting and inclusive.

The Progress banner of our GLBTQ+ community!

Pride is real:

Pride is a noun that references a positive emotion or feeling meaning a sense of one’s own proper dignity and/or value; self-respect; pleasure or satisfaction taken in one’s work, achievements or possessions. It also denotes self-esteem.

Pride also has a negative connotation as an excessively high opinion of oneself; arrogance and/or conceit. The consideration or personification of this condition or the first of the proverbial seven cardinal sins.

The Progress Flag raised in Nottingham!

“The Progress Flag:”

The current GLBTQ+ international community banner.

The Progress flag was designed and developed by non-binary (outside of the gender binary: female or male) artist Daniel Quasar in 2018. Based on Gilbert Baker’s original 1978 Rainbow Pride flag, Quasar’s redesign was unfurled 40 years later celebrating the expanding and still growing diversity of the global GLBTQ+ community and culture and at the same time encouraging a more inclusive general society. The redesign has increased the overall representation of discriminated minority identities covered under the GLBTQ+ umbrella.

Quasar’s creation includes the original six stripes flag made by Gilbert Baker and his volunteers, all with the incorporation of the colours of the natural rainbow and the ideals they symbolize. Quasar has added an arrow to the left of the Rainbow Pride that is pointing to the right. This arrow includes both black and brown stripes (representing peoples of colour) and light blue, pink and white stripes (representing transgender and non-binary persons).

Gilbert Baker’s original Rainbow Pride flag and what the colours mean!

In Daniel Quasar’s description “…the arrow points to the right in order to show forward movement and illustrates that progress towards inclusivity still needs to be made.” The black stripe has a double meaning as it is also intended for “those living with HIV/AIDS and the stigma and prejudice surrounding them and all those who have been lost to the disease.”

The Progress flag was an immediate success. On the evening of 6 June, 2018, he posted the flag on social media and woke up the next day to find that globally it had gone viral!

Personal observations:

Both Aaron, my spouse, and I remain grateful and impressed by Gilbert Baker’s original Rainbow Pride flag and the work of his friends and volunteers: Lynn Segerblum, James McNamara, Glenne McElhinney, Joe Duran and Paul Langlotz. Their efforts will retain their work in the archive and hearts of our global GLBTQ+ community and culture.

We also appreciate and are equally impressed with Daniel Quasar’s incorporation of the colourful and historic Rainbow Pride flag in his affirmative and inclusive design of the Progress flag. Forty years after the Rainbow Pride design first appeared, Daniel Quasar publicly credited and preserved the Rainbow’s basic intent as we continue to strive towards equality and inclusion!

Aaron and I commend and salute Gilbert Baker and his friends and Daniel Quasar for their remarkable achievement in the honouring of our GLBTQ+ community and culture!

Covered by the original Rainbow Pride flag!


Our pride events, fairs, festivals and related celebrations not only bring many of us together as a community and culture, it also affords us an occasion to renew with acquaintances and long-lost friends. It helps us to remain connected with those we otherwise would remain estranged for a very lengthy period of time. It reminds us of our common and shared experiences that have enabled us to become exactly the person that we are currently.

It also enables us to explore the many opportunities that evolve in our shared environment. As the individuals within our community and culture expand and grow, we all benefit from remaining current and focused on the challenges and the needs of our peers and the changing world in which we live.

Since the Stonewall Inn riots (SIR) in the early morning hours of 28 June, 1969, we, the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer+ people have energized, galvanized and organized a vibrant global movement for change, enhancement and equality that continues on, even today. Our efforts have produced drastic results in some areas, minor adjustments in other areas and minimal (if any) difference in yet other areas. However, our struggle remains alive and underway as even a small change helps to generate and inspire hope for success in our future!

A recommendation:

A challenge for everyone: this year, invite an acquaintance to attend a pride-related event with you this year. This is a non-threatening opportunity for all of us give to someone an understanding on the importance of our community and culture within today’s world. It also enhances the life of your acquaintance as they can see the similarity between our lives and their own.

Best wishes for a very happy and productive pride month, 2024 to everyone!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, June 3, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Bare Pride, 2024!”