Strip2Dip: Summer, 2024!

Sometimes, the simpler is better! The month of June, annually, already has the distinction of being the official month of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer+ (GLBTQ+) Pride Month. Our community and culture’s recognized and respected annual occasion to commemorate and to remember the birth of the modern struggle for equality, fairness and justice that began in the early morning hours of 28 June, 1969.

Prior to the celebration of our collective movement against bias and oppression, in the Northern Hemisphere, the month of June already possessed a designation that no one could ignore: the arrival of the Summer Season! As if the seasonal reality wasn’t enough, along with it came the ageless classic: swimming naked (vernacular: skinny-dipping)! The freedom to bare ourselves and to be ourselves – in nature or indoors!

A cautious approach!

Our man above has waited almost an entire year for another summertime to arrive so that he can renew his outdoor favourite: a skinny-dipping adventure in his backyard pool! Bare as nature with the freedom to be the man that he truly is!

Baring himself to skinny-dip!

Dropping his long-legged athletic shorts, our man kicks them aside, making it obvious for all of us that his style preference is “commando” – no underwear! Totally harmonious to the pleasure he derives from skinny-dipping (a proud bare body) in his very own pool! A simple task: SWS (sun, water, skin)! What could be easier to understand?

All that is needed is a source of water and a familiarity with the location. A bare body (clothes freedom) and the confidence and knowledge to overcome the challenge (swimming). Sunscreen for protection is the only “equipment” involved. Sun, water, and comfort with our complete nakedness! Who could possibly ask for anything more?

Skinny-dipping (swimming naked) is perhaps the most ancient of recreational events. Probably first undertaken prior to the necessity of clothing for comfort and/or warmth, humanity, nakedness and water have been compatible since the beginning of time. There is no need for us to ignore the harmony of ourselves – in our “natural” state of being – with our nature environment any longer! Especially now that the season to skinny-dip is now upon us (at least, in the Northern Hemisphere)!

The “first” step into the pool!

The “first” step is generally the most important. It allows us to familiarize ourselves with the temperature of the water in addition to acclimating us as to the depth of the pool. The more that we know, the better equipped we are for adventure, excitement and fun! The time of our summer season is limited, so it is always best to adapt ourselves as quickly as possible. We have an entire winter season to recollect on every moment we enjoy!

One important factor to remember when skinny-dipping is that it is best not undertaken alone. As a safety concern, this is essential when in a body of water, man-made or natural, that is unfamiliar and/or unknown. The man-made pool is here is obviously transparent yet having another person along is advisable, as physical complications can occur anytime and without warning. Our skinny-dipper today is being filmed by his accomplice with his camera. Two is better than one, solo!

A launch with a splash! Happy skinny-dipping!

Splashdown has occurred; another successful launching has happened! Bare practitioner is now underway! Mission control has now been advised that the first full day of summer is now set for fun, pleasure and safety! Everyone is encouraged to join in skinny-dipping as often as possible! Better to do so now than procrastinate and then wonder what happened once the frozen outdoor temperatures return!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: A little variety in my signature image here! Aaron, my spouse suggested this image as compatible with the subject of today’s posting! The next post entry here is planned for Monday, June 24, 2024, and the proposed topic is: “HIV Testing Day!”

August Fun: A Photo-Essay!


There are many fellow bare practitioners (same gender loving naturists/nudists) who relish the summer months, especially the final full month of summertime: August. Back when the days of the season were free from school, it was the “last chance” for carefree antics and spontaneous play. The 31 days of August encouraged all of us to fill every moment with enough fun and good times to last until the next summer arrived, almost a full year away!

Within two decades, a majority of primary and secondary academic calendars have adopted a year-around approach to education and summers are no longer a universal break in the scholastic routine. The recent COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic contributed to this situation. The almost three complete months of summer holiday may now be a memory from the past, but the legends of the extended vacation from knowledge and responsibility will last for years yet to come.

This posting is intended to provide a recall moment in time for many of us to ponder the days of freedom, fun and August laughter. Good times are rarely forgotten!

August theme: Get naked!

One of the infamous advantages of the month of August in the Northern Hemisphere is the ability to strip off our clothes, no matter if we’re inside or outside! Clothes freedom often created an ideal environment for unlimited adventure and excitement! There is absolutely no need to “cover-up” all the fun!

Roger and Darren!

Darren and I have been friends for years. We’re both Deaf, gay and share a preference for being proponents of the bare practitioner lifestyle. When we initially met one another, we found ourselves severely limited in building acquaintanceship with others at a clothes-free riverside park in central Virginia – our mutual home state.

Kalvin, a new and friendly acquaintance!

Darren and I first met Kalvin when we arrived back at our usual hang-out along the riverside. It only took minutes for him to show us that he understood American Sign Language (ASL). Of course, friendship happened almost instantaneously! It was fortunate that the three of us were there simultaneously!

Kalvin and I: fun pose!

Kalvin had no problems relating to Darren and I and enjoyed a similar sense of humour. We all exchanged email addresses and numbers for texting. He also relieved Darren the burden of being the “odd man out” as Aaron (my current spouse) and I were seriously becoming a definite couple by the time we all met.

Kalvin and Darren!

That particular August, we gained a certain amount of infamy from other regulars at our SGL (same gender loving) area of the riverside beach. As the month progressed, other folks soon recognized “our space” and our style of communication (manual language) and respected the fact that our interaction depended on eye contact as opposed to strictly hearing.

Adimu and Roger!

Both Aaron and Kalvin heard conversations from our SGL river neighbours that let them know that our crowd involved persons who were either Deaf and/or hard-of-hearing. They also relayed that ASL was understood and used as our primary communication tool. Other SGL Deaf men soon happened upon us and joined in our fun!

Adimu and Roger: again!

The weeks of August passed and our somewhat limited bare practitioner Deaf gang grew as we met more people who welcomed not only our shared communication ability but also our inclusive nature. In relating to some of our newer acquaintances, not all of the riverside people were favourable to our presence but were grateful to have a resource to refer others.

Aaron, my spouse!

Through all this August Fun, Aaron had his own special type of fun behind his camera lens! I’ve frequently published here of his preference for being the photographer instead of posing for pictures. However, that didn’t ban others from grabbing the camera and capturing him unaware! Notation: This image was not my undertaking!

The bare truth!

Not only is socializing friendlier when clothes free, but socializing is much easier when nude!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Friday, August 25, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Summer Chuckles!”

International Skinny Dip Day!

Conventional swimmer: clothed!

What is essential for a skinny-dip? Obviously, a body of water: man-made (pool; indoor or outdoor) or natural (lake, ocean or river), it makes no difference. The designation of today, July 8, 2023, as the International Skinny-Dip Day by no means makes this date the only day of the entire year that persons may swim naked. Everyone is allowed to swim swim-suit free any day they desire and anywhere they want – illegally or legally. This communication encourages all of those individuals who’ve never before taken the plunge clothes free to do so today in the company of others who enjoy the activity and the experience – especially those of us who are ardent bare practitioners! Try it, you just might like it!

Bolder and stripped!

Most skinny-dippers (nude swimmers) start off wearing a swim-suit. Once comfortable with that challenge – often with the companionship of those more bold and daring – they feel inclined to strip-off their cumbersome clothing and join in the fun of swimming covered in nothing else besides their own skin and a layer of sunscreen. Body freedom and social nudity make an excellent reason to lose this archaic inhibition and false sense of modesty!

Bare and proud!

We’re all born naked. Why not shed the vestiges of deceit and disguise and swim bare without a care in the world? What is there to suffer? Guilt? Shame? Those puritanical “learned behaviours” are hardly worthy of a second thought. Remember, every single one of us had to be taught how to put on clothes. Enjoy it! We’re skinny-dippers, not fashion models!

Bottoms-up without clothing!

Uncertain of your aquatic ability or skills? Relax and have fun! Keep to your level of comfort and proceed accordingly. There’s always someone around who is a better swimmer or who doesn’t swim at all. Be yourself and forget trying to impress others. We’re all in our own skin and we’re all free of designer labels! Those reality facts alone afford us enough reason to joyously skinny-dip all summer long!


Safety Suggestions:

Sunscreen application!


My spouse, Aaron and I have one essential household policy: if it occurs outside in either direct or indirect sunlight. always sunscreen! Apply it regularly and wear it with pride! All over all the time! When we’re out in public, we intentionally cover one another and then rub it in! He does me then I do him – or vice-versa! There is no shame in visually reminding others to do the same! Hopefully, if it appears erotic and bromantic, others will do likewise!

Security notice!

Safety in numbers:

It is always best not to swim alone. The water presents too much of a challenge to risk yourself! Especially in natural water that isn’t completely transparent. None of us are guaranteed of what we may or may not encounter there. The only time swimming alone is allowed is inside a man-made indoor or outdoor pool where visibility is total (however, even that isn’t encouraged).

Celebrate and enjoy!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry here is planned for Monday, July 10, 2023, and the proposed topic is: “Nude Recreation Week!”

August Playdays: Skinny-Dipping Pride!

Skinny-dipping with pride #1!

After having focused on the “pride” theme for the entire month of June of this year, I realize that many reading this may ask themselves: What? More pride? Again? First, I’m not apologizing or composing an excuse for repeating the “pride” message. June is, after all, the traditional month, at least in the USA, when gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer + (GLBTQ+) celebrate and honour their confidence and pride about and within their community and culture.

Second, as the author of ReNude Pride, yes, I most definitely am trying to justify using these “rainbow flag” skinny-dipping pictures in conjunction with today’s post entry. I acknowledge feeling neglectful of the skinny-dipping subject in my blogging topics over the past couple of years. Nude swimming and bare culture are synonymous during the month of August, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. Why ignore the topical and visible compatibility?

Skinny-dipping with pride #2!

Aaron, my beloved spouse, differs with me on this subject. He feels that I do not need to validate my selection of images and theme here. This site’s dedication to the bare practitioner community and culture is self-explanatory. His reasoning is based that as this blog’s creator, editor and writer it is my “natural” (both figurative and literal) prerogative. Thus, as devoted as we both are to one another, we have our disagreements of opinions!

The large majority of us – bare practitioners as well as those who wear clothes – fully understand that there are no codes, laws, protocols, regulations or rules that limit our engagement in pride exclusively to the month of June only. Without restriction, we are entitled to act and behave with pride and respect whenever possible. Confidence is not a limited attribute.

Skinny-dipping with pride #3!

Ideally, confidence and pride were instilled in all of us since the moment we were born. However, given the turbulent times in which we live, a growing number of us are not afforded this luxury and opportunity. Whatever the cause or reason, some of us need additional patience and tolerance as we strive to achieve this within our own lives.

Not everyone of us need or require a “rainbow flag” to remind us of our pride in being precisely what and who we are. A gentle reminder from time to time is often all that’s necessary for us to experience happy and productive lives. However, we all need to be reminded of this responsibility we all share. Together, we can make a positive difference in our everyday lives and in our world!

A gentle reminder here, the rainbow flag was replaced by the Progress banner in 2017 as a symbol of our community and culture march towards equality. The Progress version is depicted below.

A personal example of not needing a rainbow or Progress flag to demonstrate one’s self-assurance are Aaron (my spouse) and I strolling along the beach in complete body freedom (bare, naked, nude) and holding hands together. Our bare practitioner (same gender loving and clothes free) status is blatantly visible to everyone around. We are doing this in public, without any embarrassment or shame – confident and proud. No apology, excuse or reasoning necessary!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry for here is planned for Monday, August 8, 2022, and the proposed topic is: “Home With Mom!”

August: Time To Skinny-Dip!

A race to the ocean!

This bare practitioner couple feel the urgent need to share a skinny-dipping (swimming naked) experience together as they welcome the last full-month of the summer season in the Northern Hemisphere.

Closer and closer!

As they race towards the oceanic destination, their excitement increases as they seek to satisfy their desire for aquatic antics!

The surf rolls in!

The surf welcomes their energy and enthusiasm and invites their participation in its vast area of fun and games!

Mounting his shoulders!

Their joy and pleasure knows no limits as they laughingly engage in a turn of mutual summer glee and happiness!

The fun begins!

One atop another, they both anticipate a day of bare practitioner delight as the warmth of the summer sun fuels their play!


The month of August stands before them ready to offer itself for their exploration well deserved fulfillment!

Best August wishes to all!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry for here is planned for Friday, August 5, 2022, and the proposed topic is: “August Playdays!”

Aaron and I both agree this particular graphic ideally represents “Skinny-dipping!”

Canada: “Victoria Day!”

Canada’s current Queen Elizabeth II (left) and Queen Victoria (right)!

In French, an equal language in Canada, the name for this holiday is: Fete de la Reine (Celebration of the Queen)! In all of Canada, this is a public holiday that is observed on the last Monday preceding May 25, annually. Initially in honour of Queen Victoria’s actual birthday (May 24), it is now a tribute to the first monarch of a confederated Canada as well as the official founding of Canada’s sovereignty. This holiday has occurred in Canada since at least 1845, which predates the creation of the confederation.

In addition to giving historical homage to the Queen who granted the Royal Assent (signature) to the British North America Act: the very first step in the inevitable evolution of the British Empire into the Commonwealth of which the current Queen Elizabeth II officially heads.

Posing for Canada!

For a majority of Canadians, Victoria Day serves as the unofficial commencement of the summer season – a long weekend to welcome the return of warmer weather!

Queen Victoria’s Enigma:

Oceanic skinny-dipper!

My spouse, Aaron, is Canadian by birth. His paternal ancestors migrated there through the underground railway before the U.S. Civil War ended the practice of slavery. At his determined insistence, I am offering this thought.

As a nude enthusiast – and advocate – one of the greatest ironies of Queen Victoria’s reign has always been: Did Her Majesty ever skinny-dip (swim naked)? Victoria ascended to the throne in 1837. Prior to inheriting the crown, everyone swam naked. Swim suits didn’t exist before they were commercially designed and produced in the 1850’s. The genders were segregated (if necessary) and people splashed about aquatically naturally (clothes free).

Stereotypically, H. M. Queen Victoria is always considered a very stoic and solemn prude. In reality, was the lady as she is often perceived?

Happy Victoria Day!

Naked hugs!

Roger Poladopoulos/ReNude Pride

Author’s Note: The next post entry for here is planned for Friday, May 27, 2022, and the proposed topic is: “Sunglasses: Sunglamour Glory!”

Presidential Skinny-Dipping, 2020!

Monday, February 17, was the USA President’s Day holiday. This is the day that honors all the presidents of this country and is the only federal holiday observed during February. In the past, a friend invites five or six same gender loving couples to his home so that we can all skinny-dip in his indoor pool in celebration of the holiday! The wearing of clothes is discouraged between the time of arrival and the time of departure!

Continue reading Presidential Skinny-Dipping, 2020!