Strip2Dip: Summer, 2024!

Sometimes, the simpler is better! The month of June, annually, already has the distinction of being the official month of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer+ (GLBTQ+) Pride Month. Our community and culture’s recognized and respected annual occasion to commemorate and to remember the birth of the modern struggle for equality, fairness and justice that began in the early morning hours of 28 June, 1969.

Prior to the celebration of our collective movement against bias and oppression, in the Northern Hemisphere, the month of June already possessed a designation that no one could ignore: the arrival of the Summer Season! As if the seasonal reality wasn’t enough, along with it came the ageless classic: swimming naked (vernacular: skinny-dipping)! The freedom to bare ourselves and to be ourselves – in nature or indoors!

A cautious approach!

Our man above has waited almost an entire year for another summertime to arrive so that he can renew his outdoor favourite: a skinny-dipping adventure in his backyard pool! Bare as nature with the freedom to be the man that he truly is!

Baring himself to skinny-dip!

Dropping his long-legged athletic shorts, our man kicks them aside, making it obvious for all of us that his style preference is “commando” – no underwear! Totally harmonious to the pleasure he derives from skinny-dipping (a proud bare body) in his very own pool! A simple task: SWS (sun, water, skin)! What could be easier to understand?

All that is needed is a source of water and a familiarity with the location. A bare body (clothes freedom) and the confidence and knowledge to overcome the challenge (swimming). Sunscreen for protection is the only “equipment” involved. Sun, water, and comfort with our complete nakedness! Who could possibly ask for anything more?

Skinny-dipping (swimming naked) is perhaps the most ancient of recreational events. Probably first undertaken prior to the necessity of clothing for comfort and/or warmth, humanity, nakedness and water have been compatible since the beginning of time. There is no need for us to ignore the harmony of ourselves – in our “natural” state of being – with our nature environment any longer! Especially now that the season to skinny-dip is now upon us (at least, in the Northern Hemisphere)!

The “first” step into the pool!

The “first” step is generally the most important. It allows us to familiarize ourselves with the temperature of the water in addition to acclimating us as to the depth of the pool. The more that we know, the better equipped we are for adventure, excitement and fun! The time of our summer season is limited, so it is always best to adapt ourselves as quickly as possible. We have an entire winter season to recollect on every moment we enjoy!

One important factor to remember when skinny-dipping is that it is best not undertaken alone. As a safety concern, this is essential when in a body of water, man-made or natural, that is unfamiliar and/or unknown. The man-made pool is here is obviously transparent yet having another person along is advisable, as physical complications can occur anytime and without warning. Our skinny-dipper today is being filmed by his accomplice with his camera. Two is better than one, solo!

A launch with a splash! Happy skinny-dipping!

Splashdown has occurred; another successful launching has happened! Bare practitioner is now underway! Mission control has now been advised that the first full day of summer is now set for fun, pleasure and safety! Everyone is encouraged to join in skinny-dipping as often as possible! Better to do so now than procrastinate and then wonder what happened once the frozen outdoor temperatures return!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: A little variety in my signature image here! Aaron, my spouse suggested this image as compatible with the subject of today’s posting! The next post entry here is planned for Monday, June 24, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “HIV Testing Day!”

Summer Related!

Phoenix Fellington, our bare beach soul!

The glorious season of Summer deserves exceptional recognition for being the primary time of the year where an overwhelming majority of us bare practitioners relish in the almost unlimited freedom of our nakedness and our same gender loving status. ReNude Pride’s celebrity spokes-model, Phoenix Fellington, once again takes the featured role in demonstrating his acknowledged fondness for and preference for his unofficial official designation as our bare practitioner’s bare practitioner! Confused? Don’t be! He’s hereto honoured as our bare beach soul – and not based exclusively because of his race. He’s my “soul” because he boldly and proudly poses all around without a thread of concealment over his body!

Whether he’s playing in the sand (view above) or being honoured in the foliage of the forest, his oft quoted remark, I love being naked, outside, in nature! is the summary of us nakedness enthusiasts no matter where we live or our skin colour! A man’s man and entertainer combined into one for us all to emulate!

Phoenix Fellington, the bare tree!

Phoenix, a former U.S. Marine, has the strength and, most importantly, the physique, to support a tree unaided by it’s natural trunk! And believe me, this is one active same gender loving (gay) porn-star who has the body to prove that fact!


Juneteenth Celebration vigil!

Juneteenth Holiday!

The official name for this occasion is the Juneteenth National Independence Day and it is a national holiday in the USA. It is celebrated annually here on June 19, commemorating the official and formal emancipation from slavery in the USA. The name for this most recent holiday is a combination of the words “June” and “nineteenth” because it was on the date of June 19, 1865, when Major General Gordon Granger ordered the final enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation in all of Texas at the end of the American Civil War.

The initial celebrations of this event began in 1866, originating in church sponsored community gatherings in Texas and throughout the south among liberated slaves often featuring a community food festival. With the Great Migration of African-Americans (descendants of slaves), these observances quickly spread throughout the country.

The day was recognized as a federal (national) holiday in 2021, when President Joseph Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law. It was first observed as a federal holiday that same year. The protocol is in place when this holiday falls on a Saturday, the Friday before is the date of the observance. If the date is a Sunday, then the following Monday is the official holiday.


Phoenix Fellington, picnic table invitational!

Summer Commences!

For this year, Summer, 2024, officially comes into existence on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 4:51 p.m., (local time). The fun begins and lasts until September 22! For those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere, if you haven’t already done so, make the seasonal adjustments necessary to ensure a happy, safe and successful summertime of family, friends and fun!

This year is one of the times when the equinox doesn’t occur on the traditional date of June 21. However, June 21, 2024, does mark the first official full day of 2024’s summertime. Extra time for fun and play!

Summer splash!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, June 21, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Strip2Dip: Summer, 2024!”

May Day, 2024!

A floral garland!

May the first; the very first day of the month of May, 2024! It is the only May Day that we will have this calendar year! In the Roman Catholic Church world, the entire month of May is in honour of the Virgin Mary (as shared by my spouse, Aaron)! Perhaps that was due in part because the Vatican, the headquarters of the church is located in Rome, Italy, which is situated in the Northern Hemisphere. Where the process season of Spring is underway. A time of rebirth and renewal.

Early in the twentieth century, the Bolsheviks took control of Russia and renamed it the Soviet Union. They held a major parade on this day promoting their communist ideology as the futuristic unity of the world. On this day their celebration featured weapons of their supposed military dominance over all the world.

A modern May dance!

The traditional May Day maypole dance has been revised and updated. The current rhythm is too energetic for today’s youth who were bored with the traditional ribbons wrapped around a maypole! We all need to stay in touch with what is popular now; too soon, even today’s choreography will become “old-school” and outdated!

A floral crown!

Same gender lovers (SGL) never had such good times as May Day traditionally involved the exchange of flowers as proof of affection and devotion between lovers and spouses. And a remarkable fact about May Day: clothing is not required! Happy days are finally here!

Floral headgear!

This bare practitioner is commemorating May Day in his glorious nakedness and with a festive floral wreath balanced on his head! Obviously, he’s well into the spirit of this wondrous day!

Flowers for you!

A May Day gift, especially for each one of you in appreciation for visiting here today!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, May 3, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “World Naked Gardening Day!”


Bare fun!

Camaraderie: good will and lighthearted rapport between or among family and/or friends; comradeship


The bare practitioner community and culture is based and built upon two distinct characteristics or traits that we all share. They are of equal importance and each one is essential in the bonding and the sense of belonging that being a bare practitioner brings into our lives as individuals and as a collective common entity. These characteristics or traits are our same gender love (SGL) and our nakedness.

The Camaraderie is the fellowship, fraternization and friendship that the spirit of the bare practitioner community and culture instills within us. It provides us with a sense of devotion and trust that we all hold.

The Experience is likewise collective and shared. It creates a bonding that we rely upon. It presents us with a foundation of caring and compassion as both a community and culture within the larger GLBTQ+ movement that enables us to celebrate our SGL and our nakedness.

The Challenge is in the perspective of our daily lives and how our cooperation works wonders and rewards all of us.

Bare Practitioner Camaraderie!

Throughout the years here, ReNude Pride has on occasion alluded to the popular – often widespread – misconception that our “natural” state-of-being-bare, body and clothes free, naked, nude, nudity, open, unadorned is both identical and interchangeable with degenerate, evil, sinful and wrong. Before anyone panics, allow me to assure you that this site is not entering into discrepancy and/or reversal! Aaron, my spouse, and I remain committed bare practitioners! This publication is nakedness encouraging, friendly, receptive and welcoming! And it shall remain so as long as we are involved here!

I have somehow collected this series of pictures of these two men interacting together in either foreplay, fun or jest (or a combination of all three)! The precise cause of their behaviour isn’t really important. The impression is that they’re both having fun together and that they’re both innocent of anything evil, sinful and wrong. They’re both enjoying their nakedness – plain and simple!

Bare, fun-loving and happy!

In harmony with the title of this post entry here today, they’re both not guilty of any maliciousness or misbehaviour aside from simply “being themselves.” Their body language and facial expressions confirm this as factual and reality. The atmosphere implies cheerful, comfort and harmony. Their eyes convey both affection, innocence and trust! They are engaging in camaraderie. Nothing more and absolutely nothing less than what the above definition offers us. A seasonal rite of rejuvenation and replenishment after the barren winter!

As bare practitioners, all of us know – primarily from first-hand experience – often in our textile (clothes oriented) society that our nakedness is interpreted by many as a subtle tool to foster sexual intimacy. The obvious physical contact between these two men: embracing, staring, touching, and their shared nudity may reinforce this misleading message but it fails to confirm it into actual reality.

Their interaction and their clothes freedom does validate their same gender love (SGL) acceptance and bonding. It likewise reaffirms their shared bare practitioner connection. They both have very similar physical characteristics that suggests a possible familial relationship (cousin or sibling) or perhaps a more bromatic (brotherhood + romance) affiliation.

Serious bare practitioners!

Discounting all and any homophobic judgments, there is nothing wrong with the sincerity and the validity of confidence and pride between these two men. They both publicly (for the camera lens and for the viewers) have no hesitation in their relationship, whatever nature it may possess.

Witnessing what these two men share the the togetherness they treasure is an example and an inspiration for us all. It is a reminder of our hope, our humanity and our innocence! Our men here today dispel the popular and widespread misconception that nakedness and sex are synonymous. Nudity may enable a sexual advancement but it does not exclusively energize immediate sexual engagement. Casual nakedness interaction afford us comfort. comradeship and convenience.

This series of photographs remind me of the words of the Anglican (Church of England) priest from 400 years ago:

“Full nakedness! All joys are due to thee,

As souls unbodied, bodies unclothed must be

To taste whole joys.” ~ John Donne ~ 1572-1631

Although composed by an opposite gender loving man, the spirit of his thought is applicable today, regardless of the sexuality!


The Bare Practitioner Experience:

“A bare practitioner is a person who is same gender loving (bisexual or gay) and who is a naturist/nudist (no clothing or covering). They also willingly release their body, mind and soul from the frustrations and tensions of always hiding beneath the oppression of garments. A free spirit, uncensored and uncovered, in a complete natural state confidently joined with another of the same gender in companionship, devotion and pride. Accepting and respecting both what and who they truly are!” ~ Aaron and Roger Peterson-Poladopoulos ~

The blatant and unmistakable message that the above images deliver is clearly that bare practitioners have no underlying feelings of embarrassment, guilt or shame in either their SGL life and their nakedness. They can and do embrace both of these aspects of their existence and increasingly find the self-acceptance and confidence within themselves and others that enable them to progress into their future.

Bare practitioners are perhaps among the most accepting and tolerant groupings of the GLBTQ+ culture. Although frequently marginalized others, specifically based on their body and clothes freedom preference and status, they are a most cordial and welcoming social community without concern of a person’s particular clothing status. An exceptional majority of bare practitioners are familiar with the exploratory nature of many SGL brothers and sisters, especially their curiosity concerning nakedness. They are patient and tolerant of those outside the clothing optional culture.

The Progressive Pride flag!

This community has an abundance of the “multiple coming out” survivors. Mot only did they need to “come out” regarding their personal sexual preference, they also took the additional decisive measure of acknowledging their orientation for nakedness. This “double-outing” has forged an open, receptive and tolerant community for all! Out two subjects featured today are reflective of the inclusiveness of both the bare practitioner community and culture.

There was a time in the not-to-distant past where those who were attracted to the same gender romantically were cautious, discrete and obsessively secretive about their sexual desires. Nakedness was seen as degenerate and disgusting. Slowly, those archaic attitudes are being erased and that is one of the predominant reasons that the bare practitioner community is accustomed to those from outside their ranks frequently attending social functions in order to view the social scene.

The two bare practitioners in the photo series published here today are a visual testament that nakedness and SGL are both compatible and natural! We see ourselves as role models of both our community and our culture. One of our priorities is to ensure that newcomers and curious visitors feel comfortable and relaxed while they are with us. All are encouraged to join with us and to remove clothing to their individual comfort level whenever they feel thus inclined and without pressure.

Solid advice!

For some, nakedness, especially complete social nudity, is a gradual process. It involves unlearning a behaviour taught to us and requires time to accomplish. Then there are those who boldly discard all their textiles (clothing) and then need to be reminded to dress themselves before leaving the event/facility! The fact that we underwent the “double-coming-out” (nakedness and sexuality) process and survived hopefully inspires others that they can accomplish the same!

The Bare Practitioner Challenge!

A challenging pin!

The picture directly above is of a pin that accurately reflects the undue amount of attention focused on the male penis. Please remember that the actual object of this essential truth is the message itself. The challenge is this: In the glory of our nakedness, exactly how are se supposed to display our pin? Insert it into our skin?

In the realm of social interaction, it is almost universally recognized that people are more comfortable, forthcoming, honest and sincere around and with others they perceive as most like themselves. This dynamic enables and encourages a bond of sharing and of trust. Among bare practitioners, the sense is supplemented through nakedness and sexuality. This similarity allows us to focus less on generalities and concentrate on uniqueness!

Bare practitioner embrace!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Tuesday, April 30, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Bottoms-Up! April, 2024!”

Maschalagnia II!

My educator, friend and inductor: Kory Mitchell!

ReNude Pride’s Annual Celebration and Salute to Bare Practitioners Everywhere Who Are Confident and Proud of Their Armpit Hair!

Maschalagnia Mentors!

Kory Mitchell: Educator, Friend, Inductor

Kory Mitchell is the very first openly gay and nudist celebrity to publicly acknowledge his maschalagnia affinity and to define it’s meaning – at least, to my knowledge. He confesses to being sexually enthralled with men’s hairy armpits. In an interview, he uses the label maschalagnia to identify himself and follows that with a thorough definition. Kory taught me the new condition and indoctrinated me on it’s effect on my life. I recognize him as my educator and as my inductor into this world of men’s hairy armpits. He is also a man that I proudly address as friend. I am so very grateful and thankful to you, Kory! As a token of my sincere appreciation, I often use this enlarged image of Kory’s underarm as the opening “header” for my postings on hairy armpits!

Prior to my lesson from Kory, I described myself as “a man with a fetish for men’s hairy armpits!” His interview about the traits that attracted him to men was in a magazine named Inches. He is of mixed descent. His father is an African-American armed service member and his mother is German. He received his education in both Germany and the USA. He can’t ever recall being elusive or shamed about his nakedness or about his sexuality.

After Kory Mitchell was diagnosed HIV+, he immediately became active in discussing HIV/AIDS prevention strategies with his professional associates in the gay porn industry. His receipt of his certifications in both the American Red Cross Fundamentals curriculum and the Red Cross Prevention Skills curriculum. I was an instructor trainer (educator) volunteer in both of those curriculums in addition to the African-American Prevention Skills curriculum. This was the immediate basis of our friendship that quickly expanded to include SGL issues, our shared nakedness and other social concerns.

Kory Mitchell: complete nakedness, maschalagnia and a leather harness!


Sean Xavier: Secondary Educator

Sean Xavier, a smile and maschalagnia view!

Sean Xavier (birthname: Kyle Overton) was born on January 16, 1988, in Victorville, California. He is the very second openly gay and nudist celebrity to publicly acknowledge not only his maschalagnia but also his shortcoming. He confirms the shaving of his chest hair when he initially began his career in pornography. He was young, inexperienced and intimidated by the studio executives who often treated him as a novice intern instead of an actor under contract. They told him to shave his chest hair and he did. He has now matured.

Sean has never admitted to shaving his underarm hair. I have never seen an image of him without hairy underarms.

In an interview in a magazine named: Inches, I read of his sexual attraction to the male hairy armpits and his – at that time – recent discovery of the word maschalagnia and it’s definition. The man conducting the interview admitted to his lack of knowledge on the subject.

“Body hair – a little or a lot – is part of being manly. Like our nipples, penis and testicles, it is what makes us who we are. Bisexual or gay, we know what is good for us!” ~ Sean Xavier ~ gay actor

Sean Xavier: maschalangnia and nakedness!


The late Colin Black, Hirsute Axilla Activist and Champion

It was 2022, when I was reading a notice of the SGL actor, Colin Black’s receipt of the 2012 Hoodie Award for the Best Boyfriend Fantasy that I learned of his gaining of both attention and reputation of a “Hairy armpits rights activist.” Until I read the article/interview, I never had even seen that phrase used. I became an admirer of Colin immediately.

During this period, the gay porn industry executives and producers (bullies?) were arbitrarily mandating that some actors (selective) were required to maintain themselves as “armpit and pubic hair free.” The reasoning? They were to be available to film or to pose immediately with no time to shave or otherwise groom away their hair. The “bullies” plan? If the actor’s didn’t sign that particular clause of their contract, then continue elsewhere to look for work. Additionally, some had another additional clause that prohibited them from public nakedness.

Colin, of mixed racial/ethnic heritage (African-American, Indigenous American and Korean) was known for his concern for civil and equal rights for all. He publicly lobbied and protested against these arbitrary clauses and argued against the studio’s infringement on the individual’s “natural rights.” His persistence achieved results and the policies began to disappear.

Colin Black’s Hoodie Award wasn’t based on his activist involvement but it was extensively revealed through his interview on receiving this honour.

A “hairy armpits rights activist!” I should seriously re-examine my own professional choice! Actually, that job title and that notion conveniently fits comfortably in my underarms and its fur!

Sadly, Colin died of narcotics complications in 2016.

Colin Black, maschalagnia and pierced nipples!



2024 marks the eighth year of publication of ReNude Pride. At least a couple of times each year, I deliberately and intentionally offered in my accompanying photographs as well as my post entry text of my attraction to men’s hairy armpits. I’ve often received ridicule for admitting to having a “fetish” for men’s underarm fur.

For that reason, I felt a sense of privacy over my attraction to and fascination with men’s hirsute axilla! The jokes about my “addiction” to that feature of masculinity were manageable. The notoriety was the inconvenience that I sought to avoid.

Then, in 2021, after the coronavirus COVID-19 debacle, I mentally told myself to hell with it! My attraction to man’s hairy armpits is an integral aspect of what and who I am as a bare practitioner. Pretending that this characteristic isn’t a part of my life is – itself – ridiculous and worthy of all the degradation anyone wants to convey to me!

Felipe Ferreira flashes his underarm fur!

I’m so glad that Brazilian-born model/DJ/soft gay porn actor Felipe Ferreira finds my hesitancy over publishing about my dedication to hairy underarms on men so funny! Notice how he is sharing glimpses of his own underarm fur!


Arms raised high!


Maschalagnia hairy armpit fascination and obsession

Axilla (armpit or underarm) is the area on the human body directly under the joint where the arm connects to the shoulder. It also contains numerous sweat glands. In humans, the formation of body odor happens mostly in the armpit. These odorant substances serve as pheromones which play a role related to mating.

Hirsute Axilla hairy armpit/ furry underarm

A person frequently is attracted to armpits and to armpit hair.

Austin Wilde (bald) invites his partner to sample his furry armpit!


Open doorway to maschalagnia exploration!

His hirsute underarms and his nakedness invite us all inside to view this hairy gallery! Enter at your own risk!


Arms raised! Phoenix Fellington, our spokes-model!


Since graciously assuming his unofficial spokes-model role here for ReNude Pride, in all fairness, Phoenix Fellington deserves and has earned all the recognition due a man of his distinction and nakedness. The 4M! entitlement? It represents the official message that this picture of him denotes: March: Maschalagnia Madness Month! That’s the very least we can do in order to celebrate hairy armpits!

“An eyeful of a man’s hairy armpits reminds me of my business: I’m about to get busy with another man!” ~ Phoenix Fellington ~ ReNude Pride spokes-model gay film celebrity

Phoenix Fellington: maschalagnia profile and nakedness!


Hirsute Commencement

Friends with maschalagnia pride!

Alex, my identical twin brother, who I refer to as “Twin” (as he does me) and I began puberty just before our 12th birthday. He recalls that my interest in men’s hairy armpits seems to have happened within just one night. “I remember you went to bed, naked and normal. The next morning, you woke up dancing around our bedroom because you were growing pubic and underarm hair!”

Then, he also remembered that I only calmed down when he showed to me that the same was happening to him. For a few brief minutes, I felt special and unique entering into manhood! The photo of the teen duo (above) flaunting their underarm fur brought with it memories of “back-n-the-day!” Recently, I posted and introduced my lifelong bare practitioner buddy, Paul Turner. Click the title below to view.

USA: Black History Month

During our many trips to the gay nudist area of the James River Park in Richmond, Virginia, we often observed young adult men engaged in physical exploration. A number of times Paul and I, in an adventurous spirit, followed suite. We both used our lips and tongue alternating between his hairy armpits and mine.

The memories that we have of the “memories of mischief” that we engaged in during our teenage career! I suppose our survival of that period is as miraculous as the mischief itself!

Another open admission: until Paul’s tongue licked my underarm fur, my armpits were virginal. Unfortunately, the experienced Paul was unable to confirm the same!


Weightlifting underarms!

Time now to migrate from memories to a question concerning pheromones, defined in the Glossary above. I’ve often wondered, I know that we masturbate to relieve sexual tension and provide gratification. When we inhale the odor emitted from the pheromones of our own underarms, does that enable a similar self-gratification experience? Okay, an unintentional falsehood here. I have more than just one question.

Is this “scent of desire” created in our armpits excite only our potential intimacy partners? Are we immune to our own scent?

Regrettably, I can’t just close my eyes, take a deep breath and receive the answers to all of my questions. Perhaps I should raise my arm, sniff my armpit and maybe then I’ll have an answer!


Gio Dell, salutes and maschalagnia pride!

SUN: Sibling’s Underarms and Nakedness

Venezuela-born bare practitioners, half-brothers, male escorts and models, Gio Dell and gay film actor Armani, salute everyone who shares in their maschalagnia blissful condition! Gio is confident and proud not only of his hairy armpits but likeise of every follicle of his hirsute manliness! He has modelled himself, his nakedness – and his gay exclusivity – since 2009. Above, he poses offering a salute to all of us. Gio shaves only his facial and head hairs! A man of my own standing!

Armani, name tattoo and hairy armpits!

The younger Armani, above, has sparser body hair but very impressive hair in his underarms. He keeps his head hairs cropped (cut) close.

Both half-brothers have made films for the gay porn industry and they both enjoy healthy living. Armani has a very popular male escort service!

Skinny-dipping Gio Dell!




There is no doubt that the ecstasy this man above is experiencing is enhanced by his raised arm and his exposure of his hirsute axilla!


Interracial maschalagnia!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, March 15, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Does Size Matter?”

Race: Race’s POV!

Race Cooper!

“Racism takes many forms and our thoughts on racism, sexuality and nudity need to change.” ~ Joseph Ross Anderson ~ aka Race Cooper The Pink News SGL News Service London, UK 10 June, 2020 


The examination and exploration of the topic of race extends beyond the limited concepts of just Black people and White people. It includes all of us, no matter our skin tone, ethnicity or racial heritage. Race, unfortunately, is also aligned with community, culture, politics, religion and value systems.

Regrettably, racism (racial discrimination and/or hatred based on skin tone) is often a “learned” behaviour – usually passed from one generation to the next – without any basis of proof or scientific fact. Unchallenged, it is frequently misunderstood as the “norm” – the routine standard.

ReNude Pride published a post entry here, Race On Race, last year on March 6, 2023. Click on the title to link. My spouse, Aaron, and I both offer this expanded version of the topic in the hope of overcoming our need to be reminded of the importance of this reality in our daily lives. This is the reason, among others, that we do not restrict this issue or topic exclusively to the period of Black History Month.

Race Cooper: tunnel of experience and knowledge!

Race Cooper is the stage name of Joseph Ross Anderson, a talented and thoughtful star of same gender loving (SGL) – bisexual and gay – pornography and outspoken advocate for bare (naked/nudist) rights, sexuality rights and racial equality. He was born and grew up in Toronto, Canada on December 5, 1973. Amazing, he didn’t begin his film career (porn) until 2009 – he was 36 years old! An age when most openly gay porn actors are ready to retire from performing live!

In the same year that he launched his film debut, he started blogging about the porn industry on and swiftly acquired notoriety as “a-man-who-tells-it-all!” Race’s blog was a popular favourite as he kept no secrets from his readers. He consistently posted of his experiences with his fellow actors, both complimentary and flattering and…honest and real. His descriptions and observations of their intimate abilities and anatomical attributes made his blog a success for many and a regular “must-read” for both his followers and his peers in the film studios! His writing skills hastened to dispel the stereotype of the gay porn actor as egotistical, “flaky,” and self-obsessed.

He also began to publicly encourage and endorse the expansion of the alpha-man (top-man) and the beta-man (bottom-man) sexual identities to include versatility (preference to engaging in either sexual position or fluidity)!

Additional facts on Race Cooper are listed below:

Name: Joseph Ross Anderson

Height: 6′ (183 cm)

Weight: 180 lbs. (82 kg)

Hair: head (shaved) body (armpit, pubic)

Penis: 7.9″ (20 cm) circumcised

Sexuality: gay exclusive

Sexual position: versatile (preference: bottom)

Clothing status: bare

Film career: 2009 – 2014

“I’m an African-Canadian. Growing up in Toronto, I got to see how lots of White Americans reacted to Black people. Working in gay pornography in the USA, I personally saw how Black men were treated by White men with no difference between gay or straight.” ~ Race Cooper ~ The Pink News 10 June, 2020

Race Cooper: serious!

Race Cooper, based on his own experience in the SGL porn industry, views racism as “a daily constant in the USA.” He initially began working as a casting director for the exclusively SGL studios – Raging Stallion – before he moved to performing in front of the camera. He acknowledges that he was paid considerably less than his White peers and regularly and repeatedly had his work ethic and his intelligence questioned. He honestly believes that he was only hired initially in order for the studio to appear “less racist.”

“Homophobia and racism in the USA is the reasoning for discrimination and prejudice. It is part of the legacy of slavery. In Canada, race is just a difference. You shave your pubic hair, I let mine grow naturally. We’re both gay men, we’re just different in some ways.” ~ Race Cooper ~ The Pink News 10 June, 2020

Canada had slavery in the 1600s only. It was never a permanent institution like in the USA. As a slave, you were bought, you worked a couple of years, earned your freedom and then you moved on. Similar to an indentured servant. Enslavement was never a source of distrust and hatred. You worked, earned freedom and then became a neighbour – equal – not inferiour or subserviant.

Playful Race Cooper!

“As a Black gay man, I know and have witnessed bias, hatred and prejudice because of nudity, race and sexual orientation. It is unfair and unjust. It is wrong. As a performer in the porn industry, I’ve never experienced criticism for being publicly or for being socially naked. But I do know of fellow gay nudists who are judged because of their nudity. Clothes freedom is part of who we are. Just like race and sexuality, we don’t have a choice.” ~ Race Cooper ~ The Pink News 10 June, 2020

Race Cooper was interviewed by The Pink News, a GLBTQ+ news service in London, England, United Kingdom, on 10 June, 2020, for his thoughts on racial inequality in the SGL porn industry in the USA in light of the killing of the late George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement. He also wants the porn studios to openly admit that many White men – straight – have been cast into roles, intended for Black gay men. Many of these substitutions were in films catering to primarily SGL African-American audiences.

As a path forward, he’d like to see the studios hire and utilize “diversity mentors” to help casting and hopefully these very same mentors could advance the careers of actors of colour and other minority qualifications. He also advocates the ending of “gay-for-pay” and the immediate end to the shunning of HIV+ porn actors.

Race Cooper: bald head and buttocks!

In the conclusion of his interview with The Pink News, Race Cooper offered – in my humble opinion – his most daring and profound argument against bigotry, discrimination and judgment based on not only just race but sexual orientation and nakedness as well. This declaration was made on his own initiative and observation. Proof positive that Joseph Ross Anderson (Race Cooper) is – heart and soul – a brother bare practitioner and all of us welcome and embrace him in complete nudity and pride into our community and culture! True equality is a basic human right for us all!

“I’ve made numerous naked appearance at gay studio social events. The newcomers to our profession are often intimidated by us older professionals. Usually, fellow Black new actors are gathered, made to strip out of their apparel and paraded through the White guests who are fully or partially clothed only to be ridiculed, teased and tormented and not allowed to get dressed until the social is done.” ~ Race Cooper ~ The Pink News 10 June, 2020

Great observations, Race Cooper! We are grateful for your honesty!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, February 26, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Bonus: +24!”

ReNude Pride: Seven!

Bare practitioners exchanging kisses!
A lofty goal!

Essential truth!
Bare compatibility!

One of the multitude of inspirations for creating and publishing ReNude Pride – both “back-in-the-day” in 2017 and still current in 2024 – has always been to offer a space for same gender loving (SGL) naturists/nudists to celebrate and collectively explore being ourselves. In reality we are a distinctly minority community and culture that is often forgotten, ignored and overlooked by both the general gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer + (GLBTQ+) culture as well as the general body and clothes freedom (naturist/nudist) culture.

For many of us, my spouse, Aaron, and myself included, all we desired and sought was a simple place to feel “home.” Free from judgment; safe and secure.

Hence the word-game (word-play) in the title here: renude is for renewed – a “rebirth” of our initial pride (confidence) in being our true selves. Bisexual or gay nudists. A brief glimpse of this site’s history, repeated in honour of this anniversary occasion!

One other historical reflection to share with you at this time. My first solo blogging experience here on began in 2012 and was entitled A Guy Without Boxers.

“A Guy Without Boxers” header image, 2012 – 2015

A Guy Without Boxers was created and designed for the purpose of acknowledging the existence of the gay nudist movement in our world. Aaron and I were just an ordinary gay couple at that time as marriage equality wasn’t legally established when we began. This initial blogging enterprise was abruptly cancelled and eliminated by arbitrarily in early autumn, 2015. To this date, wordpress continues to “stonewall” (ignore) any justification for this action. I guess actions are stronger than words!

Notation: “A Guy Without Boxers” remains my very favourite name for a blog espousing the nature of being a bare practitioner!

It was with extreme caution, distrust, and reluctance that we returned here in early January, 2017. We both enjoyed the blogging experience and felt a genuine need for an outlet for our SGL naturist/nudist community and culture. ReNude Pride was born at that moment in time.

There was another essential inspiration for the launching of ReNude Pride in 2017. That was the introduction and education of the label (term) bare practitioner as identification or name for our community and culture. The words “gay,” “naturist” and “nudist” invoked too many negative and unpleasant connotations in the minds of many and it was considered that a neutral identification – bare practitioner – would eliminate derogatory associations and negative imaging.

Hopefully, the use of the bare practitioner identity would replace the misconception that bisexual or gay men utilized the naked or nude lifestyle as a means to satisfy their blatant sexual cravings and/or desires. The reduction of this myth is the reasoning for erasure of intimate sexuality implied by clothes freedom and orientation. Nakedness and partner preference are not synonymous with orgy obsession!

“ReNude Pride” gravatar, 2017 – present!

A result of this inspiration is the use of ReNude Pride as a site for the indoctrination of bare practitioner into the vocabulary of all body and clothes freedom enthusiasts. This encouragement is a single step in eliminating a source of mythology and prejudice against a misunderstood minority that simply enjoys having a good time without the restraints of clothing, whether alone or socially.

This site recently “adopted” the openness of nakedness preference of the popular and publicly gay adult celebrity, Phoenix Fellington (real name: Tre Larun Federson) as it’s “spokes-model” (representative) in honour of his frequent and numerous non-sexual appearances and poses. Phoenix isn’t compensated financially for this “unofficial” status and it is hoped that the publicity he receives will reward him personally. In the picture below, he demonstrates his obvious comfort in being bare along with his friends.

Phoenix Fellington (center) directing two of his colleagues!

One of the benefits of this image is that it reflects a totally non-sexual yet proudly bare interaction between openly SGL men who are indifferent (not focused on) to their social nakedness and their shared same gender attraction!

This specific situation with Phoenix Fellington is an example of the diversity of levels of acceptance and comfort with both nakedness and sexuality within our own community and culture of bare practitioners. Phoenix, our spokes-model, readily admits to his dual nature. He honestly and publicly identifies and proclaims his enthusiasm for being bare in both his personal life and his professional life (pornography). Body and clothes freedom, whether “on-the-job” or in his private life present no excuse or reason for either embarrassment, guilt or shame. But he does understand that his reaction to this aspect of himself is not the same for everyone. He encourages all of us to be mindful of this discrepancy in all our levels of comfort! Aaron and I both greatly admire and respect Phoenix for this attribute of his accommodation of us all!

Thank you, Phoenix, for your encouragement in being confident and proud of both what and who we are!

In order to conclude this year’s ReNude Pride anniversary observation on a celebratory and positive nature, I cordially invite each and every one of you to our home for an appreciation breakfast prepared by me!

Of course, bare practitioner status us required of all! Once you cross the threshold, removal of all clothing is mandatory!

Meal preparation is open for full inspection by everyone! No secret ingredients are allowed!

This anniversary is a joyful occasion! Feel free to share your enthusiasm and excitement!

Happy anniversary ReNude Pride! Aaron and I appreciate your support!

Please read my lips:

Aaron and I both “thank-you” for your support and friendship!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, January 12, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “Bare Modesty?”

United Nations Day!

We all work together!

The United Nations!

The Bare Nation! The Naked Nations! The Nude Nation!

All joining their hands together. Helping hands. Cooperating. United. All for one and one for all!


Body and Clothes Freedom!

All embodied into togetherness! Bare. Naked. Nude. Not concealing their common link against artificial disguise and/or false impressions. United. Natural. Human nature. Humanity.

Shoulder support!

Confidence and Pride!

No confusion. No deception. All reality. The Bare Nation. The Naked Nation. The Nude Nation. All different yet all equal! At least there is hope for us all!

Naked truth!

No Surprise!

It takes bare practitioners (same gender loving naturists/nudists) to demonstrate to all the textile (clothed) people how to accomplish a mission of harmony, peace and respect!

The United Nations Flag!

The actual United Nations Day is celebrated tomorrow, Tuesday, October 24, 2023. This date commemorates the entry into force of the United Nations Charter in 1945. The purpose of today’s post entry is to offer the thought that bare practitioners may truly be the most creative and imaginative people around. They absolutely offer us all a prime example of the concept and ideal of a world of UnitedNations!

Hopefully, the real United Nations (UN) will strip off their clothes and march in line behind the bare practitioners!


A very happy and safe United Nations Day to all!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, October 27, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “October’s Bright Blue Weather!”

Return to Regularity!

Hairy armpits before he begins!!


Before anyone here today gets the wrong idea, this post entry does not involve or relate to any sort of bowel elimination. I hope that brief and simple explanation prevents any misunderstanding and/or confusion. Now that the official end of the summertime is now past us, today’s topic addresses the resumption by many of their personal exercise activities.

Special notation: Today’s post entry also includes these images of this man confidently exposing his commendable growth of hirsute axilla (hairy armpits)! For those here who are completely unaware, one of my very favourite aspects of male anatomy!

Active in his fitness routine!

Many of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere know the summer season affords us all too many opportunities for athletic indulgence, organized and/or spontaneous free-play and other varieties of active pleasure that are usually unavailable throughout the remainder of the year. The longer periods of actual daylight also provide the impetus for social and physical expression. The result of these factors give to many an “excuse” (reason) to abbreviate and/or abandon their daily exercise/fitness routine.

Confident of his physique development!

Now that regionally, our summer season is now complete, those who decided to take exception to their established fitness routine are now resuming their activity. For those who procrastinated initiating any type of exercise, another summer of not having a body that reflects development and maintenance, has inspired them to implement a practice to insure no repetition of their obvious embarrassment.

Treadmill exercise!

So, those of us who diligently, faithfully and regularly followed our own fitness routine throughout the entire summer season are now challenged with our own adjustment! Just as we became comfortable with a less stressful crowd at our exercise facility, we are now faced with yet another obstacle. The return of the “regulars” plus all those determined to avoid the repeating of their seasonal discomfort of not being completely fit and toned when another summer appears!


The return to the daily routine doesn’t really cause that much inconvenience. After all, most of the returnees are already familiar with the equipment and have their own scheduling. It’s the arrival of those who have to adapt to the establishment regulations, procedures, etc., and to figure out the best possible way to operate the equipment that present us with our greatest dilemma. Unsure of exactly the most beneficial essentials, they frequently question even the most polite regular for the basic guidelines on how to operate each station. Not only does this distract others from performing their procedure, it also often creates problems with the individual pieces of utilization at each station.

Instances too numerous to mention happen when one or more fitness trainers are at one station instructing “newbies” on how to properly work the exercise equipment. The backlog at the particular area sometimes becomes endless!


At times, I wonder why do we even bother with the season of summer? The ends don’t always justify the means! Oh well, time to head out to my local gym!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, October 6, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Yesteryear Gallery!”

Bare Aquatic Antics!

Remove clothes!

Prologue notation:

Before I begin composing today’s entry, let me remind everyone that the stripper-soon-to-be-skinny-dipper (above) not only has an inviting and enticing grin but he also has his hairy armpit growth intact. As I’ve published here previously, one of my favourite aspects of a man’s anatomy: underarm fur! I honestly am grateful for our man today keeping his intact and natural!


Before the seasonal transition from summer into autumn arrives, there’s still time for a free frolic into a bare aquatic adventure! While the weather cooperates, rid yourself of those cumbersome threads of body concealment and enjoy the liberation of being all-natural in the freedom of the outdoors! In other words, let’s skinny-dip (swim naked) as often as possible before the seasons and the outdoor temperatures change!


Rid yourself of the garments of shame and be yourself! Your true and real self! Additionally, when stripping for an audience, it offers one the chance to produce for the benefit not only of our community but also our entire bare practitioner culture! So grin with pride and get off the gear and enjoy the freedom of skin and sun! As we all know, these days of leisure and luxury won’t be here with us forever! Time to make every moment count in order to have a sufficient supply of memories to last us until next summer!

Totally stripped?

We need to enjoy these wonderful days while we can. Colder weather and precipitation will be upon us all-too-soon! Let’s take advantage of every opportunity for fun, sun and outdoor social nudity while nature and the weather are both compatible! Stripping down to our “basics” – skin – permits us the total freedom of the aquatics and our body, with nothing else in-between! In order to skinny-dip that’s all that we need! The fun begins once everything is

Time to skinny-dip (swim naked)!

Following the disrobing/stripping, the only thing left to complete the task is entry into the body of water. Our man here is at a private residence, either that of a friend or his own. He evidently is tired of making a splashing entrance and for today he merely “drops” into the pool! Not much effort was exerted and he has sufficient energy to skinny-dip for the remainder of the afternoon! Perfect as at this time there are not that many afternoons remaining in this summer season!

BTW: our buddy disappeared. He should be really enjoying his skinny-dip!

Stripping out of clothes is basically liberating!

Of course, once our man’s buddies get a sight of the fun times he’s having, it soon becomes a fevered “let’s all strip and skinny-dip” event. Soon, the fun frenzy fills the pool! Given the brief time remaining for summer, who can blame them for their enthusiasm?

Skinny-dip fever!

Plan now to skinny-dip as often as possible before it becomes too cold!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, September 15, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Revelation!”